Friday, July 26, 2019

US House advances Bipartisan Budget Act to the Senate 284-149, sets discretionary spending at about $1.37 trillion for both of the next two fiscal years and suspends debt ceiling

65 Republicans voted for the damn thing, not that it mattered substantively. The thing otherwise would have passed 219-214 even if the 16 Democrats who voted "nay" still had done so. It's a 235-197-1 Democrat-controlled US House.

Roll call vote 511 is here.

The real crime is a Republican president is going to sign it, not using his greatest weapon, the veto, to get any number of things he claims he wants.

Obviously he doesn't really want what he says he wants.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Over 80% of females in Somalia undergo genital mutilation, so Ilhan Omar understandably doesn't want to go there, because it may have happened to her

She was ten when her family had to flee, the average age when the procedure is performed.



Grow up already, Mueller was a piker compared to Lawrence Walsh, who harassed Ronald Reagan and Bush 41 for 6 years

Very disappointed in President Trump for being unable to act ... Trump has let down the lawful citizenry of the US ... I watched as our border patrol was being overwhelmed by illegal invaders ... the president doesn't really care for real Americans! #FreeAmericansFromTrump

LOL: NeverTrumper Charlie Sykes nearly as popular as communism at AMERICA: THE JESUIT REVIEW

Hey Rush Limbaugh, here's your evidence you can't seem to remember: Russia duped Michael Moore

You knew this was coming, right?

Hey Paul Sperry, you crumb, this amazing specimen has died, aged 75, and Robert S. Mueller III is still alive

About damn time: US Attorney General restarts the execution machine, 5 to be scheduled with 57 others on death row in the pipeline


Democrats have a messaging problem when the venerable London Times concludes their star witness wasn't so stellar

LOL: CNN calls US House vote supporting 2-state solution and opposing boycott, divestment, sanctions movement "divisive" when it passed 398-17

Roll call vote 497 is here.

The headline is correct in one sense, however: Both hard left and hard right are cracking up.

The former leader of the Rebel Alliance, Justin Amash, ignominiously abandoned the fight to vote "present" with four other courageous Democrats cowardly lions, leaving his wingman Thomas Massie of Kentucky to cast the lone Republican "nay" vote.

Massie strangely thought it a good idea to associate himself with the likes of Democrats AOC, Omar and Tlaib, apparently rushing to fill in for Squad member Ayanna Pressley, who inexplicably abandoned her compatriots and voted "yea", proving once again that the true meaning of libertarianism is the freedom to be anti-Semitic.


Wednesday, July 24, 2019

US House votes overwhelmingly to stop robocalls, except for Justin Amash and 2 others

The roll call vote is here.

Black Georgia pot callin' the Cuban kettle black: black female legislator told the white guy to go back where he came from, not the other way around

Governor Stacey Abrams really should do something about this.

Sounds to me like Robert Mueller is saying we need to go back to registration restriction, photo id, election day voting and paper ballots

I'm all in!

Paul E. Sperry has no clue whatsover what it's like to be 74, or that the average age of death for men in the US is just 76

Bugger off, mate.

In sharp contrast to Donald Trump Boris Johnson fired everybody upon taking office, a sign he actually might succeed

A "brutal cull" not seen in 60 years.

Bush 41 did the same and ultimately failed because he betrayed Ronald Reagan, so we'll see, now won't we?

Alt-right kinda slow on the uptake

You are only seven months behind the curve, buddy.

The guy held over 300 rallies in 2015 and 2016 where he pretty much kept saying the same old thing over and over again, so he became tiresome long ago to anyone who was paying serious attention

The pissing off came early and comes often because he's not delivering and now in fact is doing the opposite of what he promised.

His signature issue lies in ruins even as he's about to sign a spending bill the likes of which he promised he'd never sign again.

And we used to joke that Obama's statements all came with an expiration date. Trump's statements evaporate like self-destructing phone messages.

Actually he's a bigger moral trainwreck than Trump will ever be, so there's that

The once free world deserves these two.

