Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Maybe they could cast Rachel as Kayla Arnold in a tranny remake of The Wonder Years

Letting Jussie Smollett go is the kind of criminal justice reform you can expect from the woman who inspired it, Kamala Harris

Here in Grand Rapids, Ann, they're called Dutch Yetis: Their feet as so big you can actually hear them comin' up behind you

Jussie Smollett pretty tight with Moochelle

If Joe Biden gets his way white jurisprudential culture in America will be replaced with Smollett-style justice

Alexandra Chalupa's timeline of her activities and of her fears about Paul Manafort's influence in Ukraine in his capacity as part of the Trump campaign isn't convincing

In late 2015, a small group of Ukrainian-American and Ukrainian civic leaders visiting Washington, D.C. told Chalupa they had heard Manafort’s former clients in Ukraine were remobilizing again, and that Manafort had made a fortune working in Kyiv. ...

It was around this time that Chalupa started to develop a gut feeling that Manafort was poised to help Trump’s bid for the White House. ...

By early 2016, Chalupa notified a senior DNC executive that a political spin doctor who had worked against America’s interests for the pro-Kremlin Yanukovych and was linked to some of the most powerful Russian oligarchs serving Putin was to play an important role in the effort to get Trump elected. ...

On March 28, The New York Times broke the story that Manafort had joined the Trump campaign.

The problem with this timeline and Chalupa's obsession with Manafort's Ukraine connection is that Manafort's overture to Trump to come on to the campaign didn't come until February 29, 2016, according to The New York Times. And the overture came at the urging of Trump's close friend Tom Barrack, who wanted Manafort to help a flailing and inexperienced Trump by managing successfully the potentially explosive upcoming Republican convention in Cleveland. Manafort's Republican political experience dating from 1976 onwards is well known.

Chalupa would have had no reason to believe Manafort would suddenly become active in the Trump campaign in late 2015 and early 2016, as she claims, when it wasn't until sometime in mid-February 2016 that Tom Barrack made his pitch to Manafort.

It is more likely that Manafort became the convenient focus for Chalupa after the fact when all along it was opposition to Trump's proposed opening to Russia which motivated her activism and overtures to the DNC long before Manafort came on the scene.

There is absolutely nothing in this puff piece in The Kyiv Post about Chalupa's longstanding loyalty to and work for the Clintons.

Alexandra Chalupa is at the nexus of what has become the criminalization of a foreign policy difference between Trump Republicans on the one hand and Democrats and NeverTrumpers on the other, like John McCain who was notably famous for his deep involvement in the political dispute in Ukraine.

George Washington tried to warn us about the consequences of entangling foreign alliances, and those have been Exhibit A for the last two years.

If 29% of 2016 population 55 and older have absolutely nothing coming in retirement except Social Security, we're talking about 26 million Americans

Of those 55 and older, 48 percent had nothing put away in a 401(k)-style defined contribution plan or an individual retirement account, according to a GAO estimate for 2016 that was released Tuesday. That’s an improvement from the 52 percent without retirement money in 2013.

Two in five of such households did have access to a traditional pension, also known as a defined benefit plan. However, 29 percent of older Americans had neither a pension nor any assets in a 401(k) or IRA account.

Lee Stranahan in Dec 2018: CNN peddled lies trying to put daylight between DNC and Alexandra Chalupa, but Wikileaks now proves Chalupa was working with Dems to connect Trump to Russia long before DNC was hacked or Trump Tower meeting

And notice how after Hillary's unexpected loss, Chalupa's sister, who admits Alexandra's role with the DNC,  is suddenly deeply involved in the effort to spread the story that the Russkies hacked the voting totals of Election 2016. 

Over the weekend, Wikileaks tweeted about how CNN had reported last year a denial by the Democratic National Committee and Hilary [sic] Clinton officials of illegal election collusion between the DNC and the government of Ukraine during the 2015 [sic] election. CNN’s conduct is a textbook example of smothering a story and leaving out relevant facts.

The story that CNN was trying to bury was published in Politico in January 2017 titled Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire. That story was written by David Stern and Ken Vogel (who is now writing at the New York Times) detailed how a DNC operative named Alexander [sic] Chalupa worked closely with officials at the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, including Ukrainian Ambassador Chaly, to try and dig up dirt connecting Donald Trump and Paul Manafort to Russia. The story also mentions that Chalupa told people that the Democrats were planning to hold hearing connecting Trump to Russia in fall of 2016, just before the election.

It should be noted that this illegal attempt to gather information from the Democrats [sic] was underway by March, 2016…which is before the alleged Russian hacking of the DNC was detected as well before the Trump Tower meeting that are cited by the media as examples of Russian collusion. In other words, the DNC was actively working on a plan to connect Trump to Russia before the alleged collusion ever happened.

