Thursday, December 12, 2019

New Monmouth poll shows these losers prefer Barack Hussein Obama over George Washington 63-29

Bernie throws Hail Mary Pass, endorses dog-fucker in CA-25

Just as Pocahonky was fading, too.

Every last one of them has a death wish, and Trump is here to grant it.


Instead of wearing a soup bowl on her head for the haircut, it looks like she wore a Stahlhelm

Aryan tranny?

Elise Stefanik joins 33 other Republican traitors to help Democrats pass Farm Workforce Modernization Act

The roll call is here.

Among the others joining her in the infamy were Fred Upton and Devin Nunes.

The fact is no Republican had to vote for it for it to pass, so this is most definitely on them.

The bill would give green cards to undocumented farm workers, which is amnesty.

I remember Trump's 2016 campaign rallies perfectly: "We want Jew! We want Jew!" they shouted in city after city

Michigan's version of the devil Rashida Tlaib wants you to think the Black Hebrew Israelites who killed these people are white supremacists

Consort to the Father of Lies.

Unfit attorney general calls attorney general unfit

Liberals are cheapskates

The U of C has 2859 academic staff, so that's less than $68 a head, about 0.10% of the average salary. 

Scold of the Year

Needs a good spanking.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

There's a thing called a channel selector button, recommend you use it and put MSM out of business, same as newspapers

Inspector General Report vindicates Republican Nunes vs. FBI, confirms Democrat Schiff full of it

Democrats just can't win: Top aide to president Zelensky of Ukraine contradicts Sondland testimony (you know, the third time's a charm testimony)

TIME exclusive.

Hey Bozo, agreed, but Wray is another one of your "we will have the best people" appointments

Speaking of poor, Obama's new house cost $12 million, Jimmy Carter's is worth $200,000

Obama has to sell Obamacare this Christmas because none of the Democrat candidates for president believe in it anymore

Poor fella.

The Swamp is trying to kill Trump but he's going to give their women paid family leave


Things Obama should have been impeached for, except Democrats are in favor of selling us out to Russia and imitating their thug state

Yeah right, media in the 1980s was a golden age

America was so innocent in the 1950s.

The Greatest Generation was like no other.

The American Founding was a miracle.

We have to get back to the authentic Christianity of the first century.

Oh the glory that was Greece and Rome.

Democrats really just want to impeach the constitution with its checks and balances: Obstruction is baked into its cake and prevents them from imposing their full dictatorship on the other two branches

And these assholes rob us blind day in and day out and have the temerity to claim "abuse of power". The president with his veto pen is supposed to protect us from them. It's well past time he started and gave them something real to complain about.

Monday, December 9, 2019

When Jonathan Turley looks at this impeachment all he sees is a banana taped to a wall

Afghanistan war document dump shows Mike Flynn saying everyone lying about success, targeted for ruin by The Swamp for saying so

Trump and Congress are spending us blind

There is no Great Financial Crisis as in 2008, but Trump & Co. are in the process of racking up trillion dollar deficits same as then as we speak.

Tax cuts for corporations, military-industrial complex spending and goodies for The Swamp are just some of the main reasons.

Trump has a veto pen, but refuses to use it.

Debt to the Penny is currently $23.091 trillion.

Revenues in col 1, spending in col 2, deficits in col 3

Paid family leave for federal government's already Affluent White Female Liberals (AWFLs) likely to cost taxpayers $6 billion over ten years

Some Democratic aides think the proposed federal benefits package would cost about $3 billion, though there is disagreement about whether those costs would span five or 10 years. The expansion would give federal employees a rare victory after the Trump administration has sought to cut their benefits for three years. Many of them also endured the longest-ever government shutdown under the current administration roughly one year ago.

Your average US federal worker in 2017 already made $80,000 a year, 67% more than the raw average US wage of $48,000 in 2017.

But no, they need more money to stay home with baby.

Trump and Melania, players from the beginning

Prince Andrew like a kid in the candy store

One big happy family

Torah scholar weighs in: It came out "some goy" by accident because "u" is two letters away from "o" on the keyboard

Times of Israel reporter tweet-cucks the goy president of Israel

Maybe Trump would be more respected in Hymietown if he ditched the orange for blackface.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Trump is just awful: Supports deal giving Federal workers 12 weeks PAID family leave

Making the swamp stronger. Spending money we don't have.

What a joke this guy is.

Government of Javanka, by Javanka and for Javanka.

The must-pass bill includes a provision that would allow more than 2 million federal government workers to take paid leave to care for a new baby or for an adopted child. Parental leave was a priority for high-ranking Democrats, including Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The provision is a victory for federal workers, who would face benefit cuts under the Trump administration’s budget submission. Under the current federal law, civilian workers are eligible for 12 weeks of unpaid leave.

US Border Patrol says it caught kid who successfully made it over Trump's bollard fencing in viral video

Colin Kaepernick is a cultural desolator

You gave them your daughter and they run your administration, isn't that enough?

Employment discrimination against the old: More than 50% over 50 get fired, almost all end up in low-wage jobs from then on

Sudden and harrowing downward mobility:

According to the Urban Institute, more than half of all workers over 50 in the U.S. eventually lose their jobs involuntarily, and 90 percent of those workers get consigned to lower-paying work for the rest of their careers.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Peak Jobs Kool Aid


These payroll headlines boosting Trump are embarrassing: Trump is way underperforming the hype

We've had exactly 19 months in 19 years where payrolls hit 300,000 or better, and they are crowing about 266,000 this month.

For crying out loud, Jimmy Carter racked up 18 such 300k+ months in just 4 years in office.

266,000 is ridiculous and pathetic given that 41,300 were strikers returning to work.

How come the Democrats are too stupid to figure this out?

Neither party cares about American jobs. All they care about is selling the country out to the highest bidder and profiting themselves and their friends off the deal.


Friday, December 6, 2019

Republican Thomas Massie's KY-4 ladies and gentlemen: Kinky Kenton County female judge, 38, turns private chambers into group sex venue

Libertarianism in action:

According to an investigation by the Kentucky Judicial Conduct Commission, she flirted with attorneys over Snapchat, put pressure on them to sleep with her and, in one case, asked a female attorney to join her in a threesome with her former church pastor turned lover. ... Family Court Judge Dawn Gentry has been hit with nine misconduct charges by the Kentucky Judicial Conduct Commission. ... Gentry serves as a family court judge for Kenton County which is south of the Kentucky-Ohio state line near Cincinnati.

BE . . . HAPPY . . . IN . . . YOUR . . . WORK !