Sunday, November 25, 2018

Justin Raimondo knows Mexico is the real threat to America, but he's so against war he can't argue for it when he needs to

Forget the Russian ‘Threat’: Mexico Is Our Real Problem:

The cartels control our southern neighbor

[W]e hear almost nothing about the one country where journalists who report on official corruption are routinely killed, and in such numbers that the death toll makes Russia look like a utopian paradise – Mexico, where more than one-hundred reporters have been slaughtered by the drug cartels and their collaborators inside the Mexican government. The killers are rarely found, let alone punished:  as of 2012, 98% of homicides in Mexico went unsolved. ...

Some problems don’t have solutions, and this may be one of them. The accumulated stupidity and venality of the Mexican and US authorities over past decades has created such a toxic brew of social decomposition and political dysfunction that we can only await the coming explosion with a mixture of fear and hope – hope that our leaders will force their gaze away from the far horizons of the Middle East and focus on the rising crisis right here on our own southern border.


The number of doofusses taking Hillary's recent immigration comments seriously is truly astounding

It's self-evident that Hillary's "new" view about immigration is nothing more than immigration reform as a means to an end, namely the center-left's election to power in order to defeat populism and the right.

Her response to the situation of her defeat is completely in keeping with Marx, who viewed the embrace of the free-trade doctrine of unalloyed capitalism as an accelerant for The Revolution. The important thing is not that the left is wrong about "late stage capitalism". The important thing is that they are insincere about what they say they believe in common with us. 

Yet everywhere I go otherwise sane people are talking shit about this. Ooh everyone's coming around to Trump's way of thinking, and so on.

Like Obama who lied about his own mother's health insurance in propounding Obamacare, Hillary will use anything and anyone to get where she wants to go.

Obviously what's needed isn't a Wall with Mexico, what's needed is a War

Take over the Central Plateau and then push them into the seas east and west.

Friday, November 23, 2018

Under my proposal Chief Justice John Roberts' appointment to the Supreme Court would have expired in 2017

Do you think Trump would have reappointed him to four more years?

"There are too many people in prison"

Yeah like Harry Reid getting rid of the Senate filibuster rule for "Obama judges" wasn't called "the nuclear option" BY EVERYONE

If only Democrats realized that the easiest and cheapest way to get rid of Donald Trump is to give him his damn Wall

What's he going to run on after that, huh?

In the lame duck Pelosi in the House and Schumer in the Senate could allow just enough Democrats to go along with it that they could arguably still blame it on the Republican controlled 115th Congress.

But they are mean bastards. They'd rather inflict us with him for eight years instead of four.

Stephen L. Miller's Exhibit A for why all pie is garbage

Thursday, November 22, 2018

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em: Hillary now laughably blames fear of immigrants for her loss, says Europe must curb immigration, thinks the people crave tyranny!

Now we're sure she's a drunk. 

Both Clintons used to say this crap about immigration to America back in ancient times when they ruled in Washington, even as they did NOTHING to reduce the levels of legal immigration into the United States, levels which were dramatically ramped up by their predecessor, George Herbert Walker Bush.

They don't give a damn about Americans. Immigration is only a problem to them because it puts the wrong people in power.

“I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame,” Clinton said, speaking as part of a series of interviews with senior centrist political figures about the rise of populists, particularly on the right, in Europe and the Americas.

“I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but I think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message – ‘we are not going to be able to continue provide refuge and support’ – because if we don’t deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic.” ...

Clinton urged forces opposed to rightwing populism in Europe and the US not to neglect the concerns about race and identity issues that she says were behind her losing key votes in 2016. She accused Trump of exploiting the issue in the election contest – and in office. ...

“The whole American system was designed so that you would eliminate the threat from a strong, authoritarian king or other leader and maybe people are just tired of it. They don’t want that much responsibility and freedom. They want to be told what to do and where to go and how to live … and only given one version of reality.

One way to reform the federal judiciary

One way to reform the federal judiciary would be simply to appoint judges to serve for a period of twelve years but not after that but for the pleasure of the president.