I reported on this, what, like in July 2017, how POLITICO already in Jan 2017 tried to spin Hillary's collusion with Ukraine

Here, where the exploits of one anti-Russian pro-Ukrainian Alexandra Chalupa may ultimately be the origin for the whole Trump-Russia collusion narrative of the last two years.

She really ought to be investigated and deposed. Maybe she knows more than she's letting on about how the New York Times got the information it published causing Manafort to resign from the Trump campaign.

In the article below John Solomon appears to be completely oblivious to this POLITICO article excerpted at the link above, which outlined how long time Clinton ally and Ukrainian-American activist Alexandra Chalupa was instrumental in siccing Democrats on Paul Manafort for his alleged Russian ties immediately after Manafort became Trump's campaign manager in 2016. The DNC and Marcy Kaptur in particular are named as very interested parties who gave Chalupa a hearing, as were Ukrainian diplomats. Chalupa also notably claims to have been a major source on Ukraine for the reporter Michael Isikoff.

The upshot is that the Hillary campaign as the pro-Ukrainian in the 2016 race (along with John McCain!) was the intended principal beneficiary of the effort to destroy Manafort for his alleged pro-Russian activities.

Ukraine’s top prosecutor divulged in an interview aired Wednesday on Hill.TV that he has opened an investigation into whether his country’s law enforcement apparatus intentionally leaked financial records during the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign about then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in an effort to sway the election in favor of Hillary Clinton.

The leak of the so-called black ledger files to U.S. media prompted Manafort’s resignation from the Trump campaign and gave rise to one of the key allegations in the Russia collusion probe that has dogged Trump for the last two and a half years.

Ukraine Prosecutor General Yurii Lutsenko’s probe was prompted by a Ukrainian parliamentarian's release of a tape recording purporting to quote a top law enforcement official as saying his agency leaked the Manafort financial records to help Clinton's campaign.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Support for single payer healthcare has fallen since 2017, opposition to it has risen, country is divided

I thought Obamacare was supposed to have fixed everything?

You mean it didn't?

Somebody get Obama on the phone.

Border Patrol in Rio Grande Valley has apprehended illegals from 44 countries, on track for 60, not like before when it was the same people over and over again

Border Patrol: 25,000 Illegal Aliens Evaded Capture in Southeast Texas:

"So far, here in south Texas, we’ve apprehended folks from 44 different countries. These are from the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, you name it.” Although most illegal aliens hail from the Central American countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, Ortiz estimates that by the end of the year, Border Patrol will have apprehended people from 60 different countries. ... Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, said that although Border Patrol apprehended more than 1 million people in the early- to mid-2000s, it was often the same people, from Mexico, and it was easy to return them. ... “But now, that’s not what we’re dealing with. We’re on pace to have about 900,000 arrests, but that’s 900,000 people that we’re dealing with. Whereas back in the early-2000s, we were dealing with somewhere around 500,000, 600,000 people. We were just arresting the same person over and over and over again. So we’re dealing with something that’s just never been dealt with before. And if we don’t get the support from Congress, we’re going to fail. Period.”

Bush 43 appointed federal judge voids North Carolina law outlawing abortions after 20 weeks

Federal judge strikes down North Carolina post-20 week abortion ban

Bankrolled into office by George Soros, it's almost as if Kim Foxx let Smollett go after reading statement from Chicago's Fraternal Order of Police yesterday

Ann Coulter also knows federal civil rights laws are designed to prevent blacks excusing black crime, whites excusing white

Ann Coulter knows the meaning of "tribal" which Zmirak says he doesn't

John Zmirak pretends his "tribal" wasn't a dogwhistle, blocks the guy who answers it

Jussie Smollett off the hook on 16 felony charges for anti-Trump hoax in Shittown

No shit Sherlock, you're just a tabloid, a shameless repeater of bias, baseless speculation, snarky innuendo and smears

CNN President Jeff Zucker Defends Network’s Coverage of Mueller Probe: ‘We Are Not Investigators’


Looks like "we" aren't going to impeach anybody after all, you mother

Monday, March 25, 2019

How many Jews does it take to screw a shiksa?

None, she's already screwed.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform means doubling immigration (per Kevin Hassett), and Trump's Jay Sekulow sings the song

And Jay admits it.

Q is not amused: Avenatti steals Trump's thunder

The southern border is wide open, thanks to Trump since signing that stupid spending bill ending the shutdown

Good for Ann, sie hat Schilaufen gern

Like I said, Tulsi Gabbard's the best candidate, but she's running before her time

John Brennan's intel services are the foundation for rule by the worst

ABC's Terry Moran thinks it's finally safe to come out and attack Obama CIA's John Brennan for the partisan hack he truly is

Better late than never, I guess, but c'mon, Moran didn't have the courage to do it years ago when it mattered more.

