Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Shadow Inventory has Grown Over 67 Percent Since 2009 to 3.35 Million Units
Daniel Indiviglio has a nice chart and data from Laurie Goodman showing this, here.
So What if We Become Japan!
"What matters is whether investors really believe that they will be stiffed. In Japan they did not, and still do not."
-- Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, here
The thing is, ZIRP has been stiffing us for quite some time now. And the dollar is down nearly 25 times since 1971 alone.
The phrase "Federal Reserve policy" has been a synonym for screwing the American taxpayer . . . since 1913.
Obama Admits It Again: He's Tempted By Tyranny, and Disrespects Limits
"The idea of doing things on my own is very tempting, I promise you, not just on immigration reform." (quoted here yesterday)
Here's The New York Times in March: Mr. Obama has told people that it would be so much easier to be the president of China.
And, of course, at the age of nine being prime minister of Indonesia already looked pretty good, according to this in April: His mother's ambition was clearly not lost on the future US president. When his Indonesian stepfather asked him once what he wanted to be when he grew up, he was probably expecting him to say an airline pilot or an athlete. "'Oh, prime minister', Barry answered,'" wrote Ms Scott.
The hunger for power evidently began early. But its possession now apparently does not satisfy. What's especially disturbing is the frustration Obama keeps expressing with the limits we place on presidential power in America. He's frequently seen bowing to foreign leaders. Why not to the constitution?
Nothing in it prevented FDR from seeking a third term, and then a fourth, except respect for the long tradition of the unwritten rule of laying down power voluntarily after two terms, going back to the example of George Washington. The 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1951, was the people's response to the lack of self-control FDR showed by his actions.
Obama would do well to consider that more seriously, and these words from our Declaration of Independence:
A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
Nothing in it prevented FDR from seeking a third term, and then a fourth, except respect for the long tradition of the unwritten rule of laying down power voluntarily after two terms, going back to the example of George Washington. The 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1951, was the people's response to the lack of self-control FDR showed by his actions.
Obama would do well to consider that more seriously, and these words from our Declaration of Independence:
A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
The Red Army Faction Mass Violence Thought For The Day
While everyone jumps on the bandwagon to vilify what happened in Oslo as somehow inherently right-wing, let's all think back to 1968 for a moment:
"If one sets a car on fire, that is a criminal offence. If one sets hundreds of cars on fire, that is political action."
"If one sets a car on fire, that is a criminal offence. If one sets hundreds of cars on fire, that is political action."
-- Ulrike Meinhof
"Norway, Israel and the jews"
For everything anti-Semitic and anti-Israel in Norway, I highly recommend "Norway, Israel and the jews," here.
Monday, July 25, 2011
The AUF of Utoya Fame is Completely Radicalised Against Israel
Seen here:
Labor Youth not only subscribes to a Manichean perspective on the Israel-Palestine conflict – they are baying for the conflict to increase. Christian People’s Party does not approve.
Vårt Land offers the article “Labor Youth is playing at war” by journalist Johannes Morken. Excerpt:
Labor Youth leader Eskil Pedersen demands that Norway positions itself “even more clearly on the side of the Palestinians”. This makes CPP-youth leader Elisabeth Løland to mobilize against Labor Youth.
- The conflict has been going on for decades and has destroyed the lives of many humans, both Israelis and Palestinians. This is not a football match where one selects a side to support, and then to cheer every time they score a goal, says Løland.
Run sister, run, you’re doing good. As for Eskil Pedersen of Labor Youth, you know full well how your brethren are faring under the loving rule of Hamas and PA alike, and yet, in order to be sufficiently radical and tough, you choose to look the other way. That’s the kind of creature you are, you and Anette Trettebergstuen alike.
Jewish Children In Oslo Schools Report The Most Harassment
Gee, I wonder why. Just maybe because anti-Semitism, the preferred pose of Norway's Labour Party and its youth arm, the AUF, is pandemic in Norway, thanks to Gro Harlem Brundtland. Imagine that. A doctor spreading a disease.
