Saturday, August 8, 2015

Erick Erickson disinvites Donald Trump, replaces with Bloody Megyn Kelly

Story here:

"I’m not going to have a guy on stage with my wife and daughter in the crowd who thinks a tough question from a woman is because of hormones."

How to make Mexicans pay for the fence, and illegal aliens generally self-deport

Charles C. Johnson has a great idea, here:

"[T]here’s a simple way to get them all to go home: Tax the money they send back to the home country. One in nine Guatemalans are in the U.S., and they sent $4 billion back in 2010. Remittances are big money for most of Central America. ... The illegals borrowing $5,000 in high-interest debt to finance their smuggling on a $1,500 income would think twice if we taxed their ill-gotten gains. Some might even self-deport or, better yet, refuse to come in the first place. Indeed, without the $20 billion a year Mexicans in America send home, Mexico would be even more messed up.

"Other countries already tax their foreigners. Why can’t we? We could even use that taxed remittance money to pay off some of the costs we incur from illegal aliens—and build that danged fence."

Friday, August 7, 2015

Fox News didn't want Repubicans to discuss the economy and jobs last night because that didn't fit Fox News' agenda

Jim Tankersley noticed the glaring omission from last night's Republican debate, here:

Polls continue to show that Americans care more about the economy than any other election issue. Fox News moderators noted that they had received more than 3,000 economy-themed questions on Facebook before the debate. Which is why it's so baffling that neither the questioners nor most candidates seemed eager to talk about growth, jobs and - as Republicans have been promising to do all election cycle - America's beleaguered working class. ...

"Way too little discussion" of economic growth, the conservative commentator Larry Kudlow tweeted after the prime-time debate ended. "If you're one of the 65 percent of Americans who think the U.S. is on the wrong track," said James Pethokoukis, a conservative writer for the American Enterprise Institute who has pushed Republican candidates to address worker angst, "what have these debates offered?"


Obviously the economy and jobs didn't fit Fox News' agenda last night, which was to destroy the candidacy of Donald Trump, who has pledged to end the flood of illegal immigration stealing Americans' jobs, end the farce of free-trade and become the greatest jobs president the country has ever seen.

Fox News, like The Wall Street Journal, is owned by the open borders, free-trade libertarian Rupert Murdoch. It has its marching orders. And every candidate who takes money from the libertarian Koch brothers has his and is similarly beholden to the same ideology which demands the cheapest labor possible in service of the almighty bottom line, not in service of the country's citizens. The involvement of Facebook and Debbie Washerwoman Schultz of the DNC were just the bow around the illegal alien amnesty package.  

And that's why Donald Trump scares the crap out of them and must be destroyed:

He doesn't need their money to run for president, and won't do their bidding when he wins.

Obama's horrible, awful full-time jobs record

The numbers are out this morning and they are not pretty.

Full-time jobs for July 2015 registered at 123.142 million in the report today, not seasonally adjusted. The previous high for the measure was set, wait for it, way back in July 2007 at 123.219 million.

That means full-time jobs still have not recovered to the peak level set eight years ago. Examine the record of recessions since 1969 and you will see that full-time jobs always have bounced back to pre-recession levels after two to three years ... until now.

In fact there are today still 77,000 FEWER full-time jobs than there were eight summers ago. That means it will likely take until next summer to surmount the 2007 peak. That'll make it nine years, versus two to three normally.

Yes, there are 2.4 million more jobs today than there were eight years ago, but they are all part-time: 26.6 million part-time now vs. 24.1 million then, for an increase of 2.5 million part-time. Subtract the decline in full-time and you arrive at just 2.4 million more net jobs in eight years while the population has grown by 19 million.

Obama crows about the all the jobs he's created, but only out of the depths of their decline which he oversaw and did nothing to stop. Full-time jobs fell in a panic by 6 million in the three months from his election in 2008 to his inauguration in 2009, and by another 5 million in the next year.

Arguably all those jobs went away out of fear over what Obama would do to the economy, which after six full years of his maladministration has grown at its slowest pace in the post-war and 26% worse than for the same period under George W. Bush, a surprising outcome considering that there was nowhere to go but up once the economy had crashed.

