Sunday, February 2, 2020

Wuhan doctor in LA Times: Official China tally of coronavirus infection cases is "definitely not reliable"

From the story, Jan 31:

Wei Peng, a doctor in his 40s at a community hospital in Wuhan’s Qiaokou district, about two hours from Gao’s family home, said in a phone interview that at least 12 out of 59 doctors at his hospital, himself included, were working despite being sick with fevers, coughs and lung infections — symptoms of the coronavirus.
“We don’t have the test kit, and we don’t have time for tests either,” Wei said.
Wei suspects he became infected while treating a patient on Jan. 19, when Chinese authorities were insisting the disease, which is suspected to have started in a live animal market, was not transmissible between humans. Wei was wearing only a disposable surgical mask and no goggles when the patient coughed in his face.
“As long as you’re not diagnosed, you must go to work,” said Wei. He and other doctors spend their nights at the hospital because of transportation shutdowns. “We know that we are causing risk of contagion to the patients. But if you don’t work, then what? There’s no one to replace you. Your colleagues must bear more, and they’re also infected.”
The official tally of infection cases was “definitely not reliable,” Wei said. He noted: Too many patients are not being counted. There are not enough test kits. Not enough doctors. Not enough hospital beds. Not enough medicine. Not enough masks. Not enough cars to take patients to the hospital.
“There are a lot of patients and they are anxious,” said Wei, who fashioned his own goggles out of plastic sheets. “Many are calling here and you can hear them shouting on the phone, ‘Save me, save me,’ and they are crying, and there’s nothing we can do.”

Migrant who sounded virus alarm
Chinese welder Gao Fei warned family members in Hubei province of the impending coronavirus threat. When he criticized the government for its handling of the outbreak, he was arrested.
( Gao Fei )

If Iowa can't figure out how to rig a poll, it doesn't deserve to be first

LOL: Des Moines Register/CNN pulls final poll . . . because its endorsed candidate came in fourth?

Hi how are ya? Hi how are ya? Hi how are ya?

Nah, but the resemblance to Joseph Goebbels is uncanny


Move over bread and circuses, Bernie brings beer and music

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa — Fans danced gleefully to music while guzzling beer. Smiles abounded and deafening cheers arose without warning. And, in the restroom, someone was smoking what smelled like marijuana.

Yes, it was a concert. Yes, it was a party. ...

Sanders fans filled the floor and the first level at the U.S. Cellular Center in downtown Cedar Rapids, where the concessions were open and individual vendors walked around selling beer and bottled water. The men’s restroom on the floor level had the distinct odor of marijuana smoke.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

It's amazing how many ludicrous don't eat meat to prevent coronavirus tweets Twitter allows, but Zero Hedge gets banned for supposedly doxxing a bona fide virus researcher named Peng Zhou

LOL: Eating meat causes coronavirus because animals live in dirt, you know, just like plants

The Democrat Party is not a normal organization and doesn't have a message which is susceptible of coordination

China reports 304 dead from coronavirus, 14,380 cases

Pocahonky launches sneak attack on Chief Black Robe, famous hunter from Tennessee and dog musher from Alaska intervene to save scalp and end Indian war for good

John Delaney dropped out of the race yesterday, Bill, in accord with the will of God, maybe you've heard of them?

Thank God a conservative actually made it this far

Atheist Adam Savage, Speaker Nancy Pelosi constituent, Humanist of the Year and myth-maker, not very happy with the Republican US Senate's 11 Presbyterians, 9 Catholics, 9 Baptists, 7 Methodists, 6 Evangelicals, 3 Lutherans, 3 generic Protestants, 1 Church of Christ and 2 Mormons who voted against having to do the job the House wouldn't do

Everyone always forgets the French, with their stupid wines, cheeses and nuclear weapons

What did Jessica Mann think the second time she saw Harvey Weinstein naked?

