Friday, March 22, 2019

Thursday, March 21, 2019

President Donald Kushner to recognize Israeli sovereignty over Golan Heights

It would be nice if we had sovereignty, too, over America's 500 cities giving sanctuary to illegal aliens.

I guess we have to go to war to do that now.

Beto's already spending your gas money contributions on parking tickets and tacos

And John F. Kerry who served in Vietnam never stopped for stop signs when he was behind the wheel.

Stop signs, like No Parking signs, are for little people.

Beto be big people now, especially when he stands on tables.

Just got a Trump robocall inviting me to his 3/28 visit to Michigan, boasting of all (12,000 of) those new manufacturing jobs

Might as well be October 2006, thirteen years ago.

No V-shaped recovery here, or anywhere, just another L-shape.

The first Democrat debate of Election 2020 ends with Kamala Harris skeet-shooting Klobuchar's binder thrown at Beto

"Spread your legs"
"I think ... I'm goin' ... to get me a beer"

h/t @the_bernie_bro
"I have high expectations for this country, loser"

Joe Biden to Heidi Heitkamp at swearing-in in 2013: Drop your hands to your sides? Spread your legs, you're going to be frisked!

Despite all the new-found wealth, Joe really does remain just another vulgar mutt.

Run Joe, run!

Stupid Antifa marchers cheer in Austria when pranked by patriot counter-protesters who don't want to be replaced by Muslims

"Put a stop to the great replacement!"

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Rush Limbaugh doesn't know what he's talking about when he says there are more job openings than workers

A: Unemployment level: 6,235,000

A is the official unemployment level. To be counted in it you have to be counted in the labor force.

B is the number of people in addition to the unemployed who are unemployed but aren't counted as such because they are not in the labor force. These are the people unemployed longer than one year who say they still want a job when they are surveyed.

C is all the people of prime working age who aren't in the labor force and aren't counted as unemployed. Some of B are included in this number. This group averaged 21.3 million in both 2006 and 2007, before the shit hit the fan, and got as high as almost 24 million in 2015. It averaged 22.7 million last year. The data goes back only to 1982 but shows that in the 1980s and some of the 1990s that this group shrank during jobs recoveries just as it is shrinking now. There is lots of potential labor here sitting on the sidelines.

In any event, A + B means at least 11.5 million jobless with 7.6 million openings.

Advantage: employers.

P. S. I have seen the very same jobs with the very same companies advertized for years on end. How do they never get filled, hm?

Meanwhile John Podhoretz says Andrew Yang is anti-Semitic to be against circumcision

Not all Jews are disgusting like John Podhoretz.

My Jewish pediatrician had zero problem with leaving my son unshorn, and we enjoyed a wonderful relationship for many years, getting the best of care from him.

He was a mensch in more ways than this.

Mommas don't let your babies grow up to be John Podhoretz.

Momentous political hubbub of the day: Andrew Yang accused of deleting circumcision tweets under pressure from Jews

Except Yang hasn't deleted them.

They are still there, today.

The anti-circumcision crowd is disappointed that Yang has clarified that he won't advocate outlawing the practice pure and simple, but that is hardly inconsistent with Yang's position that he's against circumcision.

Yang is a Christian of the Reformed tradition, apparently. His Pastor is Mark E. Mast of New Paltz, NY. It is a gay-friendly, environmentalist wacko church with female as well as male leadership, so not your granddad's Calvinism.

Nature rebels against diversity

Andrew Yang steps on American individualism, upsets den of vipers

Australia's Fraser Anning unashamedly stands for preserving the European ethnic composition of the population

Similar to Hungary and Poland and Czech Republic.

Theory of replacement migration is a thing at the UN, but The New York Times calls it racist, sexist and right-wing

Gee, whoever thought getting rid of the UN would become a bipartisan idea?

