Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Democrat turnout in Michigan's presidential primary was up 97% over 2008, so how is Donald Trump's big win here caused by Democrat cross-over votes?

The big story in Michigan is that Democrats turned out in force in the closely fought race between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. It was a two point race that went down to the wire, won by Bernie by 20,000 votes out of 1.18 million cast.

But the conventional wisdom among Republicans is we're supposed to believe that there were enough large numbers of Democrats left who were energized to cross over and vote for Donald Trump to take him to victory over "real" Republicans like Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Marco Rubio.

This has to be the kookiest theory yet promoted by The Stupid Party.

I think Trump was chosen here by heretofore inactive Republican-leaning voters, not by Democrats.

God knows there's millions out there who never participate in elections. In Michigan we typically have trouble getting turnout to 20% of the voting age population. In presidential election years it averages 18.32%.

Turnout yesterday broke records going back before 1980, at 34%.  

Republican turnout was up over 30% from 2012, and over 50% from 2008, but Democrat turnout was up a whopping 97% over 2008 when Hillary and Obama famously duked it out.

A total of 601,219 votes were cast in the 2008 Democrat Primary, but in 2016 1.18 million. (There was no Democrat primary here in 2012. It was a pro-forma caucus in which 195,058 votes were cast, the vast majority for the incumbent president Barack Obama.)

Democrats were too preoccupied yesterday fighting over Hillary and Bernie to care much about Donald Trump.

That's the good news for Trump supporters, and the bad news for his Republican opponents. Donald Trump is remaking the Republican Party with support from people who appreciate his issues and strong leadership instead of theirs: manufacturing jobs, illegal immigration and trade.

Yesterday they came out of the woodwork to vote for him.

Tampa Bay Times eviscerates Marco Rubio's long accomplishment-free record

"Throughout his political career, Rubio has focused on promoting himself and preparing for his next move rather than providing leadership to effectively address the challenges of the moment. Relying on a charming personality and a smooth speaking style, he has been more talk than action, more gimmick than substance, more opportunist than committed public servant. The result is a thin resume, a reputation for failing to pay attention to detail and a tendency to bend when the political winds shift. ... Let's remember that Rubio's single term in the U.S. Senate has been devoid of a single significant accomplishment ... A vote for Rubio may be a protest vote — but it won't be a vote for someone who is prepared to be president."

Read the whole thing here.

Trump drives Republican turnout 52% above 2008, 32% above 2012 in Michigan primary

Michigan Republican primary 2008: 869,169 votes cast (Romney: 338,316)
Michigan Republican primary 2012: 996,499 (Romney: 409,522)
Michigan Republican primary 2016: 1,318,297 (99% reporting, Trump: 481,296)

Trump 2016 creams Romney 2012 and McCain 2008 in Michigan Republican presidential primary

Donald Trump 2016: 481,296
Mitt Romney 2012:   409,522
John McCain 2008:   257,985

With just four still in the race, The Stupid Party in Michigan wastes 45,470 votes on 9 former candidates

In denial of Trump sweep of Michigan counties, Rubio supporter Rep. Bill Huizenga of Zeeland maintains West Michigan will never vote for Trump

On the Steve Gruber Show in the last segment.

Rubio didn't win a single county.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Donald Trump's little known involvement as a material, early supporter of Ronald Reagan

The UK Daily Mail reported here in May 2015:

'Donald Trump was on the Reagan Finance Committee in 1979-80 when most of the New York financial elite were for George Bush or John Connally,' the former campaign aide told Daily Mail Online, on condition of anonymity.

Trump and his father Fred were in the room when Reagan announced his candidacy in New York City in 1980, he explained, adding that without Trump the 40th president might have been dead in the water.

'When the phone company said it would be 30 to 60 days before they could install our phones at the Reagan for President headquarters on 52nd street,' he recalled, 'I called Donald Trump. They installed the phones the next day.'

'Donald also let us use his helicopter to fly our delegate petitions to Albany, where we filed 15 minutes before closing at the board of elections.'

And Fred Trump 'loaned the campaign some space in a building he owned in Queens,' the Reagan veteran said. 'Donald got us space on 52nd street. They were among a handful of Reagan's earliest New York Supporters.'

Mayor Rudy Giuliani endorses Trump, but oh, sorry Schatzi, with no "Sieg, Heil!"

Rubio NOT surging in Florida: only 300 show for rally

Kiss of Death: Romney does robocalls for Rubio and Kasich, but not for Cruz

In other words, for establishment-acceptable candidates only.

Story here.

Rush is right: With President Trump Democrats will be talking impeachment on Day Two


Outlier poll in Florida tries to shape opinion pro-Rubio, not measure it

Outlier poll in Michigan tries to shape opinion for Kasich, not measure it

Poster Boys for Prophylactics

John Kasich
Marco Rubio

Laugh of the Day: Talk radio in Michigan this morning gets no calls from Democrats because they're not up yet

Just now on The Steve Gruber Show.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Trump is deliberately not countering opposition TV ads on TV, using Facebook and Twitter instead: Huge mistake?

He's also using ads during conservative talk radio programs, but overall his is a very risky strategy which may already explain why Trump is not farther ahead than he should be.

This may spell big trouble, dead ahead.

Facebook and Twitter require active participation. Television is passive and reaches more people. Facebook is ubiquitous but the irony is the owner is the big player behind the amnesty enemy. And Twitter is a sewer dominated by the thug left. They'll never vote for him anyway. At best he communicates effectively only with those who already support him.

Trump is proud of winning on a dime against losers like Bush who spent millions, but I don't think the strategy is sustainable.

This is crunch time, and Trump's not crunching.  

Trump still has a big problem on H-1B flip-flop, appearance on Savage Nation today did nothing to assuage fears he's just telling people what they want to hear

Sympathetic critics like Laura Ingraham are exactly right that the time has long since passed for Trump to stop winging it, show more discipline, and spend some money on TV ads.

We're voting for him in Michigan tomorrow, but I predict Trump is going to disappoint us going forward even more than he already has.

It's almost as if he's prepared to hand this thing over to Ted Cruz, who doesn't give a fig for anything but himself.

One way or another, we're going to get the government we deserve, good and hard.

From the story here:

"Furious supporters of Donald Trump . . . are now FORMER supporters of Trump".

Mark Steyn gives Kathy Shaidle a mention on the Rush Limbaugh Show

Quotes her hoping that Trump doesn't turn out like that other Austrian . . ..

WaPo graphic shows Trump did best in Texas at the border with Mexico

The remaining candidates' wives

Jeanette Rubio
Karen Kasich
Heidi Cruz
Melania Trump
Jane O'Meara Sanders
Mr. Hillary Clinton