Friday, September 30, 2016

Chris Matthews of PMSNBC sounds like he wants to be for Trump

"[Trump] knows that the average guy out there, the average joe, the regular guy and woman, is very angry about the way this country -- and Hillary is the symbol of the establishment. She is the symbol of the way things are headed... and they don't like that. They are trying to ring the bell and say, 'No!' And Trump is the only way to ring it... If Trump is even smart enough to know this, it would be really dangerous." 

Much more here.

FOX News poll goes from Trump +1 on 9/14 to Hillary +5 on 9/29

More evidence Trump's performance at Debate One is hurting him.

In the news at the top of the hour, the Presidential Debate Commission admits there were problems with Donald Trump's microphone

Friday night news dump, when no one is paying attention.

Trump moves from +1.4 on 9/23 in the LA Times/USC poll to +5.6 on 9/30

That suggests, unlike the Rasmussen poll, that Debate One helped Trump.

Go figure.

Trump's big lead in Rasmussen poll reverses after Debate One

Clinton took a statistically insignificant 42% to 41% lead over Trump in yesterday’s survey, but she had been trailing by five points a week earlier.

Obama economic growth to date lags Bush by 35%

Obama economic growth to date has expanded by 26.8%.

Under Bush similarly measured it expanded by 41.5%.

Leaked audio shows Hillary is against WMD modernization

From the story here:

“The last thing we need,” she told the audience, “are sophisticated cruise missiles that are nuclear armed.”

Good news: Manual labor must be on the way out ... because the idiot who runs Obama's Navy says "yeoman" isn't gender neutral

And there goes The Man of La Mancha.

Quoted here:

“Lastly, as we achieve full integration of the force … this is an opportunity to update the position titles and descriptions themselves to demonstrate through this language that women are included in these positions," [Navy Secretary Ray] Mabus wrote, according to sources who quoted directly from the letter. “Ensure they are gender-integrated as well, removing “man” from their titles, and provide a report to me as soon as is practicable and no later than April 1, 2016.” 

h/t Chris Plante

Small manufacturer turns his roof into the world's biggest Trump sign ever

Video here. Looks like he used a GoPro camera affixed to a drone.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The answer: CHUMPS

Hillary, here.

Trump has captured the real American spirit, the spirit of the true born sons of liberty who dumped the cheaper taxed tea into Boston harbor.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hillary drops 20% in PPP poll

She was +5 in the poll a month ago, and tonight is +4.

Heh, heh.

Drudge remains illiterate

New York Times: "Remarkable rebuke to the president"

WASHINGTON — Congress on Wednesday voted overwhelmingly to override a veto by President Obama for the first time, passing into law a bill that would allow the families of those killed in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks to sue Saudi Arabia for any role in the plot.

Democrats in large numbers joined with Republicans to deliver a remarkable rebuke to the president. The 97-to-1 vote in the Senate and the 348-to-77 vote in the House displayed the enduring power of the Sept. 11 families in Washington and the diminishing influence here of the Saudi government. ...

Only one senator, Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, sided with the president. 

Eighteen House Republicans couldn't find it in themselves to override the president's veto (roll call here):

King (IA)
Young (AK)

Chris Plante tells Limey interviewer: If Trump becomes president maybe we'll buy England!

Audio here.

Excellent tongue-lashing, Chris!

Commerce Secretary in April 2016 can't understand Hillary's flip-flop on TPP

PENNY PRITZKER: I don't understand that conclusion. Because frankly, having looked at this agreement, studied this agreement, it is the Gold Standard. It is the toughest trade agreement out there in the world.

Hillary's lyin' again: "This TPP sets the gold standard in free trade agreements"

In 2012, here.


You called it the gold standard. You call it the gold standard of trade deals.
You know what --
You said it’s the finest deal you’ve ever seen.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Mark Levin makes a fair point: Trump would have been prepared to respond to Clinton had he been a conservative

And he says the most memorable line from Debate One will be "Hannity", which is very funny.

Today's Electoral College snapshot from Real Clear Politics has Clinton winning 292-246

Today's Electoral College snapshot from Real Clear Politics has Clinton winning 292-246

Real Clear Politics shows Trump up 1 in the Electoral College with 165, Clinton down 12 with 188, and 185 too close to call, up 11 from last week Tuesday.

Based only on the polling as of this morning in the toss-up states with 185 Electoral College votes at stake, Trump wins in NV, AZ, CO, IA, OH, NC, and GA, bringing him to 246, 24 shy of the 270 he needs to win.

Clinton wins in MN, WI, MI, NH, ME, PA, VA and FL, bringing her to 292, 22 more than she needs to win.

Trump has picked up NV, CO and NC in the last week in this analysis, but lost FL to Clinton by a hair.

Clinton is polling under +4 in ME, under +2 in PA and under +1 in FL this week.

Trump is much more vulnerable, polling under +3 in NV, AZ and OH this week. He is polling under +1 in CO and NC. In GA he's ahead +4.5, in IA +5.

ME-2 has moved out of the toss-ups in the last week, and ME and MN have moved in.

42 days to election day 2016.

Monday, September 26, 2016

It's funny Hillary mentioned Miss Piggy tonight

Listen up, Sister!

Who you callin' Sister?

After tonight's nothin' burger debate, Hillary has events scheduled each day through the end of September, but . . .

It appears October 1-4 is blocked out for rest, and on the 5th she has an event close to home in DC.