Thursday, September 27, 2018

Ford was a cheerleader and party girl at Holton-Arms, apparently had the nickname "Easy Blasey"

Republicans got her yearbooks, which had been scrubbed from the web, but never used them today.

From the story here at Real Clear Investigations:

Other evidence indicates Ford, a popular cheerleader at the time, was immersed in an alcohol-fueled party culture and no stranger to “keg parties” in the D.C. area — or the "bar scene" along the Maryland and Delaware coast. In fact, Ford was known as a "party girl” on the Delaware shore during summer breaks, another source with direct knowledge of the congressional investigation said.

One report, moreover, recounts how Ford once got caught in "a romantic triangle" at Dewey Beach that ended with the two men getting into a fistfight over her.

At Holton-Arms, the source added, she was known by classmates, and even some parents, by a sexually derogatory nickname playing off her maiden name Blasey, suggesting she was promiscuous.

“She was not the wholesome Catholic girl they’re trying to portray her as,” the source said, making her claims of victimization at the hands of Kavanaugh "harder to believe."

Uh oh, Jennifer Rubin must have just seen her search results, or WaPo is paying bonuses today

Kavanaugh unites Trump and NeverTrump

Brett Kavanaugh: Gabba Gabba Hey

Mollie Hemingway has incisive thinkers for friends (conservative Lutherans have good taste)

So-called conservative Jennifer Rubin earned her WaPo paycheck today (somebody's having a little fun with her search results tonight)

Kavanaugh hearing was Democrats' #MeToot moment

When Republicans redact to protect identity, they redact AND PROTECT

Perfect ending to this charade, indeed: Democrats blame the victim

Feinstein just blamed the victim for leaking her story!


Oh, so this is political.

If these cowards and slime in the US Senate refuse to confirm Kavanaugh, I hope he runs for president

Brett Kavanaugh is the great man Donald Trump only dreams he could be.

Stephen L. Miller and Sean Davis are providing on-going commentary on the hearing on their Twitter feeds

Donald Trump fights for Brett Kavanaugh like he fights for his wall

"I'm going to see what happens tomorrow. I'm going to be watching," he said during a rare solo news conference. "I'm going to see what's said. It's possible they will be convincing." "I can be persuaded also," the President went on. "I can't tell you if they're liars until I hear them."