Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Michigan primary turnout yesterday was 19.1% of registered voters

According to the Michigan Secretary of State, 1.405 million votes were cast in primary races yesterday out of 7.36 million registered through the end of July, just 56% of those cast in March.

2.5 million turned out on March 8th in the presidential primary, about 34% of registered voters, smashing an all-time record for a presidential primary set in 1972 at 1.9 million. In excess of 1.33 million of those 2.5 million votes in March were cast for Republicans vying for the presidential nomination finally secured by Donald Trump after Ted Cruz lost in Indiana.

In presidential elections since 1972, turnout nationwide has averaged 74% of those registered but just 53% of the voting age population.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Obama trades cash for Americans held by Iran, but Trump is unfit to be president

That didn't take long: Brad Marshall is out at the DNC along with Communications Director Luis Miranda

Reported here:

The CEO of the DNC, Amy Dacey, is stepping down, as are communications director Luis Miranda and chief financial officer Brad Marshall, the DNC announced in a statement.

Tyler Cowen, soulless libertarian, epitomizes what's wrong with America, thinks there's a positive side to Chinese cheating and slave labor which must be considered

I expected to hate [Peter Navarro's] "Crouching Tiger: What China’s Militarism Means for the World," but instead I found it to be an intelligent discussion of the problems likely to result from a more assertive China. That said, Navarro does not come close to demonstrating his opening prediction that future war with China is “very likely.” In contrast, his "The Coming China Wars" is mostly a series of emotional diatribes against the Chinese government, opening with charges of cheating and slave labor and never much considering the positive side of Chinese economic growth.

DNC's CEO Amy Dacey resigns, when's CFO Brad Marshall going to go?

From the story here:

In one widely criticized leaked email, DNC CFO Brad Marshall appears to write about a plan to question Sanders’s religion at a campaign event in Kentucky or West Virginia. Dacey wrote “AMEN” in response. 

Limbaugh renews contract, supposedly takes pay cut

Story here.

Republican coward won't face the voters: Rep. Richard Hanna is retiring, announces he'll vote for Hillary

It's Hillary who's thick as thieves with the Russians, not Donald Trump

From the story here:

While Clinton was in charge at the State Department, the U.S. recruited a bunch of U.S. high-tech powerhouses -- including Google, Cisco and Intel -- to take part in the [high tech Skolkovo] project. Of the 28 companies from the U.S., Europe and Russia that took part, 17 were donors to the Clinton Foundation or paid for Bill Clinton to give speeches.

It's yet another stunning example of the Clinton Foundation's growing list of conflicts of interest, suggesting that Hillary used the State Department's offices to line her family's pockets through the Clinton Foundation. Don't forget that, with her email carelessness on her home-brew server during her tenure as secretary of state, Hillary has already exposed the United States' most secret information to the Russian government. As radio talk show host and law professor Hugh Hewitt noted Monday: "Hillary is already a Putin pawn."

Fact-checker finds Hillary lied about wheelchair accessibility in New Bedford, MA, in 1973 to embellish her early image

Detailed here.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Hillary pops to +9 in CNN poll with convention bounce, but was +13 in it to start May

Trump was +3 in the poll last week.

That's some fickle sample CNN surveys.

William Binney says the NSA has all Hillary's e-mails, including the missing 30,000

Story here.

Hey Democrat idiots, you should have picked Chafee, Hillary voted for that damn Iraq war that killed the Khans' kid!

Hillary is an enthusiast for REGULATING the Bill of Rights, not for the rights themselves

[L]ike every other of our rights, our First Amendment rights, every right that we have is open to and even subject to reasonable regulations.  

It all depends on what the meaning of reasonable is.

Clinton adds lie upon lie, claims on the weekend Comey said she was truthful while Comey testified Clinton made untrue statements

With Chris Wallace, here.

Then she blames others, in typical Obama fashion:

I take classification seriously. I relied on and had every reason to rely on the judgments of the professionals with whom I worked. And so, in retrospect, maybe some people are saying, well, among those 300 people, they made the wrong call. 

At the time, there was no reason in my view to doubt the professionalism and the determination by the people who work every single day on behalf of our country.

Clinton gets 7-point convention bump in CBS poll back to +6 as in June and May, but was +10 in April and March

The Real Clear Politics average presently has Clinton at +2.2. The average margin of error of six of the most recent polls is 3.4. 

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Clinton gets one-point bump in PPP poll, PPP calls this "much more positive"

She's at +5 now but she was at +7 in the spring.

Where's the love for this nothing burger, man?

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Hillary Clinton is a clean energy CRACKPOT

Hillary Clinton said today in Johnstown, PA, here:

"We're going to install half a billion solar panels and generate enough clean energy to power every home in America within 10 years."

Oh where oh where to begin?

Your average residential customer used 911 kWh/month in 2014.

Where I live where the sun gives me about 4 to 4.5 sun hours per day, this means I'd need a 9kw system.

A complete do-it-yourself system (!) of that size will cost me $17,600! (And let's not even mention all the things that will not do for me that the current grid does).

But guess what? It's composed of 36 PANELS!

500 million panels divided by 36 yields just south of 14 million homes equipped like mine.

But in 2014 there were almost 134 million households, so 120 million of you are OUT OF LUCK!

Meanwhile the cost for the lucky 13.8 million is about $243 billion, which I'm sure Hillary will make Donald Trump pay for.

Solar power still accounts for just 1.07% of total US electricity in 2016 despite Barack Obama's many promises to expand it, about 43.2 TWh using the most generous assumptions.

Residential customers alone consumed 1,407.2 TWh of electricity in 2014, about 34% of total 2014 consumption.

To come close to doing with solar what Hillary Clinton promised today would cost well in excess of $2 trillion.

Not. Gonna. Happen. Ever. 

Friday, July 29, 2016

You'd think by now Rush Limbaugh would have connected last night's Democrat "patriotism" to Rahm Emanuel's 2006 strategy

In 2006 Rahm Emanuel successfully recruited "conservatives" to run for Congress and wrested control of the House away from Republicans by running them as pro-lifers and fiscal conservatives in competitive districts. The strategy worked and set the stage for the failure of the Bush administration and the 2008 election of Barack Obama.

The sudden eruption of overt patriotism at the Democrat convention this week after Republican criticisms should worry the Trump campaign. Lyin' Ted is history. Now it's Lyin' Hillary, not just about her e-mails and Benghazi, but now about her love of country.

They're trying to fool the country again. And you know the saying about foolin' some of the people . . . some of the people is all it takes.

GDP "anomalies" have been showing since 2011 that "the US economy is in serious, long-term trouble"

Jeffrey Snider, here:

The US economy is in serious, long-term trouble. We knew that very well by the volatile nature of GDP almost from the start (the big negative in Q1 2011, for example). Because orthodox economics is entirely obsessed with the economy that “should be”, it favors smoothing out what is truly pertinent texture because it isn’t directly cyclical by implication. What the mainstream needs is not to try to turn statistics into “ideal” numbers, but to actually see them for what they represent especially when they stray into unexpected ranges. From that perspective, weak quarters were not “anomalies” to be dismissed in a fit of confirmation bias, but rather warnings that actually explain how we got here and why everything from economists, especially“overheating”, was unlikely from the start.

Population is up 22 million since 2007, but Obama's added only 1.7 million extra full-time jobs in 9 years!