Meh: Trump steaks, Trump wines, Trump immigration enforcement

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

By Trump's own logic he and Congress should be ineligible for office in 2020 for upcoming deficit spending orgy

Newsweek's communist spin machine calls Bernie Sanders' cutting the hours of staff in order to pay $15 an hour "better hours"

Bernie Sanders Campaign Responds to $15 Minimum Wage Controversy with Better Hours for Staff:

Bernie Sanders will limit the amount of time his organizers can work to guarantee that no one is making less than $15 per hour

Message for Squad members: Just being born here won't protect you from execution if you commit treason

These two, executed in 1953 by electric chair, were both born in Manhattan:

Black Georgia state lawmaker checkout line hoaxer turns out to be long time fan of hoaxer Jussie Smollett

Every. Damn. Time.

Honestly, the first thing I thought of was "the bartender needs a drink", not a 9mm

10 years after Santelli's rant against Obama's proposed bailout of your neighbor's mortgage, National Review pretends it was about deficit spending

You will search in vain in this article for the word "mortgage".

If the Tea Party had been about any one thing, it was about the moral hazard of bailouts. A sizeable minority of the American people perceived that bailouts made them chumps, dutifully following the rules and accepting their obligations while bankrupt businesses and bankrupt homeowners did neither. 

By Brian Riedl, long-time research fellow at the Heritage Foundation, the article illustrates better than anything how the interests of establishment conservatism co-opted the Tea Party movement in 2011, just as establishment Republicanism co-opted Trumpism in 2017.

"Let's steal this energy and make it about something else".

Every. Damn. Time. 

Horrified by Washington spenders, CNBC’s Rick Santelli stood on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on February 19, 2009, and called for a “tea party” to end the bailouts, stimulus payments, and red ink. Grassroots tea-party groups formed — further enraged by the later enactment of an expensive new Obamacare entitlement — and helped Republicans capture the House in 2010 with a stunning 63-seat pickup and also pick up seven Senate seats.

Trump thinks winning a war is about killing people when it's about killing their ability to make war

Afghanistan could have been over and done with before the end of 2001 by destroying all the infrastructure: roads, water projects, dams, electric power stations and grid, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, nuking the poppy fields on the way out.

Not one American life need have been sacrificed, nor 10 million Afghan lives, not that we should care about the rag-headed heathen bastards.

But we are not a serious country.

Venezuela north: 230,000 still without power in Michigan as of Monday morning and many will be until Thursday

The massive outages seem to mostly be affecting DTE customers in the east side of the state as Consumers Energy is reporting only about 35,000 customers currently without power.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Latest estimates put more than 800,000 without electric power in immediate aftermath of Michigan storms

At one point in the immediate aftermath of Friday night and Saturday’s storms, nearly 600,000 DTE customers lost power [in Southeast Michigan]. Consumers Energy had about 67,000 homes and businesses still without power [Sunday night], compared to the 220,000 of its customers affected overall [in West Michigan]. ... DTE officials called the multiple storms one of the worst events its crews have ever dealt with. ... Since Friday, DTE says it has receive [sic] reports of more than 2,000 downed wires.

Temperatures in Grand Rapids, MI collapsed from 85 to 71 after 1:53am Saturday July 20th as storms knocked out power to thousands in West Michigan

The Sams Club in Kentwood lost power in the early morning storm, closing down the store and gas station for the day Saturday, which is quite unusual.

Workers there were observed after 1:00pm at the rear of the building tossing no longer refrigerated and frozen foods.

Consumers Energy crews were observed near the intersection with the store attempting to restore power in the sweltering heat.

The heat index not much later soared to 108 by 2:53pm.

A second round of storms after 4:00pm Saturday crashed actual air temperatures from 89 to 74, complicating the on-going power restoration efforts.

While there are outages across the state, the Southeast Side of Michigan has the highest concentration. DTE Energy this morning said 375,000 of its customers remain without electricity after what it called the “worst storm” its line workers have dealt with this year.

" ... The weather event downed 1,100 power lines, making this the worst storm our region has experienced this year and one of the largest since the March 2017 wind storm," the utility said. ...

In West Michigan and the central part of the state, Consumers Energy was reporting about 122,000 customers without power today. Great Lakes Energy added to the tally with nearly 5,000 outages, mostly in Lake, Oceana and Osceola counties. ...