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The people don't have a clue

CNN Poll: 7 in 10 say economy in good shape -- and Trump may reap the benefits



Kamala Harris been kinda hard on the hood

Andrew Yang speaks up for the Electoral College

They have to go back: It's not islamophobia, it's islamiloatheya

Richard Spencer associates himself with Catholic anti-Protestantism, so he might as well be Conservatism Inc.

National Popular Vote passes in Colorado: First you drug the people, then they give away their freedom without a care

You lose your country by degrees. Colorado is the 12th to go.

Although Colorado has trended more solidly Democratic in recent elections, the state represents the first traditional swing state to join the effort. Every other state in the compact has voted for the Democratic presidential candidates in every election since at least 1992. ...

The other states that have signed on since 2007 are California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia. ...

Among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, only 19 percent supported changing the system, down from 54 percent in 2011.

Democrats were a mirror image, with 81 percent supporting an amendment to switch to a national popular vote, up from 69 percent five years earlier.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Maybe because there's a culture of corruption swirling around Beto

Not only did his campaign misuse funds, he misused them to aid the illegal Honduran immigrant caravan.

"if we got caught . . ."

Hm, now why would Beto lie about the first day's campaign haul?

Dem Senatrix Kirsten Gillibrand, running for president, is dumb as a rock about guns

Same as FBI's James Comey.

Just found out my neighbors raise funds to provide clean water in drought stricken Zimbabwe

You know the place, where Robert Mugabe spent 37 years turning it into a Maoist hell after white Rhodesians had turned it into a prosperous exporting nation.

We have terrible water problems right here in Michigan, like in Flint but also in many other places affected by PFOS, but my lunatic Christian home-schooling neighbors decided to help the lunatic fringe communists a continent away instead. They're even going there to run a marathon (!) in celebration of the project.

We are doomed.

Germany rebuffs Trump, reverses pledge to increase NATO spending as economic growth slowdown looms

The government has yet to endorse the draft, which will be put to the cabinet on Wednesday. It will again approve the final plan in early summer before parliament has the last word.

Yet while this means the figures aren’t cast in stone, an economic slowdown, its expected impact on tax revenues, and the reluctance of both parties in Ms. Merkel’s coalition to fight for unpopular military spending or appear to appease Mr. Trump, make a reversal unlikely.

AOC net favorables down 8 points since Sep 2018 as more people get to know her

Wow, WaPo's Glenn Kessler almost becomes Rush Limbaugh, doubts Bernie's $1 trillion bailout claim

If anything, Bernie underestimates the scope of the secret loans during the financial crisis ten years ago. The Freedom of Information Act inquiry which brought them to light went all the way to the Supreme Court. Ben Bernanke only relented at the last second.

Discount Window lending behind the scenes during the crisis period soared into the multi-trillions of dollars by the time it ended in 2010 while everyone was fixated on the shiny object known as TARP ($700 billion, about a tenth the size of the generally accepted figure of $7.7 trillion). That's probably why TARP was undertaken to be honest: Oh look! A deer!

The DW loans were made to all kinds of entities for whom normal lending had disappeared. In too many cases very questionable collateral was put up. The loans were ultra-cheap, at rates unavailable to homeowners defaulting on their comparatively much more expensive mortgages because they had lost their jobs. Many of the loans rolled over and over and over again for protracted periods to keep the entities from going under, while Bush & Co. and then Obama & Co. did nothing for Joe Six-pack. Many millions lost their homes while businesses which should have gone bankrupt did not.

Hard to believe this clueless so-called fact checker still has a job.

22-year old Muslim chick who wants to demolish Israel and accused Chelsea Clinton of being Islamophobic sort of apologizes for tweets 6 years ago using "nigger" and "fag"



Unlike Obama Beto's doing his apology tour BEFORE he gets elected, and right here in the USA instead of abroad

Meanwhile, a person who doesn't "know that anyone is born for an office or a position" followed by "I certainly am not" might possibly be open to the legitimacy of hereditary kingship.

George Washington would have skipped the cherry tree and come after this guy with an axe.

