Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Two Years Later, Incompetent FBI Can't Return Acquitted Hutaree Property Yet Because It's Not Finished Doing The Inventory

The story is here, in The Detroit News:

Stone asked a federal judge to force the government to immediately return the wedding ring and other property, including the title to his vehicle. The FBI told Stone's lawyer, William Swor, the agency was still inventorying the property, which was seized in March 2010, according to the court filing.

These are the folks who want to run healthcare.

Yeah right. Into the ground.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Seven Days After Wisconsin Primary Loss, Santorum Packs It In

See the primary results to date here.

The New York Times here suggests that pressure was mounting from evangelicals for Santorum to quit in order to unite the party.

Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul remain in the race but cannot muster enough delegates in the remaining contests to deprive Romney of the nomination.

Folding like this before the contest in his home state of Pennsylvania suggests that Santorum knew he would suffer an embarrassing loss there. One can imagine not wanting to have to explain why Pennsylvania voters decided to reject him like they did in 2006 and have to quit the race in the wake of that anyway.

Breivik Ruled Not Insane by Court in Norway, But What About the AUF?

The UK Telegraph reports here:

"The experts' main conclusion is that the accused, Anders Behring Breivik, is not considered to have been psychotic at the time of the actions on July 22, 2011," the Oslo district court said in a statement which reopens the debate on whether the self-confessed killer can be sent to prison.

The real unanswered question in this case is not whether Breivik is or was nuts. He's confessed to his crime and should be punished.

No, the real question is whether the rabidly anti-Semitic AUF, which he attacked, and the rest of the Norwegian left, is nuts.

Why else would an isolated, low-population, prosperous and frozen country of the north go out of its way to befriend Muslims and the PLO, and send ships to invade the sovereign waters of a Mediterranean country hated by them thousands of miles away?

Romney's Uphill Battle to Presidency: Must Win Over 70 Percent of Toss Up States

Based on the map and analysis here.

Pretty grim.

This is the legacy of George W. Bush: unable to repudiate his past, unable to pick up the torch of the possible bright future signaled by the Tea Party revolution of November 2010.

They deserve what's coming to them, but the country doesn't.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Full-Time Jobs Still 6.6 Million Below 2007 Peak

See the data here

The level in the range of 115 million full-time jobs last prevailed in 2004-2005.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

AIG, GM and Ally Financial Still Owe TARP Repayments to Feds has the story here from Reuters:

The government pumped $68 billion into AIG . . . $50 billion in[to] GM . . . and $17 billion in[to] Ally Financial to save them from collapse during the 2007-2009 crisis. ...

Don't look at me. I just work here.
AIG has reduced its obligations to the U.S. government by more than 75 percent, while Treasury has recovered nearly half the TARP funds it put into GM and close to one-third of the money that went to Ally Financial.

America Punished With A Baby

Friday, April 6, 2012

Yep, You Guessed It . . .

. . . the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.

Unemployment Down: Persons Not In Labor Force Climbs To New High Of 87.897 Million

Data here:

Total Non-Farm Jobs in 132 Million Range Similar to 2000-2001 Level

See the data here:

Labor Force Participation Rate at 63.8 Was Last Matched in April 1983

The data are available here.

The percentage of people working relative to the total population has consistently and decisively fallen under Obama:

Headline Unemployment Falls to 8.2 Percent, Forecast Jobs Miss By 40 Percent

The report is here.

Jobs fell short of the forecast 200,000 by only 80,000.


Markets are closed for Good Friday. Futures are sharply lower:

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Prof. Stephen Presser Says Obama Should Be Ashamed Of Himself About Activism Charge

For no less, here:

"[I]t is the task of the Supreme Court to rein in majoritarian legislatures when they go beyond what the Constitution permits.

"This is not, as Obama implies, judicial activism, or political activity on the part of the justices. This is simply, as Hamilton explained, fidelity to the Constitution itself, fidelity to the highest expression of "We the People of the United States," the body whose representatives ratified that Constitution. ...