Excerpted from a news report in June:
Students with ethnic Norwegian background were the least harassed, but the rate of harassment rose in line with the number of non-Norwegian students at their schools.
Most worrisome for school and city officials was the high level of Jewish students, 33 percent, who reported harassment at least two to three times a month. That compares to 5.3 percent of Muslim students who said they’d been harassed. Fully 9 percent of the students responding said they’d been harassed at school because of their religion or faith, while Christians experienced the least harassment. ...
More than half of the students, 52 percent, said they’d experienced that the word jøde (Jew) was used to describe something negative. Fully 41 percent confirmed having heard jokes about Jews at school and 35 percent had noticed generally negative commentaries on Jews. As many as 5 percent had heard other students deny that the Holocaust occurred during World War II.
“Respect, tolerance, equality and inclusion must be made crystal clear in the schools’ educational program,” said director Astrid Søgnen of the city’s department of education.
What a joke. Whether it's under fascists like Quisling or communists like Labour, anti-Semitism finds fertile ground to flourish and grow in Norway, no matter what.
What's The Difference Between The Utoya Shooter and Bill Clinton?
One besieged and killed 76 people, including more than 20 children, and the other is a Norwegian.
Anders Behring Breivik,
Bill Clinton,
The Utoya Shooter Also Lifted Broadly From The Unabomber
It won't get much attention, since the liberal effort already is to smear Fjordman, Gates of Vienna, Jihad Watch, Pam Geller, Brussels Journal, et alia, but the shooter's manifesto also lifted broadly from the Unabomber, according to Scott Shane for The New York Times, here:
Mr. Breivik’s declaration did not name Mr. Kaczynski or acknowledge the numerous passages copied from the Unabomber’s 1995 manifesto, in which the Norwegian substituted “multiculturalists” or “cultural Marxists” for Mr. Kaczynski’s “leftists” and made other small wording changes.
Don't study mathematics, kiddies. You wouldn't want to grow up to be a terrorist now would you?
And while we are at it, the post-war right in America has never drawn any inspiration from utilitarianism and John Stuart Mill either, unless, of course, you include libertarians on the right. Many of us never have, don't now, and won't in future. One reason being that some of them have a nasty habit of being anti-Semitic, just like the Norwegian Labour Party and its youth wing, the AUF. Another being, for example, Mike Gravel.
Anders Behring Breivik,
Ted Kaczynski,
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Utoya Shooting Survivors So Brainwashed By AUF Anti-Semitism They Mistook The Atrocity For A Staged Object Lesson
"Several young survivors of the massacre reported that they initially took the shooting by the killer who was dressed as a cop for a simulation of Israeli crimes against Palestinians in the occupied territories."
As reported here:
Mehrere jugendliche Überlebende des Massakers berichteten, dass sie die Schießerei des als Polizist verkleideten Mörders zunächst für eine Simulierung israelischer Verbrechen an Palästinensern in den besetzten Gebieten hielten.
But you can bet no one will call what Norwegians have let happen to the minds of these young people a crime.
A Credible Republican Candidate For President in 2012. . .
. . . will be first and foremost the one who forthrightly repudiates the legacy of George W. Bush.
Democrat Intransigence: To Go On Spending As If There Were No Problem
Jack Kelly notes here that revenues have never been enough to match spending, going all the way back to WWII:
The problem is spending. Outlays rose from $1.863 trillion in FY 2001 to an estimated $3.819 trillion in this fiscal year, 105 percent in 10 years. The federal government now consumes 24 percent of the gross domestic product. (Since 1903, federal spending has averaged a hair over 20 percent of GDP). ...
Since World War II, federal tax revenues have averaged 18 percent of GDP. Income tax rates varied widely during this period, and there were both booms and busts. But tax revenues never exceeded 20.6 percent of GDP. That seems to be a ceiling -- no matter what economic conditions are or how high rates are raised -- and it suggests the budget cannot be balanced unless spending is held below 20 percent of GDP.
So tax hikes can't close the budget gap. But they could clobber the moribund recovery, making the deficit worse.
Democrats want Republicans to accept real tax hikes in exchange for mostly phantom spending cuts. Because they are unwilling to do so, many journalists describe Republicans as "intransigent." But the truly intransigent, it seems to me, are those who want to go on spending as if there were no problem.
None Dare Called it Learned
Except for "Aaron," a non-religious Jewish Democrat who thinks George Bush is a war criminal.
Aaron "also didn't know that his same-sex attraction, far from being inborn and inescapable, was a thirst for the love that he had not received from his father, a cold and distant man prone to angry outbursts, coupled with a fear of women kindled by his intrusive and overbearing mother, all of which added up to a man who wanted to have sex with other men just so he could get some male attention. He didn't understand any of this, he tells me, until he found a reparative therapist whom he consulted by phone for nearly 10 years, attended weekend workshops, and learned how to 'be a man.'"
Gary Greenberg for Mother Jones tries to remain sympathetic, here.
Author Admits Norway is Racist, Never Mentions It Is Official Labour Policy Towards Israel
Everyone is ignoring the anti-Semitic elephant in the world's living room.
"Casual racism is rife. Only in Norway have I heard someone order a taxi and request that the driver is white. News reports can display an unwitting racism that is shocking to British ears."
-- Anthony Browne, Mayor of London's Re-election Campaign, here
Camp Utoya Day Before The Shootings: A Seething Cauldron of Anti-Israelism
As seen here and here and translated by Google (italics added for emphasis):
Jonas Gahr Store: - The occupation must end, the wall must be demolished and it must happen now
Jonas Gahr Store: - The occupation must end, the wall must be demolished and it must happen now
21. July 2011, at. 5:42 p.m. | | By: Eivind Funds
The Foreign Minister was met with claims that Norway must recognize a Palestinian state when he visited the Labour Youth League summer camp Thursday.
AUF WANT BOYCOTT: Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store was met by demands that Norway must recognize a Palestinian state when he visited the Labour Youth League summer camp at Utøya Thursday.
During the second day of Labour Youth League summer camp at Utøya got the Labour Party's young hopefuls visit by Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store.
Together with the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation correspondent Sidsel Wold and Norwegian People's Aid Kirsten Belck-Olsen, discussed the Foreign Minister of the deadlock between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
As foreign minister arrived Utøya he was met with a demand from the AUF that Norway must recognize a Palestinian state.
- The Palestinians must have their own state, the occupation must end, the wall must be demolished and it must happen now, said the Foreign Minister to cheers from the audience.
Earlier this week, when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited Norway, the Minister said to TV 2 news channel that Norway stands ready to recognize a Palestinian state . This he repeated during the debate on Utøya.
- We are ready to recognize a Palestinian state. I await the actual resolution text Palestinians will promote the UN General Assembly in September, said the Minister.
In autumn it is expected that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will bring the matter to the UN. Where will he ask for UN membership and recognition of a Palestinian state within the borders before the 1967 war, with East Jerusalem as its capital.
Wednesday said AUF leader Eskil Pedersen that the AUF want a unilateral economic embargo of Israel from the Norwegian side.
- Labour Youth will have a more activist Middle East policy and we have to recognize Palestine. NOK NOK's, now we have to get the peace process into a new track, said Pedersen.
The foreign minister admitted that the situation is untenable, but believes that the boycott is the wrong tool.
- Boycott will be to move from dialogue to monologue. It is difficult to open the door the day we will talk with Israel, said the Minister.
The Gang of Six Types Attack Savers
They want to cap "combined employee/employer pre-tax contributions to 401(k)s at $20,000 or 20 percent of income, whichever is lower. That would be a substantial cut in deductibility, since the employee deduction alone currently is capped at $16,500 (savers over age 50 can make additional $5,500 “catch-up” contributions)."
Just one of the ways the greedy feds want to extract more revenue from people as they age.
You'll find more of this discussed, here.
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