Monday, February 20, 2017

Laugh of the Day: Over 100 "Day Without Immigrants" protesters fired from their jobs

From the story here:

More than 100 protesters across the country were fired from their jobs after skipping work to take part in last week's "Day Without Immigrants" demonstration. Restaurants and day cares were among the businesses in states like Florida, Tennessee, Oklahoma and New York where bosses fired workers after they didn't show up for work in order to protest. ... At Ben's Kosher Delicatessen Restaurant & Caterers in Long Island, New York, 25 workers were fired Friday when they returned to work, according to Telemundo 47. Police escorted the workers from the restaurant — most of whom were undocumented and have worked there for years.

Obama pollster Cornell Belcher gets one thing right: Hillary failed to hold the Obama coalition

Or as we say, 5.1 million former Obama voters in 39 states from 2008 didn't vote for Hillary in 2016.

Do Belcher's math. He estimates from exit polling data that about 7% of the non-white millennial electorate voted third party, allowing Trump to squeeze in. Hillary's total of 65.85 million popular votes supplemented by the 5.1 million in 39 states who didn't vote for her is 70.95 million, 7% of which is 5 million.

Belcher, who is black, racializes the whole thing from there, complaining that Democrats failed to make the race about race. But obviously these non-white millennials still voted for whites, so it wasn't about race for them either. It was about young progressives being unable to bring themselves to vote for two loathsome candidates, one of whom turned out to be more loathsome to more people than the other.

As they say in the legal profession, hard cases make bad law. Election 2016 was a hard case, and we shouldn't draw the wrong conclusions from it as both Democrats and Republicans still seem to be doing.

Belcher, here in Salon:

Demographics are destiny. What happens to a centrist Democrat quite frankly who can’t hold that Obama coalition? Donald Trump is a president who did not win a plurality of the public. In fact, one of my reports was leaked to the New York Times, saying that millennials were rejecting the binary choice of the lesser of two evils.

When you look at the exit data, you have 8 or 9 percent of younger African-Americans voting third-party. You have 6 or 7 percent of younger Latinos voting third-party. Hillary is almost off Barack Obama’s winning margins by the same percentage of our young people voting third party. So that’s how [Trump] squeaked in.

Again, Trump didn’t expand the Republican tent. He didn’t bring in all these millions upon millions of new Republican voters. This was about Democrats losing, more so than Trump remaking the electorate and winning in some sort of profound and new way. It should not have been a winning percentage, right? ...

When you look at battleground state after battleground state, Hillary was off Obama’s margins by five or six points and Trump was, at best, one or two points up in Michigan or Wisconsin or Florida. Again, it wasn’t like he was four, five points better than Mitt Romney. It was that she was five or six points below what Barack Obama did.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Rand Paul slams John McCain, says he would have bankrupted the country by now with perpetual war

McCain's in Munich slamming Trump as a dictator. McCain's proving everyday what a horrible president he would have made.

Senator Rand Paul, putting the embarrassing man in his place, here:

“He would bankrupt the nation. We’re very lucky John McCain’s not in charge, because I think we’d be in perpetual war,” Paul added.

Laugh of the Day: The Stasi calls Trump a traitor

Linda Stasi, here.

Go back to East Germany where you came from.

Nathan Lewis thinks pretty highly of Judy Shelton's book on the gold standard

Today, the Federal Reserve, with the blessing of Congress, large banks, and many others, has embarked on an open-ended policy of printing money on a daily basis, basically to fund the Federal government's budget deficit although no one may speak such things in name. These situations tend to end badly, and are soon followed -- as was the case with the United States in 1789, immediately after the Continental Dollar hyperinflation of the 1780s -- by a rigorous gold standard system, more along the lines of the other four proposals that Shelton identifies.

The biggest gold standard advocates are those who lived through a hyperinflation. It is easy to forget that the hard money advocates of 1789 -- Hamilton, Jefferson, et. al -- were actually the same people that were printing money to finance Federal budget deficits in the 1780s, in the guise of the Continental Congress. Oops. More recently, people like Ludwig von Mises, who lived through the Austrian hyperinflation of the 1920s, became the biggest gold standard advocates of the 20th century.

Larry Kudlow likes her a lot, too, and had her on his show yesterday. You can listen to the podcast about an hour and twenty in at Go to the Saturday schedule and scroll down for the podcast.

Friday, February 17, 2017

CNBC and WaPo just plain lie: Cost of Air Force One alone under Obama was $577 million

2799 hours in the air @ $206,377 per hour.

But here's CNBC lying through its teeth, relying on WaPo lying through its teeth, putting the cost at less than 17% of that:

Trump's time in office could cost taxpayers "hundreds of millions of dollars or more," topping the estimated $97 million of travel-related expenses during the Obama administration, the Post reported. 

Trump can fly to Mar-a-Lago and back every weekend for 9.2 years before he spends what Obama spent flying everywhere.

Michigan man outs sexual past of libertarian teacher in Texas on Facebook, gets her fired but only because she told on herself

Facebook. Why are you people on there again?

