Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Gun-grabber Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand's best friend!

If a woman's right to an abortion were the same as her right to a gun she'd have to get a background check and a license, and wait

What a shock, David Cole Stein is a shameless thief


Well, well, well, Justin Amash hung out to dry by the billionaire DeVos family, concerned MI-03 not getting representation

A family spokesperson added that the family had made the decision to cut ties with Amash before his controversial tweets suggesting Trump should be impeached.

“Family members have expressed increasingly concerns about a lack of representation for their district, the third congressional, and I would say an inability to advance efforts connected to important policy matters," the spokesperson told the newspaper

National Popular Vote to become law in Nevada, making it 15 states and DC trying for an end run around the Electoral College

The compact would take effect after states totaling 270 electoral votes, and with Nevada, the total would reach 195.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Some day the UK's Grauniad will learn to write the English language, but today is not that day

Ask the Queen. I'm reliably informed that she knows the answer.

Memo to Erick Erickson: One of Justin Amash's so-called pro-life principles is that it's OK to abort up to 3-days from conception

Which has been public knowledge since at least March 2013, at the start of the third year of his tenure, but y'all too damn lazy to think about that, or too damn hypocritical to care. I vote both.

Why not up to 4 days?

Why not 4.2?

Why not 42, since 42 is the answer to everything?

How about through the first trimester?

The second?

How about after delivery on Virginia Governor Ralph Northam's desk?

It's laughable to insist Amash has principles when all they are is positions, but it's even funnier to say he's an originalist:

Whether you like Justin Amash or not, he is inarguably one of the more principled members of the Republican conference in the House of Representatives. Amash is willing to take unpopular stands in the name of principle. He is willing to defy his party because of those principles. Amash is one of the more easily predictable members of Congress in how he votes because of his principles. Amash believes in the rule of law, limited government, and an originalist interpretation of the constitution.

Originalism is such tosh. The original Constitution had no income tax, accepted slavery, provided a mechanism for the natural growth of representation, knew nothing of women's suffrage, had legislatures elect senators, and knew only sound money. Justin Amash is not known for any of these causes. He's known only for thwarting the causes of others, Republicans' mostly. All he cares about, maybe, is the Constitution as it is, not as it should be, and as real conservatives know, the current Constitution is a mess, otherwise luminaries like Mark Levin wouldn't be proposing a raft of amendments to fix it.

All this hubbub is about is Amash's Trump hatred.

Which is why NeverTrumper Erick Erickson has weighed in on Amash's side.

NAS study finds 43% of 173 bastions of American liberalism have segregated dorms, 72% segregated graduations

Separate but equal, or somethin', Mr. Plessy.

What we found was that neo-segregation is widespread if not pervasive. About 46 percent (80 colleges out of 173 surveyed) segregate student orientation programs; 43 percent (75 colleges out of the total) offer segregated residential arrangements; and 72 percent (125 colleges out of the total) segregate graduation ceremonies.

Public Opinion Research is polling this morning by telephone about possible primary challengers to Justin Amash (MI-03)

Names mentioned were:

Terri Lynn Land, age 60, the shy loser to Gary Peters for US Senate in 2014;

*James Lower, represents Michigan's 70th House District, once worked for Brian Calley, Gov. Snyder's lieutenant;

*Tom Norton, Afghan War vet, sounds a little too eager for war with Iran, seems like a nice guy but can't spell too well, is "pro-Isreal";

Matt Hall, represents Michigan's 63rd House District, endorsed by Fred Upton who seems to hate Trump as much as Amash does, also worked for Terri Lynn Land when she was Michigan Secretary of State, was a "bound delegate" for Trump in 2016;

Bill Hardiman, age 72, Vietnam vet, former black mayor of Kentwood, Michigan for a decade who went on to defeat 2012 Amash challenger Steve Pestka to serve in the Michigan state senate for two terms 2003-2011, was one of five candidates who had sought the seat from MI-03 in the 2010 Republican primary, losing to Amash.

*have already announced runs against Amash

Monday, May 20, 2019

Hey Thomas Sowell, the only person who has been term limited is precisely the wrong person to term limit

Foreign dictators like Xi Jinpingpong know they can outlast 2-term US Commanders in Chief and get away with bloody murder.

