Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Rep. Justin Amash, MI-3, drops "conservative" from his campaign mailer

The new Amash drops "conservative" but still claims to be consistent. 
The old Amash claimed to be conservative.

Too bad it didn't hit Washington DC

Measuring your increasing worthlessness

In 1787 the anti-federalists wanted you to have 21,132 US representatives today.
In 1789 the federalists who dominated the writing of the constitution cut it to 10,566 (but if we were all negro slaves today, then to just 6,340).
After 1920 the Northeast liberal establishment cut it to 435.
And people like Obama want to cut it to 1.

And they still call it America.

Told ya: Exports decline 1.5% in September, imports at record levels, signaling GDP of 3.5% will be revised lower

And to think just five days ago our masters of deception had no idea this was coming. As usual, this was unexpected.

Reported here:

The U.S. trade deficit unexpectedly widened in September as exports hit a five-month low, suggesting slowing global demand could undercut economic growth in the final three months of the year. ...

September's shortfall in the overall trade balance is bigger than the $38.1 billion deficit that the government had assumed in its advance gross domestic product (GDP) estimate for the third quarter published last week. This suggests the 3.5 percent annual growth pace it estimated will probably be trimmed when the government publishes its revisions later this month. Trade was reported to have contributed 1.32 percentage points to GDP growth. Exports in September fell 1.5 percent to $195.59 billion, the lowest since April, a sign that weakening demand in key markets such as China and the euro zone was starting to weigh. ...

Apart from slowing global demand, export growth is seen crimped by a strong dollar, which has so far this year strengthened by about 4 percent against the currencies of the country's main trading partners. ...

Consumer goods imports, however, were the highest on record, as were non-petroleum imports. Imports from China also hit an all-time high, leaving the politically sensitive trade gap at $35.6 billion, the highest on record. Imports from Canada were the highest since July 2008.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Ask yourself this . . .

h/t imao.us

Sunday, November 2, 2014

CEO of the barnyard says "I'm proud to eat hay"

Researchers repeatedly prove electronic voting machines like in Cook County, Illinois can be hacked to take votes for one and give them to another

Reported here by The Hill, sixteen paragraphs in:

Some voters might welcome the return to punch voting, given that researchers have repeatedly proved the fallibility of individual e-voting machines. One group from Princeton needed only seven minutes and simple hacking tools to install a computer program on a voting machine that took votes for one candidate and gave them to another.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Gold falls below $1,200 to end the week 3% undervalued relative to oil

1171.60 / 80.54 = 14.54

Republican control of the Senate may well mean immigration amnesty

Most Republicans running for still-in-play US Senate seats are endorsed by the pro-immigration-amnesty US Chamber of Commerce. Consider those listed below without NumbersUSA high rankings or recommendations in parentheses to be sympathetic to amnesty when it comes time to vote on immigration reform, despite what they may say to get elected. The US Chamber doesn't endorse lightly these days, and it wants more cheap labor in this country, which comes at the expense of already unemployed and underemployed Americans.

Endorsed by the US Chamber:

Mitch McConnell in Kentucky (B+)
Thom Tillis in North Carolina
Thad Cochran in Mississippi (B+)
Tom Cotton in Arkansas (B+)
Joni Ernst in Iowa
Scott Brown in New Hampshire (D+)
Steve Daines in Montana (C+)
Corey Gardiner in Colorado (F-)
Mike Rounds in South Dakota
Shelly Moore Capito in West Virginia (C+)
Dan Sullivan in Alaska
Pat Roberts in Kansas (rated A+ by NumbersUSA)
Ed Gillespie in Virginia
Jim Oberweis in Illinois (used to be opposed to amnesty, but not now)
Terri Lynn Land in Michigan
Mike McFadden in Minnesota
Monica Wehby in Oregon

Not endorsed by US Chamber:

Ben Sasse in Nebraska
David Perdue in Georgia (rated "true reformer" by NumbersUSA)
Bill Cassidy in Louisiana (rated A- by Numbers USA)

Endorsement uncertain:

Jeff Bell in New Jersey
Allen Weh in New Mexico

On Tuesday 258 Republican candidates are bought and paid for by the illegal-alien-amnesty-friendly US Chamber of Commerce

Reported here:

Democrats, though, have increasingly fallen out of favor with the Chamber in the Obama era. In 2008, it endorsed 38 Democrats. In 2012, it endorsed five. This cycle, the Chamber has issued 260 endorsements, a total that includes just two Democrats — Reps. Henry Cuellar in Texas and Jim Costa in California. It promises that more Democratic endorsements are on the way, but it will be telling to see how much money the Chamber devotes to saving Democrats in tight races. ... In 2010, with big business rebelling against Democratic initiatives like the Affordable Care Act, cap-and-trade environmental protections and union-friendly "card check" legislation, the Chamber raised and spent $33 million on political activity, winning 87% of the races in which it endorsed a candidate. 

Friday, October 31, 2014

Colorado Republican Cory Gardner running for Senate openly promises to cave on illegal alien amnesty

Breitbart reports here:

Gardner also came out in favor of what he called “earned status” as “part” of comprehensive immigration reform when asked whether he favored extending legal status to illegal immigrants, and that “Ultimately I think the DREAM Act is going to be part of the solution.” ... Gardner, who carried a conservative voting record in the House, has steadily moved left on the issue after entering the Senate campaign against Udall.

Wall Street Journal fears conservatives are winning: Trots out libertarian from Cato Institute to smear Laura Ingraham as nativist

You know Laura Ingraham. She hates foreigners so much she adopted three of them, one from Guatemala and two from Russia, and reportedly almost married a very dark-skinned man.

Many in the GOP are jockeying for the soul of the party ahead of an anticipated 2014 midterm election victory. Social conservatives are eager to reassert their influence after repeated defeats over gay marriage. Fiscal conservatives make the case for a greater emphasis on runaway spending. And then there are the nativists, who contend that the future of the Republican Party lies in opposing immigration reform. Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham, for example, said last month that, “Immigration could be to 2016 what ObamaCare was to 2010.”



It used to be the conservative movement consisted of social, fiscal and foreign policy wings. The libertarians don't have a foreign policy because they believe in open borders, so they had to invent something they could caricature and toss in order to have a simpler, Manichean world in which they, the sons of light, fight us, the social conservative sons of darkness.

Two-front wars are too hard for libertarians.

Millions of skilled Americans are still without jobs, but Terri Lynn Land in Michigan wants to bring in more foreigners

Quoted here:

We should modernize visa tracking, increase high-tech visas to bring more highly-skilled workers here, make sure businesses have the tools to effectively verify the status of employees and shorten wait times for those who play by the rules.

If the US Chamber of Commerce endorses Joni Ernst in Iowa, you know she'll cave on illegal immigration

Everyone knows the US Chamber of Commerce holds a gun to the head of Republicans demanding they reach a compromise on illegal immigration with Obama and the Democrats. Joni Ernst obviously got the message way back in May.

When Laura Ingraham recently asked her about illegal immigration on the radio show, Joni Ernst immediately defaulted to the issue of worker visas. Ingraham had to remind her that many Americans are out of work and should come first before we consider importing workers. Joni Ernst reacted almost like she was ashamed she hadn't gotten the memo ahead of the interview.

Enough said.