While there were strong wind gusts across the Lower Peninsula on Saturday, the most damaging happened in the areas of Kent and Ottawa counties [in West Michigan], the National Weather Service said. The damaging winds that took the house apart in the Jenison area were described as a “microburst.”

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Just a reminder that Obamacare is doing what it intended: Squeeze the middle class

Making healthcare more expensive for the middle class is intended to eliminate the middle class, eventually. Obamacare in its gradualism is an example of Fabian socialism. 

But it's classic Marxism nonetheless, wherein the middle class is seen to be the greatest enemy, not the rich. The middle class stands in the proletariat's way in its contest against the rich. The middle class must be reduced and absorbed by the proletariat in order to end the possibility of the middle class getting wealthier and rising up the economic ladder.

Instead the middle class must be forced down the economic ladder.

We are living it, but the masses hardly notice as they are anesthetized by libertarian phantoms in fake news, entertainments, drugs and assorted excesses of appetite. The effect of it all is an equality! How could that be bad!?

The enemy proceeds with utter seriousness, corrupting the body politic, while seriousness can hardly be found in anyone else.   

Obamacare sucks for working stiffs: 66% making under $40,000 a year struggle to pay for healthcare

As recently as 2006, the average deductible for individual coverage in job-based plan was just $379, adjusted for inflation, according to KFF. ... The average deductible has more than tripled, to $1,350. More than a quarter of workers have plans with a deductible of at least $2,500.

Phone and internet have been down in Grand Rapids, MI for many people since 2:00 AM Saturday

Because of severe thunderstorms. NOAA gave us about 30 minutes warning in an email, while we were asleep. The weather radio never went off.

Just now got back up, despite having power and A/C the whole time.

Civilization as we know it hangs by a thread, but we simply undertook useful tasks and our customary simple entertainments instead.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Trump won't stop illegal aliens, Amash won't vote for impeachment, Sanders won't pay $15/hour to his own campaign staff

Pattern development. Trump is run by Javanka, Amash was kicked out by Javanka in a different form, and Sanders is Javanka.

50 years after a drunk Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne, AP still can't tell the truth about it

The car did it.

Communist Jews (aka Antifa) are mobilized on behalf of open borders and illegal aliens like never before

No borders, no wall, no USA at all.

JEWISH CURRENTS: July 15, 2019 Posted by Greg Afinogenov [teaches at Georgetown!]

The fact that American Jews are mobilized on behalf of migrants like never before is an important step in the right direction. ...

[I]s there such a thing as a border that is both strong and just? The historical record and present-day realities suggest that there is not, and that what we need is not immigration reform, but open borders. ...

[C]enter-left immigration arguments—which on the surface appear compatible with the pro-migrant politics of progressive Jews—rest on the same foundation as those made by the right. ...

Obama and Clinton permitted most of the same abuses as Trump, if not with the same overtly racist glee. ...

The borders between Israel and Palestine exist definitively for the have-nots, not the haves; ...

[A]n open-borders perspective is not just a tactical intervention in a debate about immigration, it is a new vision of a more just society. ...

[W]e should look to the radical alternatives that large numbers of Jews once supported in Europe and in immigrant communities across the world. ...

Jewish activists in the anarchist and internationalist socialist tradition argued that the answer was not to build a Jewish state, but to seek Jewish emancipation as part of a broader anti-capitalist movement. ...

The vast majority of Jews had more in common with Latvian, German, or Russian workers than they did with the few wealthy and powerful members of their own community, and Jews joined revolutionary socialist parties in the Russian Empire in disproportionate numbers. Even in a specifically Jewish socialist party like the Jewish Labor Bund, nationalism was anathema. ...

Many of these Jewish radicals, whether anarchists, communists, or socialists, retained their loyalty to the international working class when they immigrated to the United States. ...

Jewish immigrants came together with other foreign-born groups in organizations like the Industrial Workers of the World, helping to create one of the cornerstones of the American left. These left-wing Jews were among the earliest targets of the first Red Scare that followed the Russian Revolution. Woodrow Wilson’s Palmer Raids swept across the country, deporting immigrants who refused to abandon solidarity and internationalism in their new country. ...