That way any judge coming up on the end of his or her twelfth year would continue to serve only at the pleasure of the current president for four more years, and the president after him or her for four more years, and so on after that. Only new appointees to a court would enjoy the initial twelve year privilege.

The restriction would extend some accountability which now vanishes once one receives a lifetime appointment.

This way there is more hopefulness about the judiciary for both sides of the political spectrum. Both liberals and conservatives would have the reasonable expectation that the consequences of the political process would endure, but not for what might as well be forever, making all parties more accountable to the people.

Senator Chuck Grassley joins President Trump in piling on Bush's Chief Justice John Roberts over Obama's judges

The track record of presidents' judicial appointees is effulgent with political consequence, which is why liberals don't want you to think about the court that way and try to mask it with the myth of judicial independence.

Liberals impose their will by judicial fiat because they can't get their policies through the ordinary democratic way by winning elections.

Hurrah for Grassley! 

Chuck Grassley to Chief Justice John Roberts: You Rebuked Trump — but Sat Silent Through Obama’s Abuse



"Ten years ago I made over $22 an hour"

"Now I make $11."

"Thanks a lot."

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

And Stephen L. Miller reminds us it takes a bitch to know one

Too late, Representative Tulsi Gabbard says being Saudi Arabia's bitch is not America First

One term president doesn't understand the importance of not appearing to be Saudi Arabia's bitch

One term president happy to keep digging his own grave, cares for nothing but money and glory

It would be so easy to develop more oil here in the USA, but there's another promise out the window. All in the hope of getting a piece of paper declaring peace between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The United $emites run this country.

Mia Love loses in UT-4, seat flips to Democrats for a net +38 seats with two races undecided: NY-22 and GA-7

Despicable libertarian judge Bernard Friedman appointed by Ronald Reagan dismisses cases against Muslim clit cutters in Detroit

This is the same libertarian, anti-conservative, judge who overturned Michigan's 2004 Marriage Act in 2014. He threw out the cases on the grounds the law passed under the Commerce Clause had nothing to do with commerce because Muslim clit cutting isn't a large market with a measurable impact on commerce. It will have when the country is full of Muslims. What a damn fool.

Why must we still live under the thumb of judges, let alone under those appointed in the 1980s?

 Judge dismisses female genital mutilation charges in historic case:

In a major blow to the federal government, a judge in Detroit has declared America's female genital mutilation law unconstitutional, thereby dismissing the key charges against two Michigan doctors and six others accused of subjecting at least nine minor girls to the cutting procedure in the nation's first FGM case.

The historic case involves minor girls from Michigan, Illinois and Minnesota, including some who cried, screamed and bled during the procedure and one who was given Valium ground in liquid Tylenol to keep her calm, court records show.

The judge's ruling also dismissed charges against three mothers, including two Minnesota women whom prosecutors said tricked their 7 -year-old daughters into thinking they were coming to metro Detroit for a girls' weekend, but instead had their genitals cut at a Livonia clinic as part of a religious procedure.

U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman concluded that "as despicable as this practice may be," Congress did not have the authority to pass the 22-year-old federal law that criminalizes female genital mutilation, and that FGM is for the states to regulate. FGM is banned worldwide and has been outlawed in more than 30 countries, though the U.S. statute had never been tested before this case. 

"As laudable as the prohibition of a particular type of abuse of girls may be ... federalism concerns deprive Congress of the power to enact this statute," Friedman wrote in his 28-page opinion, noting: "Congress overstepped its bounds by legislating to prohibit FGM ... FGM is a 'local criminal activity' which, in keeping with long-standing tradition and our federal system of government, is for the states to regulate, not Congress." 

Currently, 27 states have laws that criminalize female genital mutilation, including Michigan, whose FGM law is stiffer than the federal statute, punishable by up to 15 years in prison, compared with five under federal law. Michigan's FGM law was passed last year in the wake of the historic case and applies to both doctors who conduct the procedure, and parents who transport a child to have it done. The defendants in this case can't be retroactively charged under the new law. ...