Mueller inertia carries into CNN's bad Monday

Maggie Haberman, NYT, beholden to government intel, not skeptical, didn't corroborate

Michael Goodwin: If Hillary were a better person she would apologize and acknowledge Trump's legitimacy, should be shunned until she does

In a better world, or if she were a better person, she would apologize and publicly acknowledge Trump’s legitimacy. I won’t hold my breath. But until she does, she should be shunned in public life. She has no credibility to speak on any issue or endorse any candidate. She has put the nation through hell all because she lost an election she should have won. Let’s remember, too, that her campaign actually did work with Russians, through FusionGPS and British agent Christopher Steele, to create a fictional scenario about Trump being compromised. ...

It was, after all, the Clinton-financed Russian dossier that formed the basis of the FBI investigation launched by the disgraced James Comey that summer. How did that happen? How did a partisan dirty trick result in an FBI probe of the other party’s presidential candidate? And how did so much classified information leak, including the names of Trump associates picked up incidentally on wiretaps? Who in the Obama White House broke the law?

These and other questions deserve at least as much scrutiny as Clinton’s false claims. As Trump said Sunday, “This was an illegal takedown that failed. And hopefully, somebody’s going to be looking at the other side.”

Amen to that.

The KGB refused to let the FBI examine its servers, so there can never be peace

The Democrat Party is the biggest threat facing America.

David Axelrod still pretends that the Russian hack of the DNC servers is a solid fact when it's not

Matt Taibbi knows better ("Russiagate is WMD times a million" is the original html), Axelrod's the hack:

I didn’t really address the case that Russia hacked the DNC, content to stipulate it for now. I was told early on that this piece of the story seemed “solid,” but even that assertion has remained un-bolstered since then, still based on an “assessment” by those same intelligence services that always had issues, including the use of things like RT’s “anti-American” coverage of fracking as part of its case. The government didn’t even examine the DNC’s server, the kind of detail that used to make reporters nervous.

LOL CNN's Brian Stelter: Who me? I had nothing to do with this! Look at all the solid reporting!

CNN has been nothing so much as the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith defending transubstantiation in its promulgation of the Trump-Russia collusion narrative for the last two years.

LOL, John Brennan reads from Matt Taibbi's script verbatim: Well, I think I suspected there was more WMD there than there actually was

Remember when Robert Mueller and Donald Trump were working together to expose the coup-plotters and pedophiles in government?

Good times there are not forgotten.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

The next two years will be nothing but the sound of the media's excuses for getting Russiagate wrong

Which will be nothing but the flip side to Hillary's excuses for two years for losing Election 2016.

All we ask for is integrity and competence . . . all we get is mendacity and excuses.

Beto's just barely beating "Someone else" in latest Emerson Iowa poll

Cat fight!

Russia! Russia! Russia! Rachel!

Trump's Chair of the Council Economic Advisors, Kevin Hassett, wants to DOUBLE the number of immigrants into the US

David Bossie: An ‘America First’ immigration policy looks like this [no, it doesn't, Mr. Citizens United]:

As President Trump’s Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors Kevin Hassett pointed out in a 2013 paper for the American Enterprise Institute, the United States could add half a percentage point to economic growth by doubling the number of immigrants it lets into the country, especially if they come on employer-sponsored visas. President Trump’s chief economist continues to make the case that "for a country that has long thought of itself as a nation of immigrants, the U.S. falls far behind almost all the other countries in the number of immigrants it admitted relative to its population size.”

Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave, you're short one "Ann"

New Zealand fools evacuate concert over someone's "right wing tattoo" while drinking Confederate bourbon distilled by Germans

Meanwhile German carmakers accounted for 9.3% of New Zealand auto sales in 2018, including 4,048 Volkswagens, Hitler's people's car.

C'mon Steve, take what you can get, Taibbi's an Elizabeth Warren supporter, you can't have it all

Looks like Brenton Harrison Tarrant targeted the wrong people

Matt Taibbi: The press has now handed Trump the mother of campaign issues heading into 2020

It's official: Russiagate is this generation's WMD:

Nothing Trump is accused of from now on by the press will be believed by huge chunks of the population, a group that (perhaps thanks to this story) is now larger than his original base. As [Peter] Baker notes [in the New York Times], a full 50.3% of respondents in a poll conducted this month said they agree with Trump the Mueller probe is a “witch hunt.” ...

The biggest thing this affair has uncovered so far is Donald Trump paying off a porn star. That’s a hell of a long way from what this business was supposedly about at the beginning, and shame on any reporter who tries to pretend this isn’t so. ...

