Thursday, February 14, 2019

Time for Turtle Soup: America is clueless to the defacto amnesty slipped into the border bill by Mitch McConnell

The loyal puppy, stuffed in a bag and thrown from the vehicle

The border deal is being rammed through as we speak, a $1+trillion package no one has read, least of all Trump

The McCabe story has sucked all the oxygen out of the Trump immigration betrayal story today on conservative talk radio

I don't believe in conspiracies, but . . ..

They'd rather talk about anything but the self-immolation of their president.

If Angel Moms can't count on Trump, can the country when it's under attack by nukes?

#25th Amendment, Section 4.

#Trail of Tears

#One term president

The White House @202-456-1414 isn't taking your opinion on the border deal until tomorrow morning @9am Eastern

Thanks for nothing, Trump.

Laura Ingraham ate Rush Limbaugh's balls for breakfast

Like Dan Bongino on Levin last night, Limbaugh is conceding on the border deal, fearing a shutdown

Spineless cowards, as always.

Drudge joins Trump in gaslighting on The Wall, shows picture of a wall but not the levee fence mentioned in the story

From the news release by US Customs and Border Protection last November:

This project includes the construction and installation of tactical infrastructure including a reinforced concrete levee wall to the height of the existing levee, 18-foot tall steel bollards installed on top of the concrete wall, and vegetation removal along a 150-foot enforcement zone throughout the approximately eight miles of levee wall system.  The levee wall system will include detection technology, lighting, video surveillance, and an all-weather patrol road parallel to the levee wall. 

Border deal gives $1 billion to Smithsonian, $3.1 billion for global health activities, $3.4 billion for refugees, $4.4 billion for international disaster relief, Ukraine, Jordan and Israel get $5.3 billion, Trump gets 55 miles of new bollard fencing, not wall

Thieving bastards.

Analyze this.

GDP per capita in Trump's GREATEST ECONOMY EVER is less than half of what it used to be

Something went terribly wrong after the year 2000, and no one has fixed it, least of all The Golden Boy.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Rush Limbaugh, The Gauleiter for The Gaslighter repeats that the wall is being built

Why Trump doesn't win on the wall: He's a paper tiger who makes idle threats and everyone knows it

More gaslighting: Trump's greatest economy ever is now in its 222nd month of a secular bear market

Trump is gaslighting his supporters about wall "being built" and Limbaugh is his talk radio Gauleiter

Ann Coulter


Little known fact: This episode on Ellen in the 1990s is why Hillary wears a back brace in the 2010s

If the alt-right were truly anti-Semitic it wouldn't take sides in the Semite wars and insist they both gtfo

If Democrat Pat Leahy thinks the budget deal funding border security is a good deal, it's a bad deal

"[W]e have got a good deal for America."

By this standard Bernie Sanders has been a Russian asset since June 1988
