Friday, February 1, 2019

Kamala Harris isn't really black

Piss my pants February 1st funny

A Friday twofer, first the Democrat Governor of Virginia and now Joe Biden outed as racist, all the way back to 1975

Man, that means the Democrat-controlled media have been burying this thing for 44 years. Gotta be a record or sumptin'.

The progressives have been saving up this stuff for this very moment.

In September 1975, Biden supported an anti-busing amendment to a federal bill. It was proposed by Sen. Jesse Helms of North Carolina, a segregationist until at least the 1960s and regarded by most to be a racist. Delighted by Biden's shift, Helms welcomed him "to the ranks of the enlightened."

Biden believed social homogeneity would be to the detriment of black people, but we know what he really meant.

Virginia's elected baby-killer Democrat governor turns out to find blackface and the KKK funny at medical school

Flew under the radar of Democrat-controlled media . . . FOREVER.

The NSC wouldn't be telling us in Michigan to obey our masters if Consumers Energy really had 350 billion cubic feet of stored natural gas

The NSC must know Consumers Energy had more like only 64 billion cubic feet before the Macomb fire, not 350 billion or even 300 billion.

How much was lost of Macomb's 41.2 billion cubic feet?

One third? All of it?

The NSC wouldn't get involved over the loss of just 11.77% of a utility's supply, now would it?


It reads as if Consumers Energy both vented-off gas into the atmosphere without burning and burned off gas in Macomb compressor incident

On the coldest day of this winter, an equipment malfunction at the utility's Ray Natural Gas Compressor Station on Omo Road near of 32 Mile in Armada Township apparently resulted in the fire that burned for about five hours, according to fire and utility officials. ...

Wednesday's fire at the compressor station -- one of three stations at the Armada Township site -- was reported about 10:30 a.m. after personnel at the facility first saw flames, utility officials said. 

Residents reported hearing an explosion, followed by flames that burned into the air and were visible for miles.

Consumers Energy officials said automatic equipment known as a fire gate shut off the flow of gas to the fire, which limited damage to the site and vent out the gas.

The utility's onsite incident management team determined the fire was contained and allowed a controlled burn to exhaust natural gas product remaining in the pipes.

Armada Township Fire Chief Dan Reynolds said a team of firefighters arrived at the scene and consulted with utility officials, but were advised to let the fire burn itself off.

"The fire looks dramatic but there is no risk to the general public," the chief  said.

"I just saw some video on (WXYZ-TV) Channel 7 and it looks like Armada is burning down. But the reality is, this is out in a field and is contained at this point."

The fire eventually burned out by 3:30 p.m. ...

The Armada Township facility accounts for about 64 percent of the utility's supply, officials added.

News reports don't add up about how much natural gas Michigan's Consumers Energy lost in the 4.5 hour compressor fire

News on the day of the blast had indicated total supply at 350 billion cubic feet, but a day later down to 300 billion cubic feet, without making a single reference to the discrepancy in the light of the explosion and 4.5 hour fire at the Macomb compressor station.

The Detroit News, below, repeats as others have that the site of the fire is where Consumers Energy has 64% of its supply, which would be, theoretically, 224 billion cubic feet of 350 billion cubic feet, if that's truly how much they have. Yet the story below says the Ray Compressor Station, Consumers' largest storage field, has only 41.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas storage. If that's really true, Consumers Energy total supply was never 350 billion cubic feet, let alone 300 billion cubic feet, but barely 64.4 billion cubic feet.

Do you know how far that would go? It certainly wouldn't supply the natural gas needs of Consumers' customer base of 1.8 million. In fact, it would supply just 413,000 average single family households for one year, that's it.

None of these stories add up.

Someone is not telling the truth, either about the real quantity of total available natural gas stored by Consumers Energy for its customers, or about how much gas was lost in the controlled burn, or both. 

The unprecedented and repeated appeals by Consumers Energy and Michigan Governor Whitmer to residents of Michigan to dial back their thermostats to 65F during a massive below-zero blizzard which shut down hundreds of schools and businesses for almost a week suggest that Consumers Energy never had the massive supply it claimed and that Michigan's population was at real risk of disaster. 

Consumers said the Ray Compressor Station, where the fire occurred, accounts for roughly 64 percent of its supply. ...

The fire erupted at 10:33 a.m. at Consumers Energy's Ray Natural Gas Compressor Station on the 69300 block of Omo Road, north of 32 Mile. ...

Consumers said despite the blast and burn-off of natural gas, the utility had filled 15 large storage facilities with extra supply for their 1.8 million natural gas customers across the state in preparation for winter fuel usage. 

Personnel on hand who handle emergencies at the Ray station contacted emergency responders, who contained the fire while letting it burn until 3 p.m., said Garrick Rochow, the company's senior vice president of operations.

" ... It's the best way to make sure all of the gas is used up," Rochow said of the contained burned [sic, read "contained burn"]. "Next, we'll do a root-cause evaluation ... It's too early to know what caused this." ...

Consumers Energy's Ray Compressor Station on Omo Road, just north of 32 Mile in Armada Township, has 41.2 billion cubic feet of storage. It is the company's largest underground natural gas storage and compressor facility. (Photo: Todd McInturf, The Detroit News) ...

The blast that accompanied the fire was felt miles away. Sherry Ventimiglia lives about two miles from the Ray station, said she thought something had happened to her home.

"It felt like something fell against the house, like a tree or something like that," Ventimiglia said. "It shook the whole house. ... I literally went running through my whole house to make sure nothing had exploded or fallen. It was very intense."

Tax and spend porn: New Democrat women climb over each other for attention

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Did Michigan's Consumers Energy lose 50 billion cf in the compressor fire this week?

On Wednesday the utility was reported to have 350 billion cubic feet of natural gas in storage. Tonight it is reported that the utility has 300 billion cubic feet, 50 billion cubic feet less than a day before. That would mean 14% of its storage went up in flames in the fire in Macomb County.

No one was bright enough at today's press briefing to ask about this.

This was a catastrophic loss of capacity during the most severe cold snap in twenty-five years, rescued only by the efforts of consumers and businesses who voluntarily cut their consumption while the utility scrambled to bring reserve fields on line.

You can turn your heat back up after midnight, Consumers Energy says:

The Jackson-based utility has 300 billion cubic feet of natural gas in storage across Michigan. On Wednesday, the company broke a record, needing 3.3 billion cubic feet of natural gas.

Laugh of the Day: Reddit spelling flash mob

The number one thing holding back American cities?

I'll see your $100 billion and raise you $100 billion, you desperate, clawing grifter

No more goat-f*cking sand refugees

The New Republic attacks The Jew Howard Schultz for getting The Protestant debt religion

Which teaches that real capitalism is about risking savings, not about leveraging debt.

It's The New Republic which has learned nothing, not Howard Schultz. As usual the liberals engage in projection of their own failings onto their enemies. 

Without savings—and with his mother seven months’ pregnant—the family was forced to rely on Jewish Family Services. Later, when debt collectors called their home, Schultz’s parents would put him on the phone to turn them away; when the family ran out of money, they sent him out to family and friends to ask for loans.  

NeverTrump Ben Shapiro reassures America today about Howard Schultz

BS: Howard Schultz is Jewish, not white. And he'll siphon votes from Trump, not the Democrat candidate.

Thank you, BS. Finally one of you admits you are not white.

Go Howard!