Joe "Middle Class" Biden edging AWAY from the working class because he's gotten rich: He used to be "Lunchbox Joe", but POLITICO seems to know nothing about it

He’s repeatedly referred to himself as “Middle-Class Joe” on the campaign trail and in speaking engagements as he publicly mulls whether to run for president. ... “I know I’m called Middle-Class Joe. It’s not meant to be a compliment. It means I’m not sophisticated. But I know what made this country what it is: ordinary people doing extraordinary things,” Biden said in Kentucky last year, a refrain he’s used repeatedly for years, including when he floated a potential presidential run in 2017.

4. He’s more worried about Lunchbox Joe than Bubba. Obama was not persuaded by arguments that Democrats for the past 60 years have won the presidency only when they've had a Southerner on the ticket. He seems confident he can put a few states in the Old Confederacy in play by stoking African-American turnout. Perhaps. But he also is calculating that his more urgent concern is working-class whites, especially those in the industrial Midwest. Hillary Rodham Clinton clobbered him in these areas — and white men remain very skeptical of him, if you believe the polls (and his people do). At the public unveiling of the ticket Saturday at Springfield, Ill., Obama called Biden a “scrappy kid from Scranton.” 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Scott McConnell of The American Conservative voted for the enemy in 2008 and votes for him now too

Dreher advocates for peace and for praying for the Muslim victims.

In 1776 the American preachers advocated for war and actually killed Christian Redcoats.

Two different religions but you're only here thanks to one of them.

"Journalist" Wajahat Ali has inadequately corrected his date for the Battle of Vienna and still asserts that Europe only "apparently" stopped the Muslim invasion of Europe in 1683

This is the invader speaking.

He is emboldened to lie because The New York Times and The Guardian welcome him to do so.

The use of "apparently" is meant to cast doubt on the fact of the European victory against the Turks in 1683.

This is using language for jihad.

You are meant to doubt the truth of your past.

You are meant to have no pride in it.

You are meant to doubt Christian Europe did or could unite to defeat the Muslim foe.

You are meant to have no hope now of stopping the current invasion.


And there it is from Ruben Navarrette, in USA Today two days ago, saying Beto is a cultural appropriator

For Latinos, 'Beto' O'Rourke is just another privileged white guy trying to manipulate them:

. . . Latinos . . . refuse to go loco for Beto. They’re concerned that Robert Francis O’Rourke, 46, who on Thursday joined an already-crowded field of 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls, is trying to put one over on Latinos by tricking them into thinking he’s one of them. ... Patrick O’Rourke — Robert Francis’ father — once explained that he was the one who gave his son the nickname in the first place and the reason had a lot to do with politics, as well as geography. According to The Dallas Morning News, the patriarch reasoned that if his son ever ran for office in El Paso, the odds of being elected in that largely Mexican-American city were far greater with a name like Beto. When told of his father’s words, O’Rourke shrugged them off, calling his father “farsighted.” I’d use different words, like cynical and dishonest and manipulative.

Matthew Dowd's just mad Beto no Latino


Freedom of speech, yes even for these two crackpots, but hey, it's Facebook: We decide who speaks

The Trump faithful maintain that "this time is different" when Trump's been entirely conventional on taxes, spending, defense, foreign wars, entitlements, etc.

Trump's support feels low energy compared to 2016: Even Obama received millions fewer votes the second time around

Tweet. Cave. Repeat. Equals 2020 Defeat. :

The Left is energized while Trump's support feels low energy compared to 2016. Even Obama received millions fewer votes his second term.


Feds bust document forgery operation active for more than a decade in "primarily Hispanic town" . . . in Oregon

"The fraud ring operated in Woodburn for more than a decade and produced over 10,000 fraudulent documents that they distributed in Woodburn or mailed to customers around the United States," U.S. Attorney Billy Williams and Assistant U.S. Attorney Peter Sax said in the plea agreement posted Tuesday in court documents. Previous detailed court documents remain under seal.

The Fraud Doc Ring communicated with customers using Facebook, email, Snapchat and in person, the plea deal states. Customers emailed, texted or mailed the ring digital passport-style photos for insertion into the fake ID cards, or visited a clandestine photography lab in Woodburn where their photos were taken, the plea agreement says. Customers paid electronically through PayPal, through the mail or in person.

In the apartment, agents found dozens of security images and seals used in legitimate identification documents. They also found stored digital photos of more than 4,000 customers. The Fraud Doc Ring produced a wide array of documents, including drivers' licenses for over 25 different states, Social Security cards, lawful permanent resident cards, U.S. and Mexican birth certificates and marriage licenses.


Saturday, March 16, 2019

Muslim Fulani kill 6,000 Christians in Nigeria in the first half of 2018, "white supremacy" blah blah blah

'Pure Genocide': Over 6,000 Nigerian Christians Slaughtered, Mostly Women and Children

Woooooooooowah, I love Joe Biden now

I hope there's a death penalty for deplatforming.

By shotgun.


Since Beto's wife isn't white, his absence from home really is his white privilege on display, as his Democrat critics say

This guy is the biggest cuck yet, apologizing for everything.

David French of National Review is a fool: Over 500 Christians have been targeted and killed by Muslims in the last 12 months in over 60 incidents, but it's "white supremacy" 24/7 from the media

Dinesh and BigUm couldn't be more right.

Beto, your next president, had a pretty sick imagination about mowing down kids with his car when he was a teenager

Beto's got a car thing going. Car as a weapon (Jihadi much?). DUI. Driving around with the window open, looking for himself. Asking for gas money for the minivan campaign.

I don't want this guy driving anything, especially the country.

Another t-file from O’Rourke, written when he was 15, is a short and disturbing piece of fiction. “One day, as I was driving home from work, I noticed two children crossing the street. They were happy, happy to be free from their troubles…. This happiness was mine by right. I had earned it in my dreams.

“As I neared the young ones, I put all my weight on my right foot, keeping the accelerator pedal on the floor until I heard the crashing of the two children on the hood, and then the sharp cry of pain from one of the two. I was so fascinated for a moment, that when after I had stopped my vehicle, I just sat in a daze, sweet visions filling my head.”

The SPLC's Morris Dees hit the mother lode with hating whitey

Like the repeated "I will never disappoint you" statements of the 2016 campaign, Trump was telegraphing in 2013 that he would major in carelessness with immigration

Like Beto hasn't been disrupting his family for the last four months driving around in search of himself, but now that he has more gas money comin' in might as well put it to good use

Friday, March 15, 2019

Lazy Fox News story details violence trend in houses of worship, totally ignores global targeting of Christians by Muslims

In the last year alone over 500 Christians across the globe have been targeted and killed by Muslims in 62 separate incidents through March 11th, but Fox News decides four incidents involving whitey killing Jews, Baptists, blacks and Sikhs since 2012 constitutes the true trend.

Get an effing clue. 

Lazy reporters for WaPo and The Grauniad leave out Trump's post-election visit to Grand Rapids where he credited his victory over Hillary to blacks staying home

They wouldn't know the last time he visited and they still don't know why she lost, or care.

The resolution singling out whitey instead of Ilhan Omar pretty much already has the New Zealand shooter covered

Terrorism will end when everyone deports their Muslims to the 26 countries where Islam is the state religion

Fraser Anning for US Senate: Islam is the religious equivalent of fascism

ISIS bomb blasts kill 20 celebrating mass at Cathedral of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Jolo, Philippines

Better yet, we forgive the student loan but the student must return the degree

It's the only way to tell how "worthless" all these degrees really are.

Paul Ryan declares The Body Snatchers victorious in their capture of @realdonaldtrump

"Trump's" record is why you idiots lost the House four months ago.

And the intellekshuls think Beto's the empty vessel.