"Judicial review is not usurpation -- it is the manner in which the rule of law is preserved in this nation. It is certainly true that sometimes courts, and even the Supreme Court, have erred in their interpretation of the Constitution, and some legislative acts that clearly were permitted by the Constitution have been struck down. But if the ACA's individual mandate is rejected, this will be fully within the legitimate exercise of judicial powers. ...

"If, as it should, the Supreme Court declares the individual mandate unconstitutional, it will be reaffirming our traditions, and not usurping them. The president, a former constitutional law teacher, should be ashamed of himself."

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Yuval Levin Notices Obama Suffers From Liberal Projection Syndrome

"[Obama] speaks as though the problem—our unsustainable entitlement state—were the solution, and as though the solution—a budget that restrains the growth of spending, modernizes and reforms our collapsing entitlement and welfare programs to avert their collapse, and charts a path toward economic growth—were the problem. In this upside-down, inside-out world, Barack Obama accuses Paul Ryan of putting the future of America’s younger generation in danger and inviting American decline.

"A psychologist might call this projection."

There Is No Lie Obama Will Not Tell

"[T]he Supreme Court has been overturning acts of Congress ever since [1803], on average every 16 months. So overturning Obamacare would be about as unprecedented as the sun rising in the east tomorrow morning. ...

"Franklin Roosevelt called the [National Recovery Act of 1933] 'the most important and far-reaching ever enacted by the American Congress.' But that didn’t stop the Supreme Court from overturning it in May 1935, by a vote of 9-0.

"The National Recovery Act passed the House by a large majority and the Senate by 46-39. The “strong majority” mentioned by Obama in the passage of Obamacare did not exist. . . . It garnered not a single Republican vote in either house, the first time so important a piece of legislation was passed on a totally partisan basis.

"As I said, one can only admire his chutzpah. It seems there is simply no lie President Obama will not tell in pursuit of his agenda. He can count on the mainstream media buying it, but will anyone else?"

-- John Steele Gordon, "Presidential Chutzpah"

Don't miss the full opinion, here.

The Law Isn't The Only Jackass

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

On Political Violence

"I have reflected that I would certainly kill him if I could get within reach of him, but that I could feel no personal animosity. The fact is that there is something deeply appealing about him."

-- George Orwell on Adolf Hitler, 1940

Evidently Obama Learned Hostility Toward Marbury v. Madison (1803) at Harvard Law

From an editorial in The Wall Street Journal, pointing out there would be nothing unprecedented in the Supreme Court overturning ObamaCare:

In Marbury in 1803, Chief Justice John Marshall laid down the doctrine of judicial review. In the 209 years since, the Supreme Court has invalidated part or all of countless laws on grounds that they violated the Constitution. All of those laws were passed by a "democratically elected" legislature of some kind, either Congress or in one of the states. And no doubt many of them were passed by "strong" majorities.

Read the full opinion rebuking Obama's complaint about judicial activism here.

I don't buy the argument that Obama is ignorant of these fundamentals of the history of American law. I think he's hostile towards them, and wants them all swept away, along with the Constitution.

Without Low Valuations and Widespread Skepticism, True Bull Markets Are Not Born

From Joseph Calhoun at

"Bull markets are born from low valuations and widespread skepticism, neither of which is extant in the current environment. At best, stocks are currently at average historical valuations; at worst, based on measures such as the Shiller P/E, they are considerably overvalued. Sentiment, as measured by the various surveys, is approaching euphoric levels. I don’t know yet what will upset the bullish mood but the last few years have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that when it happens, the move down will not be pleasant for the fully invested."

Read the full entry here.

John Hussman Notices Troubling Upward Revisions to Initial Claims Data

And remarks how few others have noticed:

"[W]e've been watching the new unemployment claims data for some time. Almost without fail, when a new number is released, the new claims figure for the previous week is revised upward by about 3000 or so. Last week, we saw an unusual revision in new claims data, not just for the previous week, but in months of prior releases, with upward revisions averaging about 10,000 in the most recent reports (e.g. the Feb 25 figure was revised from 354,000 to 373,000). ... Given that so much investor enthusiasm has focused on the new claims figures, it's interesting that the large and generally upward revisions in months of prior data seemed to go virtually unnoticed."

Read his complete remarks here.