The founders didn't believe in term limits, otherwise we'd already have had them in the Constitution, but they did believe in the natural growth of representation, which a tyrannical, power hungry Congress voted to stop in 1929.

Fix that and we can vote the bastards out a lot more easily than we can now. It wouldn't take $10 million to win a lousy House seat representing thirty, forty or fifty thousand people as originally intended like it does now for districts representing on average 757,000 people, and it wouldn't if we also required all campaign money to originate in the respective districts of the representatives (states for Senators). 


Sunday, May 19, 2019

Justin Amash has never abandoned his principles, and neither has the Devil

If Justin Amash cared one wit about the Constitution, he'd have spent the last ten years in Congress trying to restore the natural growth of representation guaranteed by Article One of the Constitution which a tyrannical legislative took away from the people by the Reapportionment Act of 1929, fixing the number of districts at 435. Justin Amash has been quite content with this power to lord his opinion over many many hundreds of thousands of people whose views he couldn't care less about, when the founders imagined a ratio of one representative to 30,000 people. You'll never hear about that from Mr. Do Everything By The Constitution. Likewise only direct taxes were Constitutional until 1913, but you'll never hear about "originalism" from Mr. Constitution, only that "What is is holy, and we must do it that way." He's an ignoramus who says is means ought, posing as a genius. All he cares about is his view, the "right" view, and getting re-elected in order to keep imposing it.

Like millions of Christians, Justin Amash has read the Bible, too, but is the member of a sect with just 75,000 members in the US

Most people who have read the Mueller report have reached a different conclusion, including Robert Mueller.

Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

Damn Russkies, now they've turned the election down under upside down

Marijuana today reminds me of Lucy's "Vitameatavegamin" from 1952

The answer to all your problems is in this little bottle "Vitameatavegamin"

Fascist Burger King goes after the UK's Tommy Robinson like their hamberders attack my colon

Ramones "I'm Against It": I don't like playing ping pong I don't like the Viet Cong I don't like Burger King I don't like anything

What's happened to Justin Amash is simple: He'll be off the political stage in 2021 so he has nothing left to lose

Democrats are about to redistrict him out of a job, he's isolated himself in his own party over five terms, Trump's tariffs threaten the family's Chinese tool business fortune, and his best friends are the likes of WaPo's Jennifer Rubin and union president Randi Weingarten. Might as well go all in against Trump and help deprive him of a win in Michigan while losing re-election to MI-03 or as the inglorious Libertarian Party candidate for president in 2020. It's what libertarians are best at and live to do: spoil elections. Or, just switch to the Democrat Party and go on living like Arlen Specter. Republicans could hasten things along by kicking him out of the party.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

America's largest ethnic group is German, but it obviously has no influence on the US Democrat Party

When Mar-a-Lago is full we'll move on to the Trump hotels to house all the illegals Trump is letting in

"Hello room service? Cafe Bustelo for thirty in suite 700. And make it snappy!"

Letterman was funny back in the day, like when he threw TVs off roof tops, but now Santa is the butt of the jokes

Judge seals case file of pro-Obama, anti-Trump, anti-Christian Colorado accused killer, obviously because the case is inconvenient to the liberal narrative about the violent right wing

And the other accused in the case is a tranny!

People keep repeating the myth of "no immigration from the 1920s-1960s" because Rush Limbaugh spread it in 2014

Every time I tell people that there was no immigration in this country for over 40 years, from the 1920s to the 1960s, seventies, they’re shocked. You’d be amazed at the number of people that do not know we totally closed the borders after the wave of European immigration in the 1920s. And we did it for one reason. That mass arrival of immigrants needed to be assimilated.

The truth is between 1920 and 1965 inclusive we let in 10.1 million, 4.5 million of which came in between 1920 and 1930. It was the Great Depression and World War II which brought immigration down to a trickle. There were no jobs for the people already here in the 1930s for cying out loud, and we didn't want any Nazty Spies comin' in in 1940 either.

