Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Trump: Kill the terrorists and their families

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families," Trump said.

Trump to +9.5 in Real Clear Politics poll average, Marco "The Rube" Rubio takes second in Quinnipiac poll

What's the difference between a stupid liberal and smart liberal?

The smart liberal always uses a clean needle.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

So far the El Nino has wiped out 48% of the Grands Rapids Michigan 2015 cumulative average negative temperature anomaly

The Grand Rapids Michigan November average temperature anomaly was a whopping +5.4 degrees F.

The cumulative anomaly for 2015 thus declines from -17.1 to -11.7 degrees F.

The El Nino so far has wiped out 10.9 degrees F of negative anomaly in September, October and November alone after seven of eight months of below normal temperatures which had taken the cumulative anomaly to -22.6 degrees F through August.

Snowfall in November was 51% of normal at just 3.5 inches.

Precipitation was 74% of normal at 2.61 inches.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Conservatism revealed as libertarians finally agree on SOMETHING: They hate Trump to a man

From here:

'The closest the Koch network comes to a consensus is a distaste for billionaire front-runner Donald Trump, who accused Republicans attending the Kochs’ summer donor retreat of being “puppets” of their wealthy masters. ... Not a single contribution to Trump’s campaign could be found in the donation records of the 190 attendees of Koch donor conferences.'

Lovers of American borders, language and culture vs. the money-grubbing liberal sell-outs of the libertarian consensus, that's what this election is about.

Arctic sea ice extent is at its highest level since 2004

Trump to +9 in latest Real Clear Politics poll average

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Equality means shooting a black offender and not having to say you're sorry

The only reliable form of communication with savages

Obama regime tells Turkey to seal border to stop ISIS traffic but does nothing to seal the US border even though it says it could

Reported here:

“The game has changed. Enough is enough. The border needs to be sealed,” a senior Obama administration official said of Washington’s message to Ankara. “This is an international threat, and it’s all coming out of Syria and it’s coming through Turkish territory.” ... “This is really a question of their border security,” a senior U.S. official said of Turkish authorities. “They need to step up their game when it comes to this and they can’t necessarily look to us to fortify their border for them. Paris is a wake-up call to them that this is a problem they don’t have under control.” ... Before Paris, Turkish officials often rebuffed U.S. calls for a larger border force, saying the frontier was simply too long to effectively seal, no matter how many soldiers were deployed. Turkish officials pointed to Washington’s inability to seal off the U.S.-Mexico border as an example of how difficult such operations can be. U.S. officials chafe at the comparison. “If we were at war with Mexico, we’d close that border,” a senior administration official said of Washington’s response.

Friday, November 27, 2015

It's no joke: We WARN the ISIS enemy before we attack, strafe to shoo away, and then hold press conferences bragging about it

Not only are we unserious about killing ISIS people and breaking ISIS things, flying a leisurely seven sorties a day, most of which come back with 75% of their ordnance, under the traitorous pansy Obama we actually leaflet the targets before we attack.

And notice the spokesman admits this is the first attack on oil shipments even though this war has been going on for well over a year already. The goal of warfare is to destroy the enemy's ability to make it, and until now Obama hasn't lifted a finger to deprive ISIS of its number one source of income, resulting in the deaths of thousands and thousands of Christians, millions of refugees, and terrorist attacks in Paris and elsewhere in the interim.

From the transcript featuring one Colonel Steve Warren, Operation Inherent Resolve Spokesman, on November 18th, here at the DOD:

In Al-Bukamal, we destroyed 116 tanker trucks, which we believe will reduce ISIL's ability to transport its stolen oil products. This is our first strike against tanker trucks, and to minimize risks to civilians, we conducted a leaflet drop prior to the strike. We did a show of force, by -- we had aircraft essentially buzz the trucks at low altitude. So, I do have copy of the leaflet, and I have got some videos, so why don't you pull the leaflet up. Let me take a look at it so I can talk about it. As you can see, it's a fairly simple leaflet, it says, "Get out of your trucks now, and run away from them." A very simple message. And then, also, "Warning: airstrikes are coming. Oil trucks will be destroyed. Get away from your oil trucks immediately. Do not risk your life."

And so, these are the leaflets that we dropped -- about 45 minutes before the airstrikes actually began. Again, we combine these leaflet drops with very low altitude passes of some of our attack aviation, which sends a very powerful message. ...

So, we spend some time developing some TTPs that I read out earlier -- the leaflets, the low pass. We did some -- I didn't mention in my open, but we did some strafe runs as well -- to kind of shoo people away without harming them. So we had to go through that whole process of one, determining whether or not we felt it was in our best interest to strike these trucks. And then once we determined that, yes, it is in our interest to strike these trucks, how do we go about ensuring that we're able to mitigate the potential of civilian casualties? ...

So these trucks were -- they were just sitting there, not moving. So, you know, we dropped the leaflets. We did a low pass. We chased any of the -- you know, the truck drivers away, and we destroyed them. So, they weren't moving. They were all, as you saw on the video, they were all stationary. Nothing was driving anywhere. So it was a pretty straightforward, you know, attack.

What do Hillary, Huma and the Carolina Panthers have in common?

Thanksgiving Day 2015
earlier this year

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Carolina Panthers Color Rush: We're So Gay

Wake up America: Russian Orthodox chaplains are embedded in most military units

Rebuilt starting in 1995, Stalin destroyed the original Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow in 1931
Reported here in The Christian Science Monitor:

'Not well known or understood in the West, the Russian Orthodox Church has been Russia's chief source of spiritual identity for most of its 1,000-year existence. Though it was nearly destroyed by the communists, it has since rebounded sharply to become once again the Kremlin's ideological bulwark.

'As that relationship has solidified, the church has also integrated with the military.  Russian media frequently run photos of priests blessing weaponry, including war planes, while Orthodox chaplains are embedded in most military units. And now, it is underscoring its enthusiastic backing for Russia's military intervention in Syria – a fight Father Chaplin dramatically describes as "a holy war against terrorism." ...

'About 70 percent of Russians identify themselves as Orthodox Christians.'

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Support your local Harris County, Georgia, Sheriff, . . . or git out

Story here.

The Russians weren't operating SU-24s near Turkey thinking they were a match for NATO F-16s, so how could they be provocative?

It's almost as if the chuckleheads out there are gloating that an F-16 bested an SU-24:

Everyone who knows anything knows the old swept-wing SU-24 is long obsolete but is still useful for low altitude ground operations. It's not like Russia committed its very best resources to this conflict, only the appropriate ones. These aircraft were not threatening to Turkey.

And that's the whole point. The Russian jets were operating against Turkish opponents of the Syrian regime on the ground inside Syria, and trigger-happy Turkey didn't like it.

Unnamed US official admits Turkey hit Russian fighter over Syria, not over Turkey

Reported here and here:

"An unnamed U.S. official told Reuters on Tuesday that the U.S. believed that the plane had indeed been hit inside Syrian airspace."

Russia to move S-300/400 missile system to Syria: deadly to F-16 iterations operated by Turkey

Reported here and here:

'One S-300 battery is a handful, but several such systems networked together into an integrated air defense system is a nearly insurmountable challenge for most fourth-generation fighters like the F-16 or F-15. As one senior U.S. Marine Corps aviator told me, the S-300 series is deadly. “A complete game changer for all fourth-gen aircraft [like the F-15, F-16 and F/A-18]. That thing is a beast and you don’t want to get near it,” he said.'

FBI investigated Muslims in US who celebrated the 911 attacks said The New York Times at the time

Is anti-Trumper Liz Mair a trans in need of a shave?


See the comments, here.