The way out of the nationalist trap in which Jews have been caught since World War II goes through Jewish cosmopolitanism, but not in the form that antisemites have imagined. The idea that Jews are more loyal to Jews in other countries than to their fellow citizens should be replaced . . ..   

Xi Jin Ping has made millions of enemies among dispossessed Chinese elites and their clients

The exact number of "tigers" toppled by Xi's anti-corruption campaign -- in other words, officials who were once part of the designated elite whose jobs had to be cleared through the Party's central personnel system -- is not easy to calculate. The best estimates put it around 300 to 400, including scores of generals. The officials who have been prosecuted and jailed include members of the Politburo, ministers, vice-ministers, the heads of state-owned enterprises, provincial party leaders and governors, and mayors.

In each of those cases, the investigations don't just hit the individual official who has been targeted and detained.

Literally, hundreds of thousands of people who are tied into and rely on that single person for their income are effectively swept up with them. Their livelihoods, and all that they have invested in clawing their way through the system, can evaporate with the stroke of a pen. Some members of the patronage networks are often arrested themselves.

Xi has made enemies of them all. "Xi has destroyed millions of people in the elite who now all hold a personal grudge against him," said a China-based businessman, who asked not to be named, earlier in 2019. "These people are not a bunch of uneducated peasants from the sticks in Henan. They had skin in the game."

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pure insanity: 20% of total global bond market pays negative interest

Opinion: We haven’t seen interest rates this low since before Hammurabi, so what bonds should you buy?:
Some $13 trillion in bonds are paying negative interest rates, which means bondholders actually pay for the privilege of holding an issuer’s bonds. That represents more than 20% of a total global bond market value of $55 trillion, according to Bloomberg. Other bonds are paying positive rates so low they carry a real (after inflation) negative yield as well. ... Some civilizations, like the early Roman Catholic Church and Islam, were opposed to charging interest, but negative rates just didn’t happen, as far as Sylla knows, until the modern era. Now 14 European countries, including France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain, have negative interest rates on their two-year bonds.


Too bad his presidency will never be as good as his campaigning

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Audience at Trump rally in North Carolina shouts "Send Her Back!"

Like immigration-do-nothing Trump, Amash talked a good game about impeachment but voted against it when the time came

I'm sure the excuse was that he had to vote to table the bill because it wasn't perfectly in accord with the constitution.

Wack job Ilhan Omar is now quoting wack job Jesse Ventura

Must be something in the air up there, probably wafts in from Canada.

Global flight to US safety: Foreign holdings of US Treasury securities soar $105.5 billion month over month, $324 billion year over year

Japan is up year over year $52 billion, the UK $58 billion, Luxembourg $21 billion, the Caymans $30 billion, Singapore $31 billion, France $35 billion, Norway $49 billion . . .. 

Rush Limbaugh just reassured us that telling someone to go back to the country of origin isn't racist


Well, I guess Donald Trump, Helen Thomas, Barack Obama, Injuns, Abbas Hamideh, Rashida Tlaib and the rest of The Squad are all off the hook then.

Democrat from Michigan Rashida Tlaib's good buddy Abbas Hamideh wants the Jews to go back to Poland, too


Injun to Covington Kids: White people, go back to Europe where you came from, this is not your land

You Want To MAGA White People Go Back To Europe-This Is Not Your Land:

I guess everybody's forgotten that Barack Obama was cool with Helen Thomas, who wanted the Jews to get the hell out of Palestine and go back to Poland and Germany


Wow, the new publisher of Human Events has aged dramatically in the last 12 hours after CNN tirade

July 16th 4:05pm
July 17th 4:45am

Richard Spencer was on CNN just for you, Frank, just for you

"Turns on Trump" like it was just recently or something.

Rumor has it that Planned Parenthood has the fully intact body parts of an organization president for sale on the dark web

I did NOT learn this from Project Veritas.

Yes, thank G-d Jake Tapper maintained his ritual purity by NOT actually interviewing Richard Spencer on CNN

True dat: If we're going to have government of the shiksa, by the shiksa and for the shiksa, we should at least get a little side boob now and then

Head of Planned Parenthood aborted in third trimester

Just a clump of cells.