Fair number of elites are fine with the rare wines, female escorts, foie gras and exotic travels they get in exchange for assisting globalists crush the cost of labor

Homeownership growth under Trump is slowing as of the end of 2019

Peeling off Romney and Collins for a 49-51 result isn't losing "so horribly": That those Republicans cared so little for the constitutional order, which hangs by a thread, should upset us

Coronavirus shows evidence of engineering to be highly infectious: Because flu kills far more people this product was likely not ready to be deployed yet as a weapon and simply escaped the lab accidentally

This would explain the ensuing panic in China and the lockdown of millions compared to e.g. flu viruses which kill far more people but never engender such responses.

Friday, January 31, 2020

China reports coronavirus deaths 259, cases 11,791

When Democrats can't get Lisa Mercowsky to vote with them, you know they really do hate the constitutional order and want it overthrown

It doesn't matter how you spell Murkowski in Alaska. The judge knows who you mean.

Unless the gay mafia committed sexual assault on the products in the Chinese seafood market, the coronavirus escaped from the secret Wuhan bio-weapons lab

40% of the campaign cash Ilhan Omar raises goes straight to her new bed partner

Joe Scarborough's not wrong about the economy just because he's Joe Scarborough

Trump real GDP is averaging 2.5% after three years, Obama averaged 1.6% over eight, and Bush 43 1.9% over eight.

Things are better under Trump, but compared to the post-war up to the year 2000, we're still in big doo doo.

The compound annual growth rate in the post-war up until Bush 43 clocked in at 3.46% per annum on average.

Since 2007 we're struggling to put up 1.7%.

Sumting wong.

It's official: Economic growth 2007-2019 (full year) is 42.6% worse than during the Great Depression 1929-1941

Biden up in the poles: Thank you, honey, may I have another?

Jobs. Jobs. Jobs.

Not if the diabetes gets her first

The Democrat lawyers are so pissed they've failed they're breaking up pavement now

US Naval War College professor who teaches our officer corps: Trump is worse than dyed in the wool communist Bernie Sanders

NeverTrump Tom Nichols has to vote socialist in order to save the free market system

US Naval War College professor upset about the exercise of raw political power at the same time upset candidate Trump didn't do more to stop Russkies from interfering in his election.  Like the US Navy takes orders from unelected politicians.

Bernie Sanders is almost as bad as Jane Fonda

An historic day in world history: US impeachment is dead and UK Brexit is alive

She wears vintage Chanel while the rest of us get to wear vintage Salvation Army

Honestly, do Hilton women even wear clothes?

How Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, inadvertently proved that Eric Ciaramella is the whistleblower

It's hard up there for Roberts all alone without his law clerks to keep him out of trouble and make him look good.

Joe Biden 1999 Clinton Senate impeachment trial: Senate may dismiss articles of impeachment without holding a full trial or taking new evidence

Politico working real hard to smear Biden with the truth.

It's almost like Politico wants Trump re-elected, almost as bad as CNN.


Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Well, well, well, Adam Schiff, who insists he doesn't know the whistleblower, hired two aides who worked with the whistleblower at the White House

Gee, what a coincidence.

British Columbia Minister of Health falsely states you can't get coronavirus from asymptomatic people

Senate Republicans believe they have the votes to prevent calling witnesses Democrats should have called in the House, McConnell preparing to wrap it up on Friday

"You know, pretty soon that coronavirus gonna kill more than we did at Custer's Last Stand"

Coronavirus deaths in China soar from 25 on January 22nd to 170 today, one week later

If this pace is maintained there could be 24,000 dead two weeks from now and one million infected.

First Obama tried to take out Trump with Russian collusion, now Biden with Ukraine: Photos emerge of so-called whistleblower with Joe Biden ally Michael Carpenter years ago

This impeachment was a "trumped up" political operation by partisans.

Deleted Pocahonky DNA tweet with video live-on many moons at Paul Joseph Watson reservation

Pocahonky wipe Twitter with a chamois cloth or something

Pocahonky say "No more buffalo dung in the teepee", that is all