You can examine the data for yourself here:

Trump is the permissive Baby Boomer who can't say No, will let in 2 million illegals seeking "asylum" by Election Day 2020

Egads, the new Human Events has chosen the wrong side (the side of the Redcoats, not of colonial Bostonians)

A block away from the former Capitol Hill headquarters of Breitbart News — known in Washington as the “Breitbart embassy” — sits a second-floor apartment its occupant calls “the Consulate.”

Here, surrounded by memorabilia of the British empire, two right-wing entrepreneurs — a protege of Steve Bannon’s and a social media activist — are rebooting a dilapidated conservative publication from around a dining room table. ...

[T]he duo are positioning it as an alternative to what they derisively call “Conservative Inc.” ...

Human Events aims up-market and has been imbued with Kassam’s vaguely royalist sense of Anglo-American identity. ...

The ‘Consulate’ also features a map showing the British empire at its largest extent and a red hat that says “Make America Great Britain Again.”

Over the dining room table where the duo works looms a framed print of the Boston Massacre, prominently featuring the shooting of Crispus Attucks, considered the first black man to die in the American Revolution. But Kassam has not stuck it there as a celebration of American liberty. Instead, he said, he forces his American dinner guests to sit facing the print to shame them with the memory of the massacre, which he blames on the mobbish antics of colonial Bostonians, while praising the discipline of the Red Coats who fired upon them. ...

[T]his pronounced Anglophilia was not a feature of the original Human Events . . ..

Friday, May 17, 2019

This tweet from the Financial Times over two weeks ago didn't hold up too well

US trade talks with China have stalled: Sources

Yang Gang hates on math as Boomer math because math shows Universal Basic Income is a BFD, not "nothing"

Total cost of federal regulations in 2012 was $2.028 trillion (in 2014 dollars), according to the National Association of Manufacturers.

Federal departmental spending in 2014 was about $1.654 trillion ($3.777 trillion in total outlays minus outlays for Social Security, Medicare and Interest on the debt).

Total = $3.682 trillion for "hundreds of agencies, departments and laws".

Eliminate all that (a GARGANTUAN and variously highly INADVISABLE proposition, you know, like NO defense spending, NO environmental regulation spending, NO food and drug inspection spending, etc.), and you could easily give every man and woman 18 and over in 2014 $2.868 trillion, with money left over: Universal Basic Income of $12,000 a year to 2014's 239.049 million people 18 and over (on average) = $2.868 trillion under Andrew Yang's plan.

Ray Dallio's estimate of $3.8 trillion must include all the kids, too (319 million US population in 2014 x $12,000).

Or are we just going to add the $2.868 trillion to the outlays of $3.777 trillion?

Either way, ain't gonna happen, because this ain't "nothing".

Pie in the sky, bye . . . and bye, commie.

In 1860 white organizing failed miserably when 27 million of them couldn't agree about 4 million blacks and decided to kill each other over it


Never underestimate the ability of human beings to overestimate their abilities.

Aristotle thought man was uniquely a political animal, Richard Spencer thinks man is merely an animal

And, of course, Richard Spencer is a very intelligent imbecile.

No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man
is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine;
if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe
is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as
well as if a Manor of thy friends or of thine
owne were; any mans death diminishes me,
because I am involved in Mankinde;
And therefore never send to know for whom
the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. 

-- John Donne

In 2005 Ben Shapiro was quite the advocate for the exercise of global American imperialism against Israel's purported enemies, both foreign and in August 2016, domestic

Wow, that's a lot of anti-Trump Joos!

Like I said, immigration is simply a political tool for Trump: It got him elected in 2016, and he hopes it will get him re-elected in 2020, but he isn't serious about the issue

Seize Trump's Mar-a-Lago to house the migrants

Thursday, May 16, 2019

It's a State for Jews, hence a Jewish State, and always has been: Only cowardly anti-Semitic liberals (the BBC) try to hide behind "I was criticizing only Israel, not Jews"

Every tongue, tribe and people should have its own nation, including Americans.

All you dual passport holders should make up your minds, too.

The Abortion Cult is in Virginia and New York, not Alabama

Yes sir.

