As we all know, Congress sucks.
About only 17% of Americans approved of the Congress in 2016 according to
Gallup, which is indicative of the historical lack of esteem for it. The average is just 31% approval since 1974. Real Clear Politics has its own tracker
here, going back only to 2009. It is a composite of various polls, yielding an even lower average of 14.5% approval than Gallup's current 18%.
You get the idea. At best only about a third of the people approve of the job Congress is doing at any given time. And the
top reasons given are 1) gridlock, bickering, not compromising and 2) not getting anything done, not making decisions.
So why make Congress bigger?
In a word, to make it more representative, end the gridlock and get something done.
In short, make Congress overwhelmingly Republican . . . because the country is.
Currently, just 435 congressmen and women represent districts unnaturally carved out of America's 3,144 counties, parishes, boroughs, census areas, independent cities and the District of Columbia.
I say unnaturally carved out because after every census the gerrymandering fight begins to redraw the congressional district lines to favor incumbents of the party in power whose boundaries transgress all over those counties, parishes, boroughs, census areas, independent cities and DC.
We've already got all these boundaries and units that go back to the beginning of the country in many cases, so we don't need these 435 fake Congressional districts anymore.
My own county with a population of just over 600,000 is carved up by two congressmen who each represent over 700,000 spanning many other counties. That doesn't make any sense.
The constitution never intended this.
It intended representation to grow with population, but in the 1920s Congress saw a loophole and fixed representation at the then current 435. There's nothing magic about 435. Why not 439? 394? 943? Did Moses decree 435? George Washington? The founders never settled the question, but they never intended representation to stop growing with population. If we followed an early formula, we'd have one Congressman for every 50,000 people. That would mean 6,473 in the US House today!
Ever since the 1920s we've been treated to an increase in oligarchy where just 218 votes are needed to ram something down the throats of more and more people.
You know, like Obamacare, which was passed without a single Republican vote.
Meanwhile Republicans just showed that they own the grassroots politically,
winning the counties 2623 to 489. Here's the map that shows that, from brilliant maps dot com:
If you want to end the gridlock and get something done, reform the Congress to represent the country for a change. Abolish the Congressional districts, and elect representatives to the US House from every county across this land.
You say you want a revolution . . ..