Monday, January 21, 2019

What was Trump's 10-point immigration plan during the 2016 campaign?

What is Donald Trump’s 10-Point immigration plan?:

5. Cancel President Obama’s executive actions

The GOP nominee would end the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals immigration policy, better known as DACA, under which roughly half a million young people brought to the U.S. as children have received temporary legal status. Trump would also cancel President Obama’s DAPA program, or Deferred Action for Parents of Americans, which would give similar status to undocumented parents of American citizens. That program has been frozen as it faces court challenges.


Trump promised to end DACA, not bargain with it, characterized it as amnesty

Rush Limbaugh from the opener: "They’re all snakes, and you can’t trust anything that they do"

You mean like this guy? You know, the guy who read a story about a snake at every campaign rally in 2016? Takes one to know one, right Rush?

It's almost like Trump orchestrated the Covington kids episode to keep his amnesty betrayal out of the news cycle

Trump just robo-called me, asking for a donation, wants me to send a brick to Nancy Pelosi so she knows we are serious

Serious? Are you kidding? The politics of immigration ended when we elected you. You are the president, idiot. You already have the power. We already showed that we are serious. Put it up or shut it up, pal.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Your next president drives drunk, stoned . . . not so much

Now that Trump has foolishly telegraphed a future amnesty, expect new hordes at the borders and points of entry

And Homeland Security is shut down, not getting paid.

Way to go, Brownie.

Washington DC Injuns to Catholic kids: "White people go back to Europe, this is not your land"


Fellow tribalists Rashida Tlaib, Helen Thomas, Barack Obama, and friends: "Jews get the hell out of Palestine, go back to Poland, Germany and America."

Miller's just upset the Catholic kids don't wear Conservatarian hats and swear like sailors

Native American Nathan Phillips has a history of seeking out confrontation over race

He's been around a long time and has a Wikipedia page, which is up to date with the latest incident in Washington, DC where he gets in the face of some easy marks, a bunch of unsuspecting Catholic kids.

Just one previous example, at Eastern Michigan University in 2015 when he went looking for trouble:

Native American claims racial harassment by EMU students dressed as indians.

Gaslighting on a civilizational scale began with just one tribe convincing eleven other tribes to cough up their best animals in exchange for their sins

Clean water flows only from white privilege (and places it subdued in 1945, 1953 and 1973)

Whites want smaller government because they're tired of the privilege of having to pay for all of it

Donald Judas Trump: We'll trade immigration amnesty, not right now but for something bigger

Turns out Nancy Pelosi represents a shit-hole district

Add in AOC's 70% marginal income tax rates and it all just adds up to old-fashioned rape and pillage