Friday, February 10, 2017

A clear majority of Europeans are fed up with Muslim migration: 55% want it stopped

Tom Price confirmed to HHS 52-47

White working class is lazy says the guy who's bustin' the buttons on his shirt

Bill Kristol, here:

Weekly Standard editor-at-large Bill Kristol said Tuesday afternoon that the white working class should be replaced by immigrants as they have become “decadent, lazy” and “spoiled.”

Thursday, February 9, 2017

If China nukes the NE corner of 7th and Mission Streets in San Francisco is President Trump obligated to retaliate?

Penn appoints America's dumbest VP ever to Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professorship

Keep practicing Joe, for all the good it'll do ya.

Story here.

The New York Sun says Gorsuch lost his bearings too easily in a storm, suggests he ought to be yanked



It would not be surprising, though, were Mr. Trump to turn around and yank Judge Gorsuch’s nomination and send up to the Senate a candidate who can keep his or her cool.

Conrad Black warns that judges can evolve unpredictably

I predict Gorsuch will be no different simply because of the way he was quick to grovel before Sen. Blumenthal.

Once in a life sinecure, judges often evolve unpredictably. President Gerald Ford named John Paul Stevens to the Supreme Court as a conservative, and he eventually became one of the most left-wing judges in the Court’s history, making William O. Douglas seem like “Hanging Judge” Jeffreys in comparison.

Richard Nixon had a similar experience with Harry Blackmun, and John F. Kennedy named Byron White to the high court as a liberal and he proved quite conservative. Judge Robart has metamorphosed into another northwestern liberal, seizing most opportunities to utter rabble-rousing left-wing battle cries.

Byron York: Both sides ignorant, 60 born in the seven countries in Trump's EO were convicted of terror crimes

Last year the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest released information showing that at least 60 people born in the seven countries had been convicted — not just arrested, but convicted — of terror-related offenses in the United States since Sept. 11, 2001. And that number did not include more recent cases like Abdul Artan, a Somali refugee who wounded 11 people during a machete attack on the campus of Ohio State University last November.

So the talking point wasn't true. And yet at the 9th Circuit oral argument, the judges appeared to believe it was true, and Justice Department lawyer August Flentje didn't know enough to correct them.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The 9th Circuit, loaded with Jimmy Carter appointees, was reversed 107 times 1999-2008 by the Supreme Court, no other circuit came close

Data here.

Stephen Curry thinks he's just oh so precious

About as authentic as 100% polyester.

Story here.

What's next from CNBC, an interview with a food server disgruntled with Trump?

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals is taking so long because they know Trump's right

Coming up with a work around takes time.

Sessions confirmed 52-47

We were sayin' "Hey!" before this guy made it famous

Hey Neil Gorsuch, 30 states are pretty demoralized that their laws defining marriage were overturned by a few judges in DC

Neil Gorsuch, who just disqualified himself for not knowing the meaning of abhorrent, should have kept his big fat yap shut, here:

“I told him how abhorrent Donald Trump’s invective and insults are towards the judiciary. And he said to me that he found them ‘disheartening’ and ‘demoralizing’ – his words,” Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D- Conn.) said in an interview.

Gorsuch “stated very emotionally and strongly his belief in his fellow judges’ integrity and the principle of judicial independence,” he added. “And I made clear to him that that belief requires him to be stronger and more explicit, more public in his views.”

Wake up, dummies, using Medicaid means your estate is subject to recovery when you die

Welcome to Day 19 of Hillary Will Never be President

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Grand Rapids, Michigan, climate update for January 2017

Average temperature was 29.0 F in January 2017 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 5.2 degrees above normal but only 15th warmest on record.

Monthly lowest minimum was 2.0 F. The mean is -3.0.

The high was 61.0 F. The mean is 49.

Precipitation was 3.51 inches. The mean is 2.05.

January snowfall was 14.8 inches. The mean is 18.5.

Heating degree days came to 1108. The mean is 1271.

Presidents ranked by average per annum real GDP growth rates

JFK/LBJ: 4.8%
Truman: 4.7%
Clinton: 3.8%
Reagan: 3.4%
Carter: 3.2%
IKE: 2.9%
Nixon/Ford: 2.7%
Bush 41: 2.2%
Bush 43: 2.1%
Obama: 1.5%

And we thought Jimmy Carter was bad.

He would have been a 113% improvement over Obama.

Nancy Pelosi is as goofed up in the head as Maxine Waters, thinks Bush is president, but once she says "Bush" Maxine's eyes grow big!

Story and video here.

Senate women march on Betsy DeVos: Where's the solidarity, woman?

There are 21 women in the US Senate, but only three voted to confirm Betsy DeVos.

To these hypocrites liberalism trumps gender.