CNN told us Trump officials had been in “constant contact” with “Russians known to U.S. intelligence,” and the former director of the CIA ["former" communist John Brennan], who’d helped kick-start the investigation that led to Mueller’s probe, said the President was guilty of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” committing acts “nothing short of treasonous.” ...

[N]ews outlets once again swallowed a massive disinformation campaign, only this error is many orders of magnitude more stupid than any in the recent past, WMD included. Honest reporters like ABC’s Terry Moran understand: Mueller coming back empty-handed on collusion means a “reckoning for the media.” Of course, there won’t be such a reckoning. (There never is). But there should be. We broke every written and unwritten rule in pursuit of this story, starting with the prohibition on reporting things we can’t confirm. ...

The Russiagate era has so degraded journalism that even once “reputable” outlets are now only about as right as politicians, which is to say barely ever, and then only by accident. Early on, I was so amazed by the sheer quantity of Russia “bombshells” being walked back, I started to keep a list. It’s well above 50 stories now. As has been noted by Glenn Greenwald of the Intercept and others, if the mistakes were random, you’d expect them in both directions, but Russiagate errors uniformly go the same way. ...

We’ve become sides-choosers, obliterating the concept of the press as an independent institution whose primary role is sorting fact and fiction.

You know it's a great Sunday in America when the left has to wake up and take their vodka with Kremlinade

Ten shit-hole rivers in Asia and Africa responsible for 90% of plastic polluting the world's oceans

 Seven of the ten are communist with Chinese characteristics:

Yangtze River, China (1.5 million tonnes annually and worst offender)
Hai he River, China 
Yellow River, China 
Mekong River, China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam
Pearl River, China and Vietnam
Indus River, China, India and Pakistan 
Ganges River, India and Bangladesh
Amur River, Russia and China 
Nile River, eleven countries including Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya
Niger River, Guinea, Mali, Niger, Benin and Nigeria 

Just 10 rivers carry 90% of plastic polluting the oceans


Saturday, March 23, 2019

Bill Kristol is the neoconservatives' poster child for consistency

Consistently wrong.

Failed Senate candidate Beto O'Rourke hopes to win something by giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens

I think he win another failure.

Sí, I do think so.

Left-wing scam artist set up fake political action committees for Bernie, Beto and kept the dough for himself

California con man set up bogus websites for Bernie Sanders, Beto O'Rourke to defraud donors, prosecutors say:

A notorious California con man has been charged with defrauding donors out of more than $250,000 sent to sham political groups and websites for Beto O'Rourke, Bernie Sanders and other prominent Democrats, prosecutors said Tuesday. ... The court papers say that nearly all of the more than 1,000 donations to the scam PACs and websites were in fact pocketed by Dupont.


Senatrix Gillibrand says mere presence of illegals in USA gives them the right to Social Security, etc.

47-year-old Italian citizen of Senegalese origin torches school bus, tries to kill kids in retaliation against Matteo Salvini

Driver hijacks, sets ablaze school bus in Italy, children flee unharmed:

An unnamed girl was also quoted as saying that Sy blamed deputy prime ministers Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio for the deaths of African migrants at sea.


Rush Limbaugh's "more job openings" than people available to fill them are designed to find no one qualified

Here. And if no one is qualified, presto!, immigration visa time!

As of June 2018 over 1 million illegal aliens have final deportation orders but they're still here

Why aren’t we deporting illegal aliens who already have deportation orders?

The unstated answer is incompetence and opposition at the highest levels of government.

Italy's Matteo Salvini actually does the job Donald Trump only talks about doing

Spell check to aisle seven.

Trump is catching 'em alright, and releasing them into the USA at a rate of 1,337 per day for the last three months

They are storming the border because they know Trump is all talk, no action, and incompetent. By signing the funding bill to end the shutdown he actually signed a bill which reduced facility space to hold detainees, meaning he has to release more than before by law.

He's his own worst enemy and has made the problem worse.

Trump has had plenty of time to discover his personnel problem and fix it, so it's all on him

If Hillary were president . . .

John DeStefano, in charge of Trump's 4,000 personnel appointments in 2017, was John Boehner aide

White House personnel official described Trump GOP nomination as 'end of the world':

Fear about a bias toward establishment picks emerged in 2017, when Trump selected DeStefano to lead the PPO. He had worked as an aide to former House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, before leading Data Trust. Eyebrows raised with appointees with views at odds with some of Trump’s, such as former national security adviser H.R. McMaster, former foreign policy adviser Dina Powell, and Venezuela envoy Elliott Abrams. ...

A former White House official said DeStefano, 39, set the tone for the PPO with an “us versus them” mentality, often referring to Trump backers as “the MAGA people.” ...

Trump is said to have grown angry with DeStefano at times, including upon finding that a National Security Council official, Jordan Kelly, had not been dismissed from her role as a cyber expert more than a year after he requested it, according to a source.