Thursday, November 12, 2015

The legacy of the left's long march through the institutions since the 1960s is . . .

. . . the repudiation of the Bill of Rights, which is why so many Americans fled the Democrat Party and joined the Republican Party, starting with Ronald Reagan ("the Democrat Party left me"). They are just like the Puritans, who preferred to switch rather than to fight.

Unfortunately, there's nowhere left to which to switch, indeed, to retreat.

It's either us, or them.

Hillary retells the lie about trying to join the Marines in 1975, Glenn Kessler doesn't do the math

From WaPo, here:

“He looks at me and goes, ‘Um, how old are you. And I said, ‘Well I am 26, I will be 27.’ And he goes, ‘Well, that is kind of old for us.’ And then he says to me, and this is what gets me, ‘Maybe the dogs will take you,’ meaning the Army.” –Former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton, speaking at a breakfast, Manchester, N.H., Nov. 10, 2015

One Clinton story that has often been greeted with skepticism is her claim, first made in 1994, that she once tried to join the Marines in 1975. On the campaign trail, she brought up the story again [... above].

Can this story be confirmed?

For the reasons given Kessler gives the claim two Pinocchios out of four for truthfulness, "subject to change if more information becomes available."

More information?

When Hillary got married to Bill Clinton October 11, 1975 ("Let's see, what should I do, quit both my jobs at the University of Arkansas and my private law practice and join the Marines, or get married to Bill Clinton?"), she was two weeks from her 28th birthday, not her 27th.

She wasn't 26, going on 27, as she claimed this week.

Not only that, a recruiter from the era went on the record years ago stating the military was desperate for bodies at the time, taking people up to age 35, and that the Marines never made quota until the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979.

Add two Pinocchios, and the whole damn woodshop.

h/t Chris Plante

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

There aren't any "law-abiding" illegal aliens

You idiots.

Sorry Marco, they can fact check your stupidity: philosophers make more than welders

And arguably, we're already producing plenty of welders relative to philosophers, at least 16 times more, but it would be nice if the welders, and the politicians, could at least speak English correctly, as in "more welders, fewer philosophers", instead of "more welders, less philosophers". 

From the BLS, here:

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ann Coulter was right: Fiorina criticized Trump for claiming to get to know Putin in a green room but did the same thing herself



Kasich thinks values and ethics education will fix greed on Wall Street

Well, sign me up for that! Education = salvation!

Senator Marco Rubio: We need more welders and less philosophers

Oh boy, they ate that up in Milwaukee.

Go less miles . . . use fewer gasoline.

Judith Curry: The hottest topic in climate research is little or no warming in the 21st century

US average surface temperature has shown a slight cooling trend in the 21st century
Judith Curry, Georgia Institute of Technology, quoted here:

"The hottest topic in climate research is the observation that global average surface temperature, as well as satellite observations of temperatures in the atmosphere, has shown little or no warming during the 21st century." 

Senator Claire McCaskill, Missouri's big fat condescending Stalinist bitch feminist

But other than that she's alright.

Trump denounces Chinese state capitalism, throws down gauntlet committing the USA to a policy of containment

In The Wall Street Journal, today:

"China’s economy is controlled by the government. Any notion that their economy is based on a free-market system is simply not true. ... On day one of a Trump administration, the U.S. Treasury Department will designate China a currency manipulator. ... To ensure the security of the nation and our investments, we will build the military we need to contain China’s overreach in the Pacific Rim and the South China Sea."

Read the whole thing here.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Libertarian Paul Ryan, disgusting traitor, advances immigration bill to bypass cap on guest workers in order to employ Obama's illegal hordes

From the story here:

'The cap exemption on the H-2B expired in 2007. At the time, it doubled the number but it could as much as quadruple, legislative sources told WND. This is the same way the total number of existing H-1B visa workers got so much higher than the annual inflow. The H-2B visa program, though referred to as a “seasonal” guest worker program it is not an agricultural guest worker program. “These are explicitly non-farm jobs, often for lower-skilled work but also middle class jobs,” the source told WND. “Of course, because we don’t have a visa-tracking system and the president is not enforcing over-stay rules, it increases another avenue to add to the illegal population.”'

