The video of the confrontation with the "do the math" Trump supporter is
here. Cruz changed the subject to anything but the fact that he no longer had a path to 1237, and never justified his staying in the race.
From the Rush Limbaugh transcript,
CALLER: Okay, Rush. Thank you for taking my call. Been with you for many years. Love you. I just have this feeling -- I don't know why -- but I just have a feeling that you're a Cruz supporter. Not a Trump supporter, I can't find that, but that's how I feel. But the reason I called, I just wanted to defend the guy that you called brain-dead yesterday. I watched that interview from the beginning, and, you know, we'll call him "braid-dead" since we don't know his name. He was a very polite protester. He was standing on the street with a Trump sign, and he wasn't bothering anybody, and, lo and behold, who comes along to cross the street, Ted Cruz.
Now, Cruz confronted him, and in the very beginning of the conversation, the number 1237 came up, and the guy knew what 1237 was, and he told Cruz in his opinion that Trump was gonna hit the 1237 and in his opinion would probably go over that. And then he also asked Cruz a question. He said, "I'd like to ask you a question. Why don't you step out of the race because you've indicated that Kasich should step out, and, since you've indicated that, you think that Kasich can't make it, and neither do we think that you can, why don't you step out?"
Now, the reason I mentioned these couple things to you, that doesn't seem to me as a brain-dead person. That's just my opinion. And a brain-dead person is just gonna stand there and look brain-dead. This guy had some some some substance there. So I didn't think it was fair that you labeled him as brain-dead. Then Cruz started his stump speech. And the guy was polite. He was listening and listening and listening, and Cruz was going over all his stump speech. And I think the guy had had it and finally didn't want to hear anything more, and he started yelling, you know, Lyin' Ted, Lyin' Ted, and he had had it. And that's just my opinion. And I -- I just feel that you labeled him wrong. And I might even think that sometimes maybe I might be part of the brain-dead crowd.
Another thing I just wanted to put in there real quick, I have a cleaning lady that was in my house yesterday, and she's from Thailand. And Trump came on television, and she looked up and she said, I used to work for him. I live 30 miles from Atlantic City. So she said, I used to work for him. And my wife said, what did you think? Again. And she said, he was very nice, he was a very nice person, he treated me with respect, and so did he treat all of us.
Now, they were just cleaning people in Trump's casino. One other quickie. I was in a restaurant a couple weeks ago, and the owner who I know came up to me, and he knows I'm a Trump guy, and he said I just gotta tell you something, he said I just had a guy was in here, and he got caught up in Trump's problems with the casino and he lost a hundred thousand dollars in the bankruptcy. He said, but I'm gonna tell you something. I lost a hundred G's, he says I'm gonna tell you, I'm voting for him. You know why? He's a straight shooter. He said he got caught up in a bad situation, and he did his very best, he says, so he's got my vote. I just wanted to pass these things on, and I want to tell you, I love you, I'll always be with you.