If the Obama rate of GDP growth from the first six years of his tenure is sustained through the end of it, Obama GDP will underperform the previously worst record of George W. Bush by over 20%. And more than likely, full-time jobs will continue to suffer as a result.  

Trump overwhelmingly in first with 50% in Drudge poll during first Republican debate

Trump first with 50%.

Cruz second with nearly 13%.

Carson narrowly third with 8% followed closely by Rubio.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Governors Christie, Jindal, Perry and Walker allowed establishment of sanctuary cities in their states

So says The Washington Times here:

"[A]t least four Republican governors running for president next year ...  have had cities and counties declare “sanctuary” during their tenure, without suffering the dire consequences the candidates now say the federal government should bring to bear on recalcitrant jurisdictions."

Trump is making a monkey out of Jeb Bush, rising again in the poll average to lead by 11.8 points

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Defunding Planned Parenthood fails in the Senate thanks to Democrats, but Republicans Mitch McConnell and Mark Kirk are also to blame with Lindsey Graham a no show

The roll call vote is here. Three Republicans broke ranks in the 53-46-1 outcome:

Lindsey Graham was a worthless no show, running for president. Ha ha.

Mitch McConnell the Senate Majority Leader should lose his job for voting No.

And Mark Kirk is going to lose to Tammy Duckworth in Illinois next year anyway so he had nothing to lose by voting No.

60 votes were needed to end government funding of the baby butchers, to whom most Democrats pledged allegiance except for Donnelly in Indiana and Manchin in West Virginia, stand up guys who voted No.

Trump keeps rising in Real Clear Politics poll average: now has first with 23.2%, 10.4 points ahead of No. 2 Bush as Walker falls back to third

Monday, August 3, 2015

Trump vaults to 22.2% for first in Real Clear Politics poll average, +9.5 ahead of Walker, +10.0 ahead of JEB

Ben Carson: Because of Trump's candidacy fewer people are talking about my lack of political experience

Yeah, well, because Barack Obama is such a terrible president fewer people are talking about how bad Jimmy Carter was.

Ben Carson, quoted here:

"It’s a tremendous aid because fewer people are talking about my lack of political experience now."

Trump: What Hillary Clinton did was absolutely illegal

Quoted here:

"[W]hat she did was absolutely, in my opinion, illegal and I don't think she's going to be allowed to run if they have a prosecutor who's going to be honorable because if you look at Gen. Petraeus, what he did is nothing compared to what she's done. And his life is in ruins."

Newt Gingrich agrees Hillary Clinton should be in jail already

"She's a disaster because of arrogance and what Trump said was right... If you look at how they treated General Petraeus and you look at what she did with her emails, in any other circumstance she'd be going to jail, not the White House."

EuroGroup president Jeroen Dijsselbloem gets a new name: Lightweight Weaselbloom

Yanis Varoufakis, quoted here:

'In the full transcript published on his blog, Varoufakis also laid into the Eurogroup president, Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem, saying he was key to the Greek deal “not just because he is so intellectually lightweight but, primarily, because he is untrustworthy. For example, he chose to lie to me in my first Eurogroup about procedure. It is one thing to disagree with the Eurogroup president. It is quite another thing to have him lie to you about gravely important procedures.”'

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Drudge excludes No. 2 Walker and No. 9 Kasich from headline photo, includes Pataki whose poll numbers don't even register

And Fiorina and Graham don't even poll 1% on average. Where's the love, man?

CO2 is irrelevant to temperature change: Temperature has been in decline since the late Bronze Age 3200 years ago

Atmospheric CO2 remained stable for most of human history before the last 200 years, "hovering between about 275 and 285 ppm". Nevertheless temperatures were much higher in the past than now and have steadily declined over time even as CO2 has just lately risen. 

Trump in first with 20.8% in Real Clear Politics poll average, +7.5 ahead of Walker in second

James Galbraith defends Yanis Varoufakis

“I've never seen anyone work so hard or so selflessly on behalf of his country”.

James K. Galbraith, University of Texas, quoted here on Yanis Varoufakis.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Maureen Dowd: Hillary's private server a metaphor for the paranoid style

The liberal Pot calling the Conservative kettle black.
Maureen Dowd, here:

"Her strategists worry about surveys showing that voters do not trust her. But her private server is a metaphor for her own lack of trust and a guarded, suspicious mind-set that lands her in needless messes."