Ah yes, another thing the children of Isaac and the children of Ishmael have in common

Before the Alt-right got kicked off of anything, the Puritans were kicked off of Eurbook, Eurtwitter, Eurgle, Eurtube and Eurpal

#Bill of Rights. smh

Takimag Update: The ranking slide continues, down globally 40% since April 2018 when the comments section went away and 32% in the US

We shouldn't really worry too much about China dumping $200 billion worth of US Treasury securities since 2012

The total has fallen by some $200 billion since the peak in 2012 . . .. Foreign government ownership of U.S. debt hit a record of $6.47 trillion, up 4% from a year ago, as the government’s total debt continues to swell and now has topped $22 trillion. Foreign residents increased their holdings by $23.9 billion.

Yeah, well, in May 2012 grand total foreign holdings came to about $5.27 trillion. In March 2019 the figure is north of that by $1.2 trillion across the globe.

US Treasury securities remain very popular, secure investments which pay better than most anything out there. Your only major alternatives paying better than for the US 10-year are Brazil, Mexico, India, Greece and Italy. Like the world is going to go shopping in those places instead of the US.

Gimme a break! 

Jobless claims return to pattern, coming in under levels a year ago at the same time

Except in the seasonally-adjusted 4-week moving average, obviously, where the recent upticks above levels a year ago at the same time are working their way through the average.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Labor's share of income nosedived in the '90s after NAFTA, briefly recovered and then tanked as globalization/China took over

Do you feel richer? Well do ya?

Employers call all the shots, and you get the crumbs from your masters' tables, if you are lucky. 

Stop voting for the free-traders and libertarian lunatics of the two major parties.

Neel Kashkari and other Fed members seem aware at least of the nosedive in labor's share of business income, but are oblivious to its roots in globalization

Fooling around with interest rates isn't going to bring back the core manufacturing businesses which once formed the hubs of American middle class prosperity. That will be just as ineffectual as it has been throughout the Obama administration. Why should it work now all of a sudden when it hasn't worked for ten years?

Well, what else would you expect from the man tasked with implementing the useless TARP sideshow?

Neel Kashkari still hasn't got a clue, but he sure does sound like the workers' friend.

Minneapolis Fed chief links rates to labor share in interview

Kashkari’s break from Fed tradition on inequality adds to the case for keeping interest rates low. He suggested faster wage growth and low unemployment may not be putting much upward pressure on inflation because workers have lost a lot of their bargaining power in recent decades, echoing a point Fed Vice Chairman Richard Clarida has made. ...

Ed Morrissey remembers Doris Day, who has passed away at 97

Friday, May 10, 2019

CNN quotes Joe Biden saying the same things as Donald Trump: "tons of everything from byproducts for methamphetamine to cocaine to heroin and it's all coming up through corrupt Mexico"

Joe Biden once said a fence was needed to stop 'tons' of drugs from Mexico

Joe Biden November 2006 Columbia South Carolina: I voted for 700 miles of fence, but we need to punish employers of illegals

"Folks, I voted for a fence, I voted, unlike most Democrats -- and some of you won't like it -- I voted for 700 miles of fence," Biden told the group. "But, let me tell you, we can build a fence 40 stories high -- unless you change the dynamic in Mexico and -- and you will not like this, and -- punish American employers who knowingly violate the law when, in fact, they hire illegals. Unless you do those two things, all the rest is window dressing."

Joe Biden 2007: Send employers to jail for knowingly hiring illegal aliens

Joe Biden September 2007 Dartmouth College New Hampshire: No to sanctuary cities

Joe Biden 2008: Increase funding for border patrol

Joe Biden supports increasing border security – finding out exactly who is coming in and out of our country – and expanding resources for border patrol.

Joe Biden 2008 "opposes issuing driver's licenses to [illegal] immigrants"

Joe Biden Was Opposed To Driver's Licenses For Undocumented Immigrants In 2008:

"Senator Biden opposes issuing driver's licenses to undocumented immigrants," read Biden's 2008 immigrant plan, a position he reiterated with a firm "no" when asked if he supported granting drivers licenses in a 2007 debate.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Joe Biden 2007: DC schools do poorly compared to Iowa schools because DC has a high minority population

Biden 'stumbles' over education question:

"There's less than one percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than four of five percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with."

No, Ann, stop this baby stuff, bomb the hell out of Mexico and then go in and take all the tacos