Real Clear Politics poll average updated today shows Trump lead at +.4, down from +.8

Saturday, November 7, 2015

WaPo Gen Xer drinks climate Kool-Aid, attacks Baby Boomers for causing global warming and running up the $18 trillion debt

spotted headed to Mt. Rushmore

"Boomers soaked up a lot of economic opportunity without bothering to preserve much for the generations to come. They burned a lot of cheap fossil fuels, filled the atmosphere with heat-trapping gases, and will probably never pay the costs of averting catastrophic climate change or helping their grandchildren adapt to a warmer world. They took control of Washington at the turn of the millennium, and they used it to rack up a lot of federal debt, even before the Great Recession hit."

Substitute "liberals" everytime you see "boomers" in the essay and it makes a lot more sense than attacking your parents per se. Instead the author prefers to commit Maoism in "Baby boomers are what’s wrong with America’s economy". 

Meanwhile, exporting good jobs and importing cheap labor were artifacts of the 1960s revolution, advanced by people who were fellow travelers under FDR. The height of the baby boom generation was what, aged 10 in 1967? 

In the end, Jim Tankersley can't add and subtract, but what his father gave him for Christmas in 2012 for his patricidal thesis says it all:

"After I first outlined this argument to my father in 2012, he gifted me an actual lump of coal for Christmas."

Well done, Dad! The earth remains full of coal, especially American earth, ensuring energy independence as far as the eye can see, as well as oil and natural gas and . . . thorium! If only we'll use it. 

It makes more sense to rely on these going forward because they remain so plentiful, employing technologies to make them harmless to human health, invented by smart people from every generation.

But if a Maunder Minimum ensues in 2030, we might not care as much about the health as the warmth.

The total public debt is now up $457 billion in just four days

Friday, November 6, 2015

Rush Limbaugh: 94 million not in labor force are ALL on welfare, ALL have an EBT card, ALL getting food stamps, ALL getting disability

Today, here, with the right's version of The Big Lie:

"We don't have 5% unemployment. We've got 20% unemployment.  Bob, we have 94 million Americans not working, not in the labor force.  They're all on welfare, Bob, one way or another.  You are talking about vandals basically coming in and ripping you off at the laundromat.  Half of this country is on welfare, Bob. That's another reason why people aren't talking about it.  Half the country that votes is on welfare, and they vote for Santa Claus, Bob. And to them, you're Santa Claus.  And you're...

"I can understand exactly why you want to sell the business and get out of there.  It's probably being stolen from you.  Customers in there get harassed by people that want to commit vandalism or crime in there.  I have total understanding, relatability, sympathy for what you're going through.  But we've succeeded in letting so many people... Bob, 94 million Americans not working, and they all have an EBT card. They're all getting food stamps. They're all getting some form -- many of them -- of disability."

Carson calls Politico story a lie, but MSM repeats it as a fact

That second one is a real howler. A Rush Limbaugh affiliate, Wood Radio in Grand Rapids could actually monitor the broadcast to learn Carson's campaign says the story is a lie but would rather just go with the lie.

Carson campaign denies it admitted to fabricating anything, calls Politico story a total lie

Rush Limbaugh is all over the story today.

Politico attempts to discredit Carson's claims to being offered the full ride to West Point

The story tries to make hay with his claim to being offered a full scholarship at West Point when there isn't any such thing "per se", but admits that with an appointment "all costs are covered". Carson was evidently encouraged to apply by General Westmoreland at some point based on his qualifications and interest, but declined to do so in favor of a medical education.

Carson's story may stretch the facts and err in details but overall remains a plausible if understandably biased retelling of his ROTC experience in high school.

Who would fault a poor black kid from Detroit for emphasizing that a full ride through West Point had been within his reach?

Answer: the liberal hacks at Politico.