"There is nothing commercial or economic about FGM," Friedman writes. "As despicable as this practice may be, it is essentially a criminal assault. ... FGM is not part of a larger market and it has no demonstrated effect on interstate commerce. The commerce clause does not permit Congress to regulate a crime of this nature."

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

One term president sells out our values to keep a foreign relationship, says it's business as usual with Saudi Arabia despite unacceptable, horrible crime by MBS

What a disgusting spectacle!

This guy knows a thing or two from personal experience about transgressing values in order to have relationships!

MBS, along with every other foreign dictator, including Erdogan, now has a license to kill courtesy of the president of the United States.

Utterly revolting.

"It's a complex issue, it's a shame, but it is what it is," Trump said. "It is America first to me, it is all about America first." "I'm not going to destroy the world economy and I'm not going to destroy the economy for our country by being foolish with Saudi Arabia," he went on. “Representatives of Saudi Arabia say that Jamal Khashoggi was an “enemy of the state” and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, but my decision is in no way based on that – this is an unacceptable and horrible crime,” Trump said in his statement issued earlier Tuesday. “King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman vigorously deny any knowledge of the planning or execution of the murder of Mr. Khashoggi,” Trump said in the statement. He went on: “Our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information, but it could very well be that the Crown Prince had knowledge of this tragic event – maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!” ... "The idea that it goes all the way to the top is blindingly obvious," said the State Department official, speaking on the condition of anonymity.

Famous last words, Larry Kudlow edition

It's always amusing to see what triggers CNBC liberals, in this case a Johnny Reb hat worn by US Senate hopeful Cindy-Hyde Smith

Appearances are everything to liberals, who are our time's cave dwellers of Plato's Republic, who have never seen a reenactment of a War Between The States battle, as I have right here in Yankee Michigan. Yes, we've had full blown Confederate armies here, the state which just witnessed a Democrat sweep of state offices in Election 2018.

A lousy gray hat from yesteryear triggers the headline (the blue Yankee hat goes unremarked):

Young whites are fleeing the Republican Party under Trump: Down 11 points in 18-29 since 2014, 10 points in 30-44

2018 CNN exit poll

2014 CNN exit poll

Fake news: Rush Limbaugh just said Valadao in CA-21 is going to lose when he was already declared the winner

Myth of the white supremacy surge: Rather than a 4-point decline in the white vote for Republicans from 2016 to 2018 per the NYT, a better comparison is 2018 vs. 2014 showing a 6-point decline

It's better to compare midterm election with midterm than it is midterm with general.

Whatever Trump and the Republicans have been doing, it's not causing the white majority to vote for Republicans in greater numbers when Trump most needs them to do so to advance his agenda.

Arguably every racial group is running away from what Republicans stand for under Trump. 

Contrary to Richard Spencer who says Trump has made inroads with minority communities, Trump has alienated minorities from the Republican Party since 2014, the black vote by 1-point, the Latino vote by 7-points, and none more than the Asian vote, by a whopping 27-points, partly a function no doubt of Trump's (correct) anti-China rhetoric.

Trump's prospects for reelection in 2020 do not look good at all. Whatever "movement" he thinks he had was nonexistent, and instead of growing his support it's going the other way.

Election 2016 remains The Revulsion Election, and if Trump's not careful he'll be on the receiving end of the revulsion instead of Hillary come 2020.

CNN 2018 exit poll

CNN 2014 exit poll

Julie Kelly entertainingly calls David French's warnings about a "white supremacy surge" hysterical

Reminds me of when Ann Coulter called National Review a collection of girly-boys.

Also, nice to see some of the old Takimag commenters showing up in reply.

