Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Jeff Sessions sent resignation letter to Trump yesterday, and he's outta there

Reported here.

There goes drug enforcement, and immigration enforcement, and action against sanctuary cities, and . . ..

Rush is wrong: Of 23 seats qualifying as "pure" Republican resignations in the US House according to 538, just 7 flipped to Democrat

That's just 30% of Republican seats resigned flipping to the Democrats.

But of all 35 projected total pickups by Democrats, that's just 20%.

You can't blame resignations, Rush:  

CA-49 (66% of the vote counted)
WA-08 (64% of the vote counted).

What matters to Rush Limbaugh is that Trump get reelected in 2020, not that we get jobs, pay raises and The Wall

Politics, not people, is what matters to Rush Limbaugh.

We now face two years of gridlock, attacks, investigations and impeachment because feckless Republicans lost the US House.

Trump and the Republicans squandered their first year, and delivered nothing consequential for average Americans in their second, and now they've paid the political price. Losing 30+ seats and not even running in 30+ more is retreating, not fighting.

Meanwhile we get bupkis, as usual.

The only redeeming thing is that we might get some good judges because Republicans still control the US Senate, but that doesn't pay the mortgage.

Hm, now 14 US sailors in reactor room of aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan face drug abuse charges

Gee, where'd they ever get the idea that drug use was ok?

Taylor Swift loses in Tennessee

Marsha Blackburn: 1,224,042
Phil Bredesen:           981,667

Buh-Bye Beto, buh-bye $70 million

Ted Cruz: 4,228,832
Beto O'Rourke: 4,015,082

Hillary civility watch starts now: "If we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that's when civility can start again"

Already ranked tenth in the nation for drug addiction, drug wave in Michigan sweeps Democrats into power

Proposal One legalizing recreational marijuana dragged the druggies out of the woodwork yesterday, sweeping Democrats into power in Michigan in the offices of governor, attorney general and secretary of state on the coattails of nearly 2.2 million Yes voters.

In addition they propelled other liberal propositions to victory including redistricting reform and motor voter, attracting 2.3 million and 2.6 million Yes votes respectively.

These voters also rewarded the liberal Republican-endorsed Supreme Court Judge Elizabeth Clement with reelection, who controversially voted to put George Soros' Proposal Two on the ballot this summer.

Democrats were swept into office on the coattails of these ballot proposals by vote totals nearly as large as for the proposals themselves.

Despite giving up 7 governorships to Democrats, Republicans look set to control 27 nationwide

Democrats captured governorships in Illinois, Kansas, Maine, Michigan, New Mexico, Nevada, and Wisconsin in Election 2018.

DeSantis narrowly defeated the radical Gillum in Florida for a Republican hold there, while Kemp appears to have staved-off gun-grabber Abrams in Georgia.

In a bad sign for Trump's immigration agenda, Kobach in Kansas lost to the Democrat in the general after only narrowly winning his own primary.

What's the matter with Kansas?

Scott Walker finally lost an election in Wisconsin, by the slimmest of margins.

Republican Rauner in Illinois got creamed by Pritzker. They'll have to erect a wall around Illinois now just to keep the people in.

Bill Schuette lost decisively in Michigan in part because the NeverTrump Republican Governor Rick Snyder wouldn't endorse him.

Republicans look set to capture decisive control of the US Senate 55-45 in Election 2018

Republicans have captured US Senate seats in Florida, Indiana, Missouri and North Dakota while Democrats have taken Nevada.

Republicans appear headed for victory by narrow margins in Arizona, Mississippi and Montana.

Republicans failed even to run a candidate for US Senate against Dianne Feinstein in California, who is so disliked there by Democrats that she is winning unopposed with just 54% of the vote at this hour.

Election 2018: Democrats projected to take the US House 226-209 in the final tally

With 21 races still outstanding this morning, Democrats have captured a net 26 seats from the Republicans so far, for a total of 219-195.

Democrats lead in 7 more of the 21 outstanding races for a total projected win of 226 seats in the US House.

Republicans didn't even field candidates in 38 districts nationwide.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Members of Montana's Crow Tribe were in the crowd recently cheering on President Trump

Kavanaugh accusers now subject to criminal referrals for making false allegations of sexual assault which Democrats insisted we believe

The Boston Herald reports here:

Democrats insist we must “believe women” regardless of the facts, evidence — or lack thereof — when the rest of us smell a rat.

On Friday one of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s accusers, Judy Munro Leighton — a left-wing activist who opposed his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court — admitted to congressional investigators she made up the lurid back seat rape tale as “a tactic” and to get attention. She now admits she’s never even met Kavanaugh. She, along with Julie Swetnick and lawyer Michael Avenatti, are all subject to criminal referrals by the Senate Judiciary Committee on allegations of false sexual misconduct charges.

These are the despicable frauds that Democrat lawmakers insisted we believe.

Mitchell poll in Michigan now shows Republican John James just 3-points behind Stabenow after being down by 13

Detroit News: George Soros-funded Sixteen Thirty Fund really is behind Michigan Proposition 2 just as it was behind the anti-Kavanaugh campaign

From the story here:

The Sixteen Thirty Fund is a 501(c)(4) based in Washington D.C. It recently funded Demand Justice, a social welfare organization that executed a massive campaign to oppose the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh, airing 3,200 ads against Kavanaugh and receiving $2 million from George Soros to further their efforts. Is this the kind of organization we want meddling in Michigan affairs of such lasting importance?

Monday, November 5, 2018

Republicans take 1-point lead in final Rasmussen generic congressional poll before tomorrow's election

Reported here this morning:

The final Rasmussen Reports Generic Congressional Ballot before Election Day shows Republicans edging ahead by one point, but in essence, the two parties are tied. The survey has a +/-2 percentage point margin of error.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds that 46% would choose the Republican candidate if the elections for Congress were held today. Forty-five percent (45%) would vote for the Democrat. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and six percent (6%) remain undecided.

Clintonite Mark Penn: Trump has ideas, Democrats have only attacks, investigations and impeachment

Trump has also deployed more specific issue ideas than anyone in a long time. ...

Other than investigations and impeachment, what are the Democrats running on? They have made an issue of health insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions. Trump has said he too would cover them. The Democratic idea is not a health-care plan, but an attack.

Nor do Democrats have an economic plan many people can remember. Nor a plan on immigration. Nor a plan to deal with jobs migrating to China and Mexico.

President Trump taunts the Democrats, calling them the “open borders” party. And yet the Democrats have absolutely no plan for dealing with illegal immigration. In response, they attack the president personally – exactly how Hillary Clinton handled Trump in the last presidential campaign.