Thursday, August 15, 2019

Obama's minions in Philly, where in 2008 he talked about bringing a gun to a knife fight, laugh at cops being shot

Obama Goes One on One, Battling ‘Just a Speechmaker’ Label:

He has also been showing a more pugnacious side, commenting at a Philadelphia fund-raiser Friday that he was prepared for a fight with Republicans, saying, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” That line, from “The Untouchables,” led the campaign of his Republican opponent, Senator John McCain of Arizona, to cry foul and to suggest that hopes for an elevated dialogue were in danger.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Jeffrey Snider: The whole global economy is in trouble, and it isn't because of a few billion in US tariffs on Chinese goods

Rather it is because hundreds of billions of dollars worth of liquidity keep disappearing since the Great Financial Crisis.

Treasury bonds are the most expensive they have been in over sixty years

All "asset" classes are near-record expensive: bonds, stocks, gold, housing, college education, health insurance policies . . .. 

Cliff Asness, here:

So, the bottom line is, as measured by real bond yield, U.S. Treasury bonds are really frickin’ expensive. Measured by the slope of the yield curve they are really frickin’ expensive. But, measured by the average of these two simple variables, they are 60+ year just about record-low frickin’ expensive. This result is not caused by, but is certainly exacerbated by, the (perhaps) surprisingly uncorrelated nature of slope and real bond yield, thus making both so low and at the same time considerably more surprising.

Now that's what I call bipartisanship: China attacks the Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker of the House

Notably missing from the attack is President Trump. None dare call him Quisling.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

#Freda: Stupid conservatives went to the mat for Sen. Rick Scott, now he supports red flag laws

Same old same old GOP, same as the same old same old Democrat P.

Trump isn't a revolution because there isn't a deep bench, but because there isn't a bench at all

Rush Limbaugh tries to sandbag his audience, claims guy FILMING himself calling Cuomo Fredo really believed his name was Fredo because Rush calls Cuomo that

If that's true, then Rush's audience is dumber than a million Fredos, which makes Rush pretty stupid for not thinking of that.

Obviously the guy didn't believe that Fredo was Cuomo's real name, otherwise filming the set up would have been completely beside the point. The point was to get the reaction on film.

Rush didn't invent the Fredo meme for Chris Cuomo. It's been out there at least since 2010 in New Yawk City, thanks to Curtis Sliwa.

Rush Limbaugh's taking credit for calling Cuomo "Fredo" in 2017, but Curtis Sliwa first made Cuomo self-aware in Jan 2010 interview

Chris Cuomo once referred to himself as ‘Fredo’ in radio interview

Snowflake presidency: China threatens Hong Kong, Trump delays threatened tariffs until December minutes later

Only we can call each other Fredo


So every time Michael calls his brother Fredo Fredo he's engaging in Italian self-hatred now?

Got it.

The Fredos of the world unite

If Chris Cuomo were a Michael and not a Fredo, he would have punched that guy right in the kisser just like Buzz Aldrin punched that guy who called him a coward, a liar and a thief. But he didn't. He backed down, just like the guy hurling the insult backed down. This is snowflake America.

#Freda is quietly pushing gun control behind the scenes

What's worse, running some Mickey Mouse nightclub somewhere, or proving to everyone nightly on CNN that you are Fredo?







Some jerk at Yahoo is messing with the charts again

Monday, August 12, 2019

Rumor has it Kevin Williamson took a dumbasstical to write his new book


When you're not THAT Jeffrey Epstein, Stephen Miller, or Paul Ryan

To Kevin Williamson and National Review conservatism is materialism, and you damn families and your schools in Kentucky and Oklahoma are the problem

It's Kevin Williamson with the mulish refusal to consider and deal with the world as we actually find it. You can spend decades trying to beat the nesting instinct out of mothers but all you'll have to show for it in the end is a different set of mothers to replace them, and a different country. Conservatives would prefer to stick with the one we've got. Libertarians should move . . . out.