There Is No ‘Surge’ in White Supremacy:

So, despite the hysterical warnings from French and his collaborators in the media, there was only a small increase in hate crimes last year and those numbers dropped significantly in the first half of the year. This means there is no “surge” either in hate crimes or white supremacy. (The synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh last month singularly will change that forecast for the year. Trump also has been blamed for that massacre by French’s NR colleague, Jonah Goldberg, even though the shooter did not vote for Trump and criticized the president for being “surrounded by kikes.”)

Monday, November 19, 2018

Looks like Richard Spencer is taking the NYT as seriously as Ann Coulter

2018 support from whites fell to 54%. Trump has suppressed the white vote.

Where all da white wymyn at? Cuckin' der men, dats where.

Brenda Snipes, PhD and Supervisor of Elections in Broward County, Florida, resigns after long history of incompetence

In 2004, Snipes said 58,000 absentee ballots in heavily Democratic Broward County were lost – a detriment to the campaign of John Kerry's campaign. ...

In 2016, however, her office illegally destroyed 6,000 ballots after they were counted but a judge ordered them to be preserved.

In 2018, her office sent out a sample ballot that did not resemble the real ballot used on Election Day. The ballot arguably made it difficult to locate the U.S. Senate race on the ballot to cast a vote.

Lastly, Snipes' office submitted the results of a machine recount two minutes past the deadline and also lost over 2,000 ballots for the 2018 midterm.

Well, if anyone should know a thing or two about self-dealing and corruption, it's The New York Times

Two years on 67% of The Astrology Party says the Russkies tampered with 2016 vote totals to elect Trump, just 17% of The Stupid Party, and 41% of the nitwits in between

Well, it was question 26C. Maybe they were tired and confused by that time, or on to their third beer.

Rush Limbaugh trumpeted the Republican retirements myth to blame them for losing the House, Twitter fools run wild with it

There weren't 43 House retirements in 2018 "fearing a wave".

Just 23 House Republicans "fled" politics and retired. But of those just 8 seats flipped to the Democrats, or 35%. 65% were Republican holds.

Republicans lost CA-39, CA-49, FL-27, MI-11, NJ-2, NJ-11, PA-06 and WA-8. If you want to blame these losses on Republican retirements, you might as well credit Republican retirements for keeping the remaining 15 seats Republican: FL-15, FL-17, KS-2, MS-03, PA-13, SC-04, TN-02, TX-02, TX-03, TX-05, TX-06, TX-21, VA-05, VA-06 and WI-01 (Paul Ryan's seat). Which will it be?

The whole idea is stupid and vindictive, especially when considering that Republicans still allocated big bucks trying to retain control of retired seats even as Republican incumbents went down to defeat in six of the ten costliest races in the nation: CA-25, CA-48, CO-6, FL-26, MN-3 and NY-19.

Reuters ranked the retired Republican WA-8 loss the second most expensive House race in the country. Another analysis put the retired Republican losses in CA-39 and CA-49 fourth and third among the ten costliest House races in the country, with the GOP-retained seat in retired TX-02 the ninth most expensive House race.

The fact of the matter is Democrats outraised and outspent Republicans in this cycle in order to repudiate the 2016 Trump victory. Considering that it was by far the most expensive midterm ever, it's a wonder Democrats didn't do better than they did. 

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Republican Rick Scott defeats Democrat Senator Bill Nelson in Florida by 10,033 votes in manual recount

Overall, Republicans picked off Senate seats from Democrats in Election 2018 in Florida, Indiana, Missouri and North Dakota.

Democrats picked off Nevada and Arizona from Republicans who end up controlling the US Senate by only a net +2, or 52-47 at the moment.

A run-off in Mississippi in nine days will determine whether Republicans enjoy a 53-47 majority or a 52-48.

Andrew Gillum concedes in FL (again), and Stacey Abrams in GA joins Roy Moore in AL in not conceding at all

What matters in these affairs is election certification by the respective Secretaries of State, not whether the losing candidates concede or the winning candidates claim victory.

Still, it is considered un-American not to concede when you've lost, simply because that means you don't accept the rules Americans agree to live by in these matters. Without that glue, the whole thing is in danger of descending into chaos, conflict and perhaps civil war.