From the story, here:

DISD initially cleared her in an internal investigation last March, when officials first learned of her past. But the district didn’t move to terminate her until last fall. Woodward is active in the Libertarian Party, and a Michigan man took issue with one of her posts and “outed” her on Facebook. She was removed from the classroom after alerting the district about the man's action. 

Up for reelection, sexist Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill gets out front early distancing herself from progressives even though she is one

"Men, just shut the hell up"
What a liar.


“Many of those people are very impatient with me because they don't think I'm pure. For example, they think I should be voting against all of Trump's nominees and of course I'm judging each nominee on its own merit," she said.

Says the woman who gave her opponent Republican Todd Akin money in order to defeat him.

She's pure all right, pure trouble, deception and lies.

McCaskill gets a D- on immigration reduction from NumbersUSA here, and votes with conservatives in Congress only about 13% of the time, making her . . .

very liberal.

She backed same sex marriage. She backed Hillary Clinton. She might as well represent Connecticut.

Wake up, Missouri, ditch this bitch who thinks men should just shut the hell up.

Story in the Daily Beast about rift between Obama's OFA and Democrat Party smells like a ruse to me

As in, move along, ignore the OFA, nothing to see here.

I don't think so.

The story here wants us to take seriously the idea that Democrat regulars have a very low opinion of Organizing for America. But every Democrat is cheering that this organization is putting hostile audiences at Republican townhall meetings to protest Trump, support Obamacare, promote immigration at airports, yada yada yada.

Democrat regulars will have to do better than a "leaked email" and some lies told with a wink and a nod.

Let's give women a week without taking out the trash

Hillary call your office: Jason Chaffetz sends letter to AG Sessions asking for grand jury or charges against Bryan Pagliano

Story here.

Pruitt confirmed to EPA 52-46, Senate to take a week off leaving Trump appointees still unconfirmed

Now we're talkin': Much of State Dept. 7th floor staff laid off

The Deep State at the State Dept. sent packing.

From the story here:

Much of seventh-floor staff, who work for the Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources and the Counselor offices, were told today that their services were no longer needed. ... Ambassador Kristie Kenney, the Counselor of the State Department and one of the last remaining senior officials, was informed that she will be let go. She is a career foreign service officer who had served as an ambassador under Presidents Obama, Bush and Clinton. 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Newsflash for those of you who think Trump's talk of an inherited mess is silly

You obviously had full-time work under Obama. We didn't for almost eight years, and not even part-time work for five. Our best money-saving work years are now all lost.

You obviously enjoyed the stock market recovery and even continued to invest, but we had to sell assets to preserve them and liquidate some just to survive.

Now we're stuck with non-income producing investments thanks to Ben and Janet and a stock market which is too expensive for a sane person to buy.

You obviously refinanced your mortgage at rock bottom rates, but we couldn't without that full-time job. And now that we can, it's hardly worth the expense thanks to Elizabeth Warren and her CFPB.

Meanwhile the gutters leak, the driveway needs paving, and the snowblower needs an overhaul.

You obviously drive on fresh wheels, but our cars are 10 and 20 years old in 2017. We'll probably keep them another ten because our mechanic is an honest Christian.

You obviously feel entitled to vacations and take them regularly, but we haven't had a real one since the 1990s.

You obviously enjoy dining out at restaurants, but we shop for bargains and cook at home almost every night.

You obviously consume healthcare like you do jet fuel, but we only go to a doctor, dentist, ENT or ophthalmologist when we absolutely have to because it's all out of pocket because of ObamaCare.

At Christmas we mostly give each other necessities, like new shirts socks and underwear, just so we have plenty of things to open to make the holiday seem more festive than it is.

We don't have television service because it's a costly waste of time, but for entertainment we enjoy listenting to Donald Trump on the radio dressing you down.

He's the best thing that's happened to us in years.

Of course Trump had the biggest electoral win since Reagan because no one expected the Hillary defections

Just as America turned its back on incumbent Democrat Jimmy Carter in 1980, so did America to Hillary Clinton, heir apparent, in 2016.

Trump was expected right up to the eve of the election to lose by between two to four points, and did end up losing by two points, except that he won enough states to win in the Electoral College 306-232 before faithless electors had their say.

The magnitude of that was overwhelming because it was unexpected. We even had people predicting Trump would win the popular vote but end up losing to Hillary in the Electoral College.

It turned out exactly the opposite. Every honest person who stayed up until three in the morning watching it all unfold knows how unexpected was Trump's win in the Electoral College. Everyone on our side expected the worst . . . a decisive Hillary victory.

The fact remains: Hillary underperformed Obama 2008 in 39 states because the people disliked her more than they disliked Trump.

And that's quite an accomplishment.

Mass hypnotist persuades 5.1 million former Obama voters not to vote for Hillary

66-year old gay Latina named Cox claims to be frightened by Trump election

Sure you are, sweetheart.

Open-borders free trade fanatic at Hoover wants Trump to resign

Richard Epstein, here, who didn't vote at all.

62,985,106 Americans who did vote for Trump don't.