Friday, January 11, 2019

Trump tweeted about a path to citizenship for H-1B visa holders today, but Rush Limbaugh said . . .

. . . not one word about it.

They are not on our side.

Rashida Tlaib's (Democrat, MI-13) Muslim heritage means wiping Israel off the map

So much winning . . .

One term president flip-flops on H-1B visa holders

In March 2016 Trump didn't think too highly of H-1B visa holders, now he wants to make them citizens


Hey Doug Jones, D-AL, in 2018 YOU diverted $500 million of our money to build a wall in Jordan

Sen. Doug Jones, D-Ala., a member of the committee,  said Thursday that he hopes Trump doesn’t declare an emergency and divert military money to build a wall. “Congress is concerned about the overreach, and I think the American public is concerned about the overreach of the executive branch of government right now,” Jones said.

Russia is just the other side's QAnon, kept Hillary out of Wisconsin for 105 days

 "Russians reading Real Clear Politics is cyber Pearl Harbor".

Mental illness is pandemic.

QAnon virus swallows everything: Trump orchestrated outing of Bezos' affair

Like he didn't have better things to do.

Exhibit 329,097,425 for our failed education system

Thursday, January 10, 2019

You ought to be more discreet, people might start to think they are conspiring to destroy our civilization

Some people are wondering why it took a supposed intellectual ten months to figure out a friend was an enemy

Nothing personal, just business.

Steve King finds out too late that the only people permitted to be white supremacists are conservative intellectuals

Two kinds of security theatre, not actual security: $8 billion a year for TSA to feel up grandma at the airport, $5 billion for part of a wall around which sex offenders will still get in

Maybe it would just be cheaper to bring them straight in and let them loose in the airports.

Everyone has their price, including Richard Spencer


Good God the alt-right is dumb: Republicans need your votes but HATE your agenda . . .

They spend their valuable time and political power on their agenda, you fool.

The naiveté is breathtaking sometimes.

Breaking news: Cher caves to Trump on government shutdown over the wall


Remember when Donald Trump gave out Lindsey Grahamnesty's phone # for calling him a jackass?

The good old days.

Donald Trump gives out Lindsey Graham's cellphone number:

On Tuesday, Trump ramped up his attacks on the South Carolina senator — who made headlines Monday for calling the Donald a “jackass” — and even gave out Graham’s private phone number.


If Beto O'Rourke's dental hygienist was born in El Paso, why does she have to study to become a citizen?

Diana, wearing goggles and a mask over her face, said she was born in El Paso and that her father was a U.S. citizen. She added that her mother was born in a small town in Mexico and that she herself was a permanent resident in the U.S. while studying for her American citizenship. 

Jerusalem Post boasts 6% of the new Congress is Jewish, complains Christians are over-represented

Wait until it's full of Muslim motherf*ckers and then see how you like it.

There are 34 Jews in the House and Senate, which is 6.4% of the total 535. All but two are Democrats.

Congress as a whole is overwhelmingly Christian — even more so than the country. Seventy-one percent of Americans identify as Christian, compared to 88 percent of Congress. Both Protestants and Catholics are over-represented on Capitol Hill.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019