One such un-American person stoking these flames is Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio who said "if Stacey Abrams doesn't win in Georgia, they stole it, it's clear. It's clear. I say that publicly."

Obviously not clear to the final authority in this matter, Senator.

In rejecting the non-conceders, one might say the voters got it right in electing their opponents, including in Alabama, except that in Ohio Sherrod Brown just won six more years in the US Senate by 275,000 votes.

The mills of the gods grind slowly . . .. 

Gillum had conceded to DeSantis on election night, but retracted it after the margin between the two candidates narrowed.

Her speech Friday effectively puts a stop to the contest. The final result had been in doubt for 10 days after the election.

Abrams stressed as she spoke: "This is not a speech of concession."

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Trump's losses in the US House are more than double the average Republican president's first midterm losses

The average loss of seats in the US House for the first midterm after a Republican's initial election to presidential office has been 17 up to Trump, who is set to lose 36.

A loss of 36 is more like what a Democrat president would lose in the first midterm, which averages 31.

Trump, of course, used to be a Democrat.

Friday, November 16, 2018

One term president waves surrender flag on drug war, signs on to criminal justice reform, no one will be executed

President Donald Trump’s support has put Congress within reach of passing the most sweeping set of changes to the federal criminal justice system since the 1990s, when fear of crime drove the enactment of draconian sentencing practices that shipped hundreds of thousands of drug offenders to prison.

Dear Jeff Flake: PISS OFF!

We don't need any more immigrants: Population increases have outpaced labor force increases for a decade

Before the Great Recession the growth rate of the labor force easily exceeded the growth rate of population for decade after decade, but since then the situation has reversed dramatically.

Population has been increasing at a rate 75% higher than the labor force over the last decade. The increased population is not assimilating to work.


Increasing the population of the non-working has been the number one drag on the economy, causing GDP to fall and debt to rise, negatively impacting every standard measure.

Trump's alt-right supporters don't get it that he's already finished: The time to accomplish something MAJOR was wasted in year one on Obamacare, in year two on taxes and defense spending

Liberal math: In ME-2 the Democrat came in second but wins the seat anyway

This is how the National Popular Vote will work in the case of president if states adopt the kind of legerdemain citizens of Maine adopted in 2016.

I say legerdemain advisedly, because it is not reasoning but simple trickery. In the case of the National Popular Vote, you will think X won your state but because Y got more votes nationally your state agrees to switch its electoral college votes to Y. In Maine because of an equally arbitrary decision to deprive the top vote getter from winning (the winner must get 50% even though Bill Clinton never did), the winner ends up losing because of "ranking". The last place finisher's votes, person D's, get reallocated to A, B, and C using math reflecting the voters' rankings of all the candidates until someone reaches 50%.

The voters collectively decide how your vote will go, not you, based on their ranking of the candidates, not yours.

In other words, if you happened to vote for D, and probably also for C in this case, your vote was changed to B, not the original winner A.

They say every vote must count, and call it democracy.

I seem to recall the Germans voted for Hitler, too. They gave up their freedom willingly, you see, so it must have been OK.

Poliquin narrowly got the most votes on Election Day – with 46.1 percent to Golden's 45.9 – but because he didn't get more than 50 percent of the vote, Maine's new law kicked in. Independent candidates Tiffany Bond and William Hoar combined received about another 8 percent of the vote. 

In the new system, approved by Maine voters in 2016, a person votes for their favorite candidate and ranks the other candidates by their order of preference. If no candidate gets more than 50 percent of the vote, the last-place candidate gets knocked out and the ballots cast for them are reallocated based on an algorithm that factors the voters' preferences. That process continues until one candidate has a majority. 

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Good God you people are stupid: Trump's been hiring the wrong people from day 1 and you're only just now noticing?

At 4:40pm today with 100% of the vote reported, CA-39 was won by the Republican, at 8:53pm by the Democrat, in between which 8,185 extra votes suddenly materialize to push the Democrat over the top

screen shot 4.40.38pm 11/15/18

screen shot 8.53.09pm 11/15/18
It's not the votes that count, but who counts the votes.

DeSantis elected Florida governor a 2nd time in machine recount, US Senator and agriculture commissioner races forced into hand recount

DeSantis' lead held Thursday as the counties reported their tallies, keeping him above the quarter-point threshold and making him Florida's governor-elect barring a legal challenge from Andrew Gillum. But, as expected, the margins in the U.S. Senate and agriculture commissioner races remained under the threshold, requiring hand recounts of overvotes and undervotes.

Florida, laughstock of the world

“We have been the laughing stock of the world, election after election, and we chose not to fix this,” U.S. District Judge Mark Walker said in court, where he is at the center of the legal battle over the election recount.

One term president: Trump's m/o is to dupe, trick and snooker, whether it's Saudi Arabia over oil or Americans over immigration

"They're pretty much snookered by Trump," Ross said. "I mean, Trump led them to believe that the Iranian exports would be zero. It turned out they're going to be 1.2 to 1.5 million barrels a day, way higher than people thought."

13 million young adults 18-29 use marijuana but the FDA's Scott Gottlieb is shocked, shocked I tell you, by 3.6 million young vapers

This administration, like the rest of this country, is completely effed up.

Tampa (AFP) - US regulators Thursday ordered sharp restrictions on sales of e-cigarettes, as national data showed a 78 percent single-year surge in vaping among young people, with two-thirds using fruit and candy-flavored products. ...

"These data shock my conscience," said FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, referring to the latest data from the National Youth Tobacco Survey. ...

A total of 3.6 million US youths reported vaping at least once in the past month, the data showed.

"These increases must stop. And the bottom line is this: I will not allow a generation of children to become addicted to nicotine through e-cigarettes," said Gottlieb.

Meanwhile Gallup reported in August that 24% of the 54 million Americans aged 18-29 regularly or occasionally use marijuana, over three and half times as many as vape, but the FDA's Gottlieb isn't in the headlines over that.

How to lose in 2020: Trump reportedly trying to please Turkey by pushing Fethullah Gulen out of the US

Trump doesn't give a damn about the criminality of Turkey's Erdogan. Trump should be pushing Turkey out of NATO, not Gulen out of the US. Instead it's all about a peace deal with the Joos. I smell Javanka. I smell a one term president.

The requests on Gulen in mid-October mark at least the second time the Trump administration has re-examined Turkey's extradition request since taking office. In the weeks after Trump's inauguration, the White House asked the Justice Department to review Gulen's case, NBC has reported.

Some officials have described the first request as a routine part of a new administration reviewing its relationship with a key ally. The request, however, took place under Trump's former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, whose ties to Turkey came under scrutiny in special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian election meddling. Flynn, who resigned in February 2017, entered into a plea agreement with Mueller last December and has been cooperating with the investigation.

Making it easier to vote makes it easier to commit fraud

Time to nuke Mexico: Think of it as increasing your defensible perimeter against wildfires

Libertarian Senator Mike Lee talks grandly about "conservative" criminal justice reform when all he's after is throwing out federal mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses

Mike Lee thinks selling drugs (even while armed with a gun!) doesn't hurt anyone when the evidence is pouring in that marijuana is bad for the health of those who use it.

And he obviously hasn't lived with a user. If he had he'd know they make lousy family members and lousy Americans.

Did the young father of two let his children play with his gun, Senator?

Thanks for nothing, Utah!

For example, when I served as an Assistant United States Attorney in Salt Lake City, Weldon Angelos -- a young father of two with no criminal record -- was convicted of selling three dime bags of marijuana to a paid informant over a short period of time.

These were not violent crimes. No one was hurt. But because Angelos had been in possession of a gun at the time he sold the drugs (a gun which was neither brandished nor discharged in connection with the offense), the judge was forced by federal law to give him a 55-year prison sentence. The average federal sentence for assault is just two years. The average murderer only gets 15 years. While acknowledging the obvious excessiveness of the sentence, the judge explained that the applicable federal statutes gave him no authority to impose a less-severe prison term, noting that “only Congress can fix this problem.”

If only Donald Trump knew that he was president

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., told then-President Barack Obama in the summer of 2014 that he could use "very broad power" to limit immigration as he saw fit, according to a letter obtained by Fox News.

In the July 29 letter, Feinstein cites Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act -- the same federal legislation cited by the Trump administration Thursday in unveiling a rule denying asylum claims to migrants who enter the country illegally.

"Whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States," the legislation states, "he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."

Feinstein's letter initially notes that the senator has discussed possible legislation with then-Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. Feinstein then writes: "there is also an argument that there is sufficient flexibility in current law for the government to respond to the current crisis and that further legislation is not needed." She adds that the authority vested in the presidency by Section 212 (f) means that "no legislation is necessary to give your administration the tools it needs to respond to this crisis, and that any needed temporary measures can be implemented through presidential action."

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Crackpot Maxine Waters set to become chair of House Financial Services Committee, bank stocks fall

Maxine Waters says easing banking regulations 'will come to an end' when she takes committee chair

The peers must be incompetent: Peer-reviewed ocean warming paper in premier journal found to have big math boo-boo

From the story here:

However, the conclusion came under scrutiny after mathematician Nic Lewis, a critic of the scientific consensus around human-induced warming, posted a critique of the paper on the blog of Judith Curry, another well-known critic.

“The findings of the ... paper were peer reviewed and published in the world’s premier scientific journal and were given wide coverage in the English-speaking media,” Lewis wrote. “Despite this, a quick review of the first page of the paper was sufficient to raise doubts as to the accuracy of its results.”

Co-author Ralph Keeling, climate scientist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, took full blame and thanked Lewis for alerting him to the mistake. ...

“Our error margins are too big now to really weigh in on the precise amount of warming that’s going on in the ocean,” Keeling said. “We really muffed the error margins.”

A correction has been submitted to the journal Nature.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Adding insult to injury, McSally's AZ-2 seat in the US House flips to the Democrats, Sinema's AZ-9 seat holds Democrat

In Tennessee EVERYBODY thinks he can be Elvis, or governor

Jon Gabriel explains Kyrsten Sinema's home turf was vote-rich Maricopa County, McSally the comparatively inferior candidate

McSally was too cautious, too negative, too aligned with John McCain for disappointed conservatives, too much of an outsider, and was not Doug Ducey. Sinema was likeable and ran a good campaign.

McSally and the outside groups supporting her were nearly all-negative, all-the-time. Focusing on the Republican’s remarkable achievements in the military and also in politics would have gone a long way to define a woman few in the state knew much about. Sure, there were a few ads like that, but not nearly enough to match Sinema’s seeming optimism.

McSally hails from Pima County, home to Tucson, while Sinema is from Maricopa County, home to Phoenix. More than half the state’s population lives in the latter, so they didn’t know much about the Tucson-based candidate. She needed to spend a lot more time defining herself since Sinema was already defined to a big chunk of Arizonans.

A pair of celestial observations portends calamity in Broward County FL recount

Ann Coulter explains the rise of feminism and the decline of the west: War insures the survival of the wrong DNA

Laugh of the Day: Photographer plays "Simon Says" with Baraboo WI High School boys of the class of 2019

He says, "Sieg Heil!" and then captures their reaction.

The left is finding no humor in this whatsoever. The boys clearly know how to tweak the liberal tyranny, except for the weirdo in the upper right with gunshot wounds to both earlobes, who has predictably become a hero to the outraged for his passive resistance. The guy front and center left goes even further, flashing the secret sign of white nationalists everywhere.

Sieg away, I say, good old Badger State of mine.

Monday, November 12, 2018

115,622 more people in Maricopa County easily could have voted for Martha McSally, but didn't

McSally: 611,161
Ducey:    726,783

And don't forget Mitt Romney now has to be counted on to cooperate

I can just see it now.

Mitt Romney, Lisa Mercowskie and Susan Collins will form the trio of stooges broken by the death of John McCain to stand in the way of Mitch McConnell.

Well, at least Jeff Flake and Bob Corker are out of the equation.

Mark Levin tonight believes McSally lost in Arizona because conservative Republicans didn't vote for her

Entirely plausible given the bitter primary, and McSally's failure to mend fences after winning. The votes for Ducey were there in Maricopa, but not for McSally.

We pointed out previously that McSally was an unconvincing shapeshifter on immigration.

The difference between the supposedly "hard right" Mark Levin and Arizona Republicans is that Levin actively supported her candidacy despite McSally being a RINO.

Thanks for nothing, Arizona, as usual. Now we're stuck with the lunatic, Sinema, which my spell-checker keeps spelling Cinema.

She will be a spectacle, that's for sure.

One week after the election, Republican hopes for a decisive majority in the US Senate have evaporated tonight

Previously observed narrow leads for Republicans in Arizona and Montana have reversed.

Jon Tester held on to win in Montana by 15,317 votes, and tonight Arizona has been won by Democrat Kyrsten Sinema by 38,197 votes.

The Mississippi run-off at the end of the month is Republicans' last hope of achieving a majority of 53, assuming a recount in Florida doesn't deprive Rick Scott of his victory.

The Hive is already circulating a story tonight about the Republican in Mississippi being a racist, trying to win that race for the Democrats.

Assuming she and Rick Scott both end up losing would mean Republicans would finish with a majority of just 51, hardly the lead-pipe cinch environment to run the board on court appointments.

Jeb Bush joins Marco Rubio in calling for Brenda Snipes to be removed as Supervisor of Elections in Broward County, FL

"There is no question that Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes failed to comply with Florida law on multiple counts, undermining Floridians’ confidence in our electoral process," Bush tweeted.

"Supervisor Snipes should be removed from her office following the recounts." ...

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) is among those arguing for Snipes's dismissal.

"She has shown she’s incapable of conducting a large and important election in a way that inspires public confidence and trust," he told Politico.

"She’s been found to have destroyed ballots, in violation of the law. Opened absentee ballots early, in violation of the law. Misprinted ballots that have gone out."

There were plenty of votes available for Republican Doug Ducey in Maricopa County, AZ, so there should have been for Martha McSally

Ducey for Governor in Maricopa County: 717,437.

McSally for Senate in Maricopa County: 603,070.

The Democrat Sinema, who won against McSally, was also outpolled by Doug Ducey in Maricopa County: 649,445.

They didn't like McSally and Sinema in Maricopa County as much as they liked Ducey. For some reason the voters in Maricopa County just liked Martha McSally the least. Clearly Republican voters for Ducey failed to vote for her like they could have.

The governor's race polled 2.156 million votes total in Arizona, and the Senate race 2.162 million votes.

In Maricopa County the governor's race polled 1.276 million votes and the Senate race 1.28 million.

People who think it odd that one race should attract more votes and another fewer votes don't know what they are talking about.

In Michigan, the statewide individual ballot proposals each outpolled any statewide individual office winner. 

Sinema win in Arizona is due to Democrat inbound migration to Maricopa County, top US county for relocation 2012-2017

Sinema won Maricopa County by 46,375 votes, 649,445 votes to McSally's 603,070. Just 32,000 votes separate the winner from the loser overall in Arizona as of this hour.

A magnet for affordable housing in the wake of the 2008 catastrophe, the county has probably on balance attracted more voters inclined to vote for a Democrat.

Maricopa County saw more people move to the area than any other county in the U.S. during the past five years.

The county saw 221,000 immigrants between 2012 and 2017, according to a new report from RentCafe. That volume was by far the highest in the country, the report shows. Nearly 150,000 people separated Maricopa County from the 10th-highest site of immigration, Wake County in North Carolina.

Among the appealