Thursday, January 24, 2019

"Improper" drawing of congressional districts is not the problem, improper restriction of the number of districts is

Gerrymandering, the pervasive practice of drawing congressional districts for political purposes, owns a great deal of responsibility for the dysfunction of our government and the loss of trust among Americans in their government.

This story is a smokescreen obscuring the real problem, which is that Congress voted decades ago to stop the growth of representation. Gerrymandering is simply the problem you face after committing the offense of fixing the number of districts.

By 1930 the number of congressional districts had grown to 435, more or less naturally as required by the Constitution and the Census every ten years. The number would have kept growing, but the natural process was halted, by a bigoted, power hungry Congress.

The very people who are supposed to represent us stopped the growth of representation and fixed it at 435 in the 1920s, because they could.

The original First Amendment, never ratified with the rest of the Bill of Rights for want of but one vote, would have ensured the natural growth of representation with the natural growth of population in perpetuity by a formula. The argument was over the formula, so our forebears punted the problem, and the issue was never settled. Post-WWI, however, alarums began to sound over the expansion of the Congress to include lots of new representatives for America's burgeoning German-American population, so the Congress voted to fix representation at its then current level, 435, so they didn't have to sit next to the evil Hun in their own Capitol. (The Congress also effectively halted immigration, but that's another story).

So in 1930 one US representative held the power of the purse over 283,000 Americans, on average. Fast forward to today and a US representative can steal from 757,000 of us at a stroke, on average. How their power has grown, and how coveted the seats! Now you know why it takes $10 million to win one.

Just to get the ratio back down to 1930 levels, we'd have to have 1,163 congressional districts today instead of the 435 we do have.

Adding them would dramatically reduce the power the current 435 have over us, which is why it doesn't happen. Nancy Pelosi would have to herd 582 cats to get anything done instead of 238. And with 1,163 representatives, it's unlikely Nancy Pelosi would be the Speaker in the first place.

Redrawing the lines of this tyranny which they exercise over us isn't the solution. That's simply rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

The power hungry House is the biggest impediment to our democracy. Ironically, a bigger House is the answer, because it returns power to the people.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

In 2016 Trump campaigned saying DACA was an illegal amnesty, now he says it's not

MLK Jr Day 2019: Record 12.6 million blacks not in labor force

AOC wants to rape and pillage the bedrock of American (white) wealth: housing

Ocasio-Cortez Compares America’s Past To Nazi Germany, Says US Should Pay Reparations Like They Did:

People think reparations is reparations for slavery, but really, economically speaking, reparations are for the damage done by the New Deal and redlining because that is where we saw a compounding of the existing inequity from the legacy of slavery, where we drew red lines around black communities. We said white communities will get home loans and they will get access to the basic bedrock of wealth in America and this will be your heirloom and we gave white America the heirloom that appreciated overtime — that people still benefit from today and we did not give to African-American and Mexican communities, Puerto Rican communities.


Uh oh, looks like Covington wasn't just a Trump op, but Trump COLLUDING with the Russians

We need another special prosecutor, stat!

Trump surrogates divert attention away from his amnesty betrayal, MSNBC befuddled

Better Red than dead, eh Miller?

Co-producer of Disney's 2017 Beauty and the Beast, Jack Morrissey, wants to be the gruesome killer we only dreamt Saddam Hussein to be

Like WMD, Saddam's shredder was a myth.

FYI: Twitter's other office addresses in the USA

FYI: Twitter's HDQ is located at 1355 Market St #900, San Francisco, CA 94103

Trump has been captured by the GOP immigration establishment, and boy are they happy about it

Republican support has shifted in his favor because Trump on Saturday changed not just his tone on immigration but the substance of his policies, GOP insiders say.

Even as Trump continues to alienate Speaker Nancy Pelosi with his taunts and slights, his latest proposal demonstrates a new willingness to give ground on major areas of immigration policy.

In three areas – the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, the Temporary Protected Status program, and asylum for children in Central America – Trump had previously reversed Obama programs. On Saturday, he tamped down his negative rhetoric on immigrants while offering to reprise those programs – at least temporarily—and sign them into law, something Obama tried and failed to get from Congress during his tenure. ...

For taking on serious political risk when past Congresses and presidents have taken a pass on immigration, the president has earned the respect of influential Republicans.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Not just teenagers

Michael Savage is comparing Trump today to MLK Jr

Imperfect but great leaders, he calls them.

I'll say. The one betrayed his nonviolent followers ("a riot is the language of the unheard"), the other his strong borders voters (DACA was an unacceptable amnesty in 2016 before it became a bargaining chip in 2019). 

The Third Monday of January is the most depressing day of the year  

What a cohencidence.

Martin Luther King Jr Day is observed on the third Monday of January each year, which is around King's birthday, January 15