Job Security Is Not Coming Back:

[I]t is better that we are not governed by poets. Our policymakers must deal with the world as it is, and our schools and families should prepare children for the world as it is, not as we might wish it were. Imagination and creativity are ... a mulish refusal to consider and deal with the world as we actually find it.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

New OJ trying to steal spotlight from USC's old OJ

LOL: With these you can clearly see their . . .

Yes, yes they are.

Joe Biden admits federal government is way too big when he says we'll need at least an F-15 to protect ourselves from it

Either that or he's threatening us.

Senator Blumenthal met the Parkland survivors back when he was in 'Nam, Joe Biden met 'em when he was VP

The New Republic: Man commits suicide waiting in line at the DMV

Just say Kristolnicht to libertarianism

#Epstien = Anti-semitic Twitter

But I repeat myself.

Climate update for Grand Rapids, Michigan, July 2019

Climate update for Grand Rapids, Michigan, July 2019

Max temp 92  Mean Max 94
Min temp 54  Mean Min 49
Av temp 75.4  Mean Av 72.3
Precip 3.92  Mean 3.13
Precip ytd 26.85  Mean ytd 19.78 (36% wetter than normal)
[Snow Jan-Jun 2019 63.7  Mean Jan-Jun 43.5 (46% more than normal)]
[HDD Jan-Jun 2019 were utterly normal, not even 0.7% higher than the mean]
CDD 332  Mean 241
CDD ytd 449  Mean ytd 425 (5.6% warmer than normal)

The surfeit of moisture first from snow and then from rain in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 2019 year-to-date is characteristic of much of the continental United States, more than 80% of which isn't even abnormally dry at the height of summer at the end of the first week of August 2019. Drought is isolated to pockets making up less than 5% of the Lower 48, particularly near Seattle.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Hillary couldn't have gotten to Epstein had they only jailed him in Wisconsin

Fake Indian tries to stir up racial differences between blacks and whites to advance her political aspirations: Totally sick smear of vindicated cop

Looks like the invasion of the body snatchers came for more than just Donald Trump

Joe Biden in 1976: Diversity is not our strength, that's a bunch of poppycock, differences drive us apart

Speaking at an annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner in Boise in February 1976, Biden said: ”I told you [in a previous speech] about my view that the uniqueness of America didn’t lie in the fact that we’re a great melting pot. We hear that all the time, about it being black and white, rich and poor, Christian and Jew — therefore we’re strong. I told you then, I thought that was a bunch of poppycock.

“The fact we are black and white doesn’t bring us together as a nation. The fact that we’re Christian and Jew doesn’t send us running into one another's embrace to herald our differences. The fact is that people fear differences. The fact that the reason this nation is able to be the most heterogeneous nation in the history of mankind is not because it’s a melting pot. It’s because unlike any other nation in the world, we are uniquely a product of our political institutions.

“If France tomorrow, for example, were to turn in a monarchy, I told you, I did not believe that France would substantively change. Because in France there’s an ethnicity that binds them together, a cultural tie. You don’t have that in America,” he added.

"Just look around this country to see how different we are. Unless we get the American people from Delaware to Idaho, Massachusetts to California, believing that the political system can produce results for them, this country is going to spin apart like a gyroscope out of kilter,” said Biden.

“You were saying, ‘No, it can’t happen here, this is America, we’re unique, we are something different.’ Well, the Lord ain’t made a new brand of man in a long time. It can happen here, we can split apart, and we’re moving in the direction of doing just that.

“Without [the public’s] confidence, without their participation in the system, this nation will not see a tricentennial, this nation will not see the year 2000 in a way in which we now think it is composed." ...

“We hear time and again that we are uniquely a melting pot. Because we’re black, white, rich and poor, therefore we’re strong,” said Biden. “The fact that we are black and white, rich and poor drives us apart in America,” he said.

Drudge headline says Epstein found dead in his cell

Rumor has it he'll be buried next to Seth Rich.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

To Joe Biden the opposite of white is poor and untalented

Can't make this stuff up.

A nation of immigrants is a nation officially committed to cultural appropriation

. . . heh heh.

Senator Hawley be comin' for you @jack, just a matter of time now

Future President Tulsi Gabbard plays ukulele in honor of Lord Krishna

Sounds like any Christian charismatic worship service I've ever heard, just a different god.

She's very beautiful.

Hank Paulson, who championed the crackpot TARP as Treasury Secretary under Bush 43, is a Christian Scientist

From the story:

But the reality of the existential crisis remained elusive to church officials. In 2005, Nathan Talbot and J Thomas Black, longtime church leaders who had promoted recklessly irresponsible policies encouraging the medical neglect of children, endorsed ambitious plans for raising the dead. Black argued that Eddy wanted to keep alive the possibility of defeating mortality, saying, “What would set us apart as a denomination more than raising the dead?” What indeed? Black himself has had ample opportunity to demonstrate it: he died in December 2011, and hasn’t been seen since. ...
So did the softening of some Christian Science attitudes suggest that the church was undergoing a genuine change of heart? Or were they trying to save their jobs, their pride and the institution? At that time, officials were grasping at relationships with ecumenical groups and New Age alternative healers – anything to boost membership. Shirley Paulson, for example, sister-in-law of former US treasury secretary Hank Paulson (also a Christian Scientist, taught by Nathan Talbot), contributed to a series of summit meetings – known as “Church Alive” – which sought to jazz up services with ideas fresh from the 1950s: reading from recent translations of the Bible (more recent than the King James version, that is), singing hymns a cappella, and urging Sunday School students to rap their narcotic weekly “Lesson Sermons”.

Orange Man Bad, wants to allow millions of foreigners to enter America LEGALLY

Democrat Socialists of America, the party of AOC and Rashida Tlaib, vote to work more closely with violent Antifa

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The much-coveted "rifle sling tan line", available only in Israel

Unlike too many American women, Israeli women are invested in victory

Yikes NeverTrump Charlie Sykes!

Baby's not hers either

We have nothing to fear from Julian Castro given he put his exceptionally stupid brother in charge of his campaign for president

It's also pretty stupid that The Washington Examiner can't formulate the proper English phrase "to both him and his brother", but let's just focus on the fact that Joaquin is not now and never will be the phoenix rising from this clusterconflagration.

This is . . . pure gold

With 5 months left to go in 2019, 62% of mass shootings to date are caused by minorities, not whites

In 2016 mass shootings were overwhelmingly caused by minorities, not whites

LOL: Director of gay and lesbian art museum opposed to Amazon "invasion" of Queens, New York

LOL: Only we can use the word "invasion"

Black mothers' lives don't matter to Black Lives Matter, national media, Democrat Party obsessed with nearly non-existent "white supremacy"

'Total cowardice': 2 Chicago mothers killed in drive-by shooting while taking a stand against gun violence:

Grant and Stoudemire were members of Mothers Against Senseless Killings (MASK), a group that was formed in 2015 after three women were shot, one fatally, near the same street corner in the Englewood neighborhood, members of the group said.

"For mothers to be killed in a place where mothers go to seek safety and sisterhood, I take that as a personal threat," said Tamar Manasseh, 41, founder of the group. "Because when you come for one of us, you better believe they came for all of us."

Grant and Stoudemire were out helping to patrol the neighborhood Friday when just before 10 p.m., a blue SUV pulled up and someone inside opened fire, killing the women and leaving two men injured, including one whose arm was grazed by a bullet, Bown said. Police recovered multiple shell casings from the scene, she said.


Kenyan who overstayed his 2003 visa and married an American to escape deportation now suspected in 19 smothering deaths of elderly in nursing home

B-2 tourist visa.

From the story:

Investigators are currently looking into about 750 deaths of elderly women to find if Chemirmir could have been connected to potential additional murders. Chemirmir has remained in custody since last year on a $1 million bond.

Dead white Antifa terrorists Willem Van Spronsen in Tacoma and Connor Betts in Dayton both embraced AOC's inflammatory concentration camp rhetoric

Nolte: Two Terrorists Embraced Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Concentration Camp’ Smear:

The real news is here is the establishment media’s shameless double standard. While the media are going crazy over the El Paso terrorist’s anti-Hispanic rhetoric and attempting to claim Trump was his inspiration, the very same media are dutifully covering up how two left-wing terrorists embraced Ocasio-Cortez’s inflammatory rhetoric.

Personally, I object to this kind of guilt-by-association. Watching the news media attempt to stifle free speech by connecting someone’s violence to another person’s speech is as un-American as it gets. But the media’s own rules do connect Ocasio-Cortez and two members of her Socialist Squad directly to these two terrorists.

I should add that it’s fascinating to watch the deep-in-denial media further destroy its own credibility by covering these facts up. The media know that we know the truth. The media know that the truth about Ocasio-Cortez  and these two terrorists is all over social and alternative media, but still they don’t care that we know because their partisan rage constantly overwhelms their decency and integrity.

All the media can do is rage against Trump, even with the “concentration camp” elephant in the room.


Tuesday, August 6, 2019

LOL: David French declares war on the mice in the walls of your country house

The idea that there are millions of alt-righters in America is preposterous. Red State's streiff in 2016 laughably came up with 1-3% of the population, as if that were a small number. But there is no way that the alt-right is as numerous as the LGBT population of the United States.

In the year 2000 the forerunner to today's alt-right, Patrick J. Buchanan, received just 0.43% of the popular vote, fewer than 500,000. And unlike David French or Richard Spencer, Pat was the likeable candidate!

David French is a Presbyterian. He has lit his hair on fire. That the recent shooters were white nationalists is kooky on its face. French is literally communicating hysteria.

Conservatism Inc. is deeply threatened by alternative ideas because it is uncertain of itself, even as alt-righter Richard Spencer is uncertain of himself. Both of them need an enemy, and both exaggerate its size.

There's more than Trump derangement syndrome afoot in the land.

We occupied Mexico City in 1847 and we could do it again if Mexico won't withdraw its forces from El Paso

On lowering the Federal Funds Rate when the economy is just fine

Rumor has it ordinary white from the rust belt wants Wajahat's ass sent packing back to the shit-hole whence he came

New York Times op-ed writer felt he had to delete the Massacre Mitch tweet for some reason.


Monday, August 5, 2019

The Las Vegas shooter got off 1100 rounds in 10 minutes, about 110 per minute, using multiple weapons with now banned bump stocks


BBC pulls monkeys out of their ass:

England's had 243 years to catch up on Americans and their guns, but they're still hopelessly benighted

World record with a revolving pistol is 12 rounds in 2.9 seconds, including the 6 round reload. Assuming ideal conditions, the world record holder's rate of fire per minute is 248, but would probably fall off dramatically from that due to the frequency of reloading. The same man with an AR-15 might be able to print 300 rounds a minute, but probably less due to reloading 10 times.

Maybe the Terminator T-1000 could pull an AR-15 rifle trigger 1200 times in a minute, but no human being could. And the T-1000 would quickly discover the weapon melting in his hands from the heat even if he could manage to change the 40 30-round magazines fast enough.

Typical rate of fire performance of the semi-automatic Armalite rifle is 12-15 rounds per minute. No automatic versions are legal to the general public in the United States.

The BBC pulled that graphic out of their ass.

In Germany, the heart and soul of the Euro, you can't buy a bond that won't lose

Dayton shooter said he would happily vote for Elizabeth Warren, wanted socialism

Connor Betts: Twitter Posts on Being a Leftist, Guns

Leftie Dayton shooter in band whose songs were about raping and killing women

The S&P 500 climbed to an average record high 2996.11 in July 2019 despite the Federal Reserve raising the Federal Funds Rate seven times in 2017 and 2018 to 2.50%