Tuesday, January 25, 2022

17 million breakthrough cases in the US through Jan 24th


Now that AXIOS finally got its shit together and updated its map for Omicron prevalence, let's check in on variants in Michigan

Delta still dominates in Michigan, as it does in about 12 other states, mostly in the high plains and upper mid-west.

Omicron now dominates in about 14 states, mostly in the south and west.

No other variants register in Michigan on the maps at Axios, nor anywhere else, Jimmy.

Omicron is displacing Delta in America. That's the story.

India Variant, aka Delta

Omicron Variant, from South Africa

Housing affordability turned down again in 2020 as housing prices climbed ever higher and incomes fell

The key to joining the middle class has always been the full-time job, without which you cannot afford a house.

The rich have taken away the keys.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Nemesis comes for old soldiers Tom Brady, 44, and Aaron Rodgers, 38

 Both quarterbacks were defeated in the NFL divisional playoffs by field goals in the closing seconds of their respective contests.

Pure poetry.

In Massachusetts breakthrough deaths must represent a shocking 25.5% of confirmed deaths since March 7, 2021

Cumulative confirmed deaths since the beginning of the pandemic: 20,884


Breakthrough deaths: 1,224 (5.86% of confirmed deaths to date)


Cumulative confirmed cases since the beginning of the pandemic: 1,418,149

Breakthrough cases: 348,510 (24.57% of confirmed cases to date)

Breakthrough hospitalizations: 5,437 (0.38% of all confirmed cases to date; cumulative hospitalization data is not available from Massachusetts)

Presenting the data this way, however, leads to mixing the breakthrough data with the data from the first year of the pandemic when there were no vaccines through which to break.

We have to subtract the first year data to see what is really going on since vaccinations began and were characteristic of the second year.

A convenient date to choose for the end of the first year is March 7, 2021, when The Covid Tracking Project ceased its pandemic data gathering efforts. That data helpfully included cumulative hospitalization numbers. And fewer than 10% of Massachusetts residents had been fully vaccinated by that date.

In the first year of the pandemic through March 7, 2021, Massachusetts had 16,085 confirmed deaths, 559,083 confirmed cases, and 19,713 ever hospitalized for COVID.  

The hospitalization rate in the first year was therefore 3.525% of confirmed cases, slightly higher than the national rate in the first year of the pandemic at 3.06%.

This means in year two to date since March 7, 2021 there have been only 4,799 additional confirmed deaths, but 859,066 additional confirmed cases and approximately 30,282 additional hospitalizations (I used the first year hospitalization rate of 3.525% as a proxy for this, which I grant is only an educated guess).

From those baseline figures from the second year of the pandemic to date, we get the following rates for breakthroughs since March 7, 2021 using the breakthrough data Massachusetts helpfully reports unlike most states:

Breakthrough deaths: 25.50%

Breakthrough cases: 40.56%

Breakthrough hospitalizations: ~17.95%.

In Massachusetts, the proportion of serious outcomes for vaccinated  people is much higher than people realize. This is certainly true for deaths.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

15.4 million US breakthrough cases in January 2022 with 10 days left to count in the month


Crazed libertarian can't stand other people, but can't do anything about it, so what's new?









"It's just gone on too long, nobody cares anymore," Maher said. "I don't want to live in your mask paranoid world anymore. You go out it's silly now: you have to have a mask, you have a booster, they scan your head. Like you're a cashier and I'm a bunch of bananas. I'm not bananas, you are."

Friday, January 21, 2022

Thursday, January 20, 2022

LOL, now that there are MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF THEM, Ms. Lyndon Haviland wants the term "breakthrough cases" banned, and lies like a rug about what Fauci said


At TheHill, where else?

Let's stop saying 'breakthrough cases' — it isn't helping

When the vaccine was introduced, Dr. Anthony Fauci and others said it would offer the public a strong layer of protection against COVID-19. They sought to manage expectations by saying it would lower the possibility of getting the virus, but that, like all vaccines, it wouldn’t guarantee immunity. They tried to make it clear that infection was still possible, and that the vaccine would still do its job by drastically lowering the chance of severe illness, hospitalization and death. All of this has proven true.

By trumpeting the term “breakthrough cases,” public health authorities are spreading the impression that these infections are novel, unique and unanticipated by the scientific community. In fact, the vaccine was designed precisely with this likelihood in mind, and it is working exactly as intended. 

Yeah, right. That's why Fauci said on at least three separate occasions before Delta hit that vaccination levels hitting 50% of population would prevent additional case surges like we saw in April 2021. He was sure after that that the steep declines in cases we saw nationally were a sign that the vaccines were working.

And then along came the July 4th, Provincetown, incident, proving vaccines didn't stop the spread, and Delta, proving him even more horribly wrong. 

The shift to "it prevents serious illness, hospitalization and death" was . . . a shift!

But even that hasn't been true. Mass vaccination has not reduced either cases or deaths Jul-Dec 2021 compared with Jul-Dec 2020.

These people are just awful, deplorable even, because they keep touting a vaccine which isn't a true vaccine, and because of it vaccinated people have been running around spreading serious illness, hospitalization and death.

Words have meaning. Censoring them won't stop the death toll.

13.868 million breakthrough cases in the US in the first 19 days of January 2022, Jack


Wednesday, January 19, 2022

You don't say . . .

 MRNA Boosters DO NOT Block Omicron, Study Shows...

Climate Update For KGRR: December 2021 and 2021 Annual

Climate Update For KGRR: December 2021
Max T 63, Mean 53: tied for 8th highest on record
Min T 15, Mean 04: 9th highest on record
Avg T 34.5, Mean 28.4: 9th highest on record
Rain 2.23, Mean 2.44
Snow 10.1, Mean 15.9
Heating Degree Days 938, Mean 1126
HDD to date 2039, Mean 2481

2021 Annual Climate Summary For KGRR
Max T 92, Mean 95: tied for 18th lowest on record
Min T -12, Mean -7
Avg T 50.8, Mean 48.2: 11th highest on record (5.4% warmer than Mean vs. 9.5% warmer than Mean for the warmest full year on record in 2012)
Rain 38.04, Mean 34.8: 33rd wettest on record
Cooling Degree Days 893, Mean 696: 19th highest on record (compare with the previous year Heating Degree Day heating season 2020-2021, which ranked 15th warmest on record with 6170 HDD vs. 6697 Mean since 1892) 

Warmer conditions for KGRR in calendar 2021 were an instance more of moderate winter conditions back-ending and front-loading the year than of extreme summer conditions in the middle of it.

13 million breakthrough cases in the US in the first 18 days of January 2022


Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Mass vaccination in 2021 in the United States reduced neither cases nor deaths from COVID-19 "Delta" variant, aka the India variant

Delta dominated from July 1 through December 31, 2021:

Total Cases = 21.05 million
Total Deaths = 219,471.
COVID-19 from July 1 through December 31, 2020:
Total Cases = 17.37 million
Total Deaths = 218,588.
Mass vaccination in 2021 in the US reduced neither cases nor deaths from Delta. 

11.8 million breakthrough cases in the US in the first 17 days of January


Monday, January 17, 2022

A good day to remember that Boston University gave a Ph.D. to someone in 1955 who plagiarized his dissertation and a B.A. in economics "with honors" to someone in 2011 who esteems the famous economist "Milton Keynes"




Educational standards at Boston University are nothing if not consistent.

Ralph Northam was barely out of office for one day before Amazon started to run low on Kiwi black


Last time I checked, Ron DeSantis deployed to Iraq with SEAL Team One in 2007, but gutless Trump never deployed anywhere


If the Fed folks think raising the Federal Funds Rate will help control inflation, they are sadly mistaken . . . again

From 1983 through 2001, the Federal Funds Rate was aggressively high and averaged 6.27%, and the Consumer Price Index averaged 3.24%.*

From 2002 through 2020, the Consumer Price Index was much lower on average at 2.01%, as the Fed pursued an aggressive low interest rate policy, which averaged just 1.36%.

So, lower Federal Funds Rate, lower inflation, higher Federal Funds Rate, higher inflation, just the opposite of what the Fed says it intends.

But only a numbskull thinks these are correlated. The Fed is merely reactionary to complex existing phenomena, not pro-actively creating conditions.











* I used the average of the annual averages.

Happy National Plagiarists' Day


Sunday, January 16, 2022

At current infection rates in the UK and the US, we won't see "herd immunity", defined as 70% infected with Omicron, until sometime in November

The US is averaging roughly 720k infections per day, and the UK 147k, so far in January.

In the US you have to have roughly 232m people infected to get to 70%. At the current rate of infection, that's 322 days.

In the UK you have to have roughly 48m people infected to get to 70%. At the current rate of infection, that's 327 days. 

There is no way to predict if current rates of infection will persist, but current rates put us to mid-November.

One thing's for sure, however, the vaccines sure as hell aren't stopping it.

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings

... by the middle of the Second Century ... there were few Greeks and Romans left. They had destroyed themselves by miscegenation, internecine wars, and that fatuous tolerance with which they permitted themselves to be displaced by their subjects and slaves. ...

-- Revilo P. Oliver, "By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them", Liberty Bell, August 1985

10.788 million breakthrough cases in the first fifteen days of January


The vaccine mandate for healthcare workers was decided by the Supremes in a 5-4 vote where Roberts and Kavanaugh voted with the three liberals

Tucker Carlson laughably says Kavanaugh voted with the liberals on this because his confirmation hearings broke him.

Ridiculous beyond words.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Our Enemy The State wants to stop reporting COVID-19 case numbers entirely because Omicron breakthroughs are making monkeys out of them and their stupid vaccines

Omicron case counts are shattering all previous COVID-19 records. But the numbers don’t carry the same weight they used to. State and local health departments are preparing to explain that to the public and start reporting more meaningful data on the virus.


Remember when Donald 15 cases going to zero Trump wanted to stop testing to reduce case counts because they were making him look so bad? 


2021 saw a return of large earthquakes across the world


Elite privilege: The two guys who came from A&E Factory Service to fix my dishwasher were fully-masked, but the dermatologist and his assistant went without

In Ontario breakthrough cases currently outnumber unvaccinated cases by 5.8 to 1


10.36 million US breakthrough cases in the first fourteen days of January


Friday, January 14, 2022

Democrats won control of all the important levers of federal government in 2020, but "democracy is on life support"

I'll say.

9.4 million breakthrough cases in the first thirteen days of January


Wednesday, January 12, 2022

I wouldn't give you two cents for it


The problem with Rex Reed is the people he names in the same paragraph

 He's not a critic. He's a drive-by shooter.


  The people to whom we waved goodbye in 2021 were not all heroes.  Expect no celebratory parades for disgraced Ponzi schemer Bernie Madoff or Hustler  publisher and smut peddler Larry Flynt, but in fairness, Flynt was a brave advocate for First Amendment rights before he was gunned down by a racist extremist in 1978 and left paralyzed for the rest of his life. And “So long” to Prince Philip, 99, the Duke of Edinburgh, who left the monarch of England, Queen Elizabeth II, to endure the antics of her dysfunctional family alone.

There's 7.7 million breakthrough cases in the first eleven days of January, and I'm supposed to know one?


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

The leading candidate for the name of the next variant after Omicron is . . .

. . .  Sotomoron


LOL CDC Director Walensky at the beginning of October: With 164 million vaccinated we should expect "tens of thousands perhaps of breakthrough infections"

The US has added 10 million new cases since mid-December alone, 26 days ago. The previous record for a calendar month was Dec 2020 with 6.4 million.

January 2022 is going to be a breakthrough doozy. We have already 6.9 million cases in the first ten days of January alone.

This is what you get when you oversell an under-tested therapeutic as a vaccine.

These people should all be fired, including anyone who has blamed unvaccinated people for spreading this disease when the CDC has here months ago clearly admitted that vaccinated people are still spreading it.

Hell, they admitted it in July after Provincetown.

Vaccinated people have been spreading COVID all along.

Remember when the hysterical Rachel Maddow proclaimed her faith in the ability of the new vaccines to stop the spread?

The virus stops with every vaccinated person, she said.

It doesn't.

LOL NBC: Boosted Americans home sick with Omicron are "confused"


[Biden] calls it the “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” but that has only confused boosted Americans home sick with the omicron variant.
They're not confused, they're thinking "You said all we needed to do was get vaccinated!"