Thursday, September 27, 2018

Feinstein just blamed the victim for leaking her story!


Oh, so this is political.

If these cowards and slime in the US Senate refuse to confirm Kavanaugh, I hope he runs for president

Brett Kavanaugh is the great man Donald Trump only dreams he could be.

Stephen L. Miller and Sean Davis are providing on-going commentary on the hearing on their Twitter feeds

Donald Trump fights for Brett Kavanaugh like he fights for his wall

"I'm going to see what happens tomorrow. I'm going to be watching," he said during a rare solo news conference. "I'm going to see what's said. It's possible they will be convincing." "I can be persuaded also," the President went on. "I can't tell you if they're liars until I hear them."

Brett Kavanaugh's deeds are plain for all to see, his accusers' dark and filthy

Nor need I speak my deeds, for these you see:
The sun and day are witnesses for me.

-- John Dryden

Tim Walberg just blamed no funding for the wall on Democrats Chuck Shumer and Debbie Stabenow

Just now on the Steve Gruber Show.

Walberg knows damn well Republicans control the Congress and can pass such spending if they want to. Spending bills don't require supermajorities.

Republicans simply don't want a wall.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Ford took polygraph Aug. 7 in MD, told Feinstein she'd be back in CA after Aug. 10: How'd she do it if afraid to fly?

She protested Grassley's invitation to testify so quickly partly on the grounds of fear of flying.

Julie Swetnick was thick as thieves with Ford's attorney Katz already A DECADE AGO

NBC lies about Senate probe of recent anonymous allegation dating to 1998

The Senate has already dismissed the anonymous allegation. There is no "probe", just hysteria.

Julie Swetnik's former boyfriend briefly got restraining order against her

Julie Swetnick, the woman who accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and a friend of attending house parties where women — including herself — were sexually assaulted, had a restraining order filed against her years later in Miami by her former boyfriend.

Trump wimps out again under cover of Brett Kavanaugh story, signs spending bill he said he wouldn't sign absent Wall funding

Ford polygraph (4 boys, 2 girls at party), Ford letter to Feinstein (four others), Ford to WaPo (four boys)

Julie Swetnick was in college when Brett Kavanaugh was 17: Maybe she supplied them the alcohol and drugs

[A]ccording to the New York Times, “Ms. Swetnick grew up in Montgomery County, Md., graduating from Gaithersburg High School in 1980 before attending college at the University of Maryland, according to a résumé for her posted online. Judge Kavanaugh graduated from Georgetown Prep in 1983.” That means she would have met Kavanaugh while she was 17 or 18, and he was 15 or 16 years old. It also would mean that she was attending high school parties while in college.

Julie Swetnick was a zealous participant, attending 10 parties, and maybe committed statutory rape herself

Brett Kavanaugh's girlfriend when he was 17 backs him up

The Wall Street Journal reports here:

Maura Kane, who dated Judge Kavanaugh for several months when they were both 17-year-old high-school students, said in an interview Wednesday that she didn’t know Ms. Swetnick and didn’t believe such parties occurred. “The allegations are so outrageous and insane,” Ms. Kane said in an interview. “It’s absolutely ridiculous, and we stand by Brett.”

Rasmussen Generic Congressional Ballot Wednesday 9/26/18



An oldie but a goodie from 2009

AM radio's incessant propagandists for women and LGBTs of the Ad Council lied in 2012 that they created Rosie the Riveter

And their lie remains on the record, here at HuffPo, because, you know, women can never lie:

“Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires.” “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk.” “Loose Lips Sink Ships.” “Take a Bite Out of Crime. “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste.” You’ve heard these slogans, right? Whether you’re old enough to remember them or they’re familiar because they’ve seeped through our popular culture (Rosie the Riveter paraphernalia is everywhere these days), they ring a bell. They’re memorable and iconic. And they were created by the Ad Council. ... You know about Rosie the Riveter, but did you know that she helped recruit over two million women to join the workforce during the war?

But this so-called Rosie the Riveter isn't Rosie, and wasn't created until 1943, and not by the Ad Council but by Westinghouse's artist, a man, J. Howard Miller, for internal use only and was little seen:

"We Can Do It!" is an American World War II wartime poster produced by J. Howard Miller in 1943 for Westinghouse Electric as an inspirational image to boost worker morale. The poster was very little seen during World War II. It was rediscovered in the early 1980s and widely reproduced in many forms, often called "We Can Do It!" but also called "Rosie the Riveter" after the iconic figure of a strong female war production worker. The "We Can Do It!" image was used to promote feminism and other political issues beginning in the 1980s. ... [D]uring the war the image was strictly internal to Westinghouse, displayed only during February 1943, and was not for recruitment but to exhort already-hired women to work harder. ... No more than 1,800 copies of the 17-by-22-inch (559 by 432 mm) "We Can Do It!" poster were printed. It was not initially seen beyond several Westinghouse factories in East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the midwestern U.S., where it was scheduled to be displayed for two five-day work weeks starting Monday, February 15, 1943. ... During World War II, the "We Can Do It!" poster was not connected to the 1942 song "Rosie the Riveter", nor to the widely seen Norman Rockwell painting called Rosie the Riveter that appeared on the cover of the Memorial Day issue of the Saturday Evening Post, May 29, 1943. The Westinghouse poster was not associated with any of the women nicknamed "Rosie" who came forward to promote women working for war production on the home front. Rather, after being displayed for two weeks in February 1943 to some Westinghouse factory workers, it disappeared for nearly four decades.

Beto O'Rourke detonates suicide vest in race against Ted Cruz, claims he didn't leave scene of accident while drunk

Laugh of the Day: Four people claiming I told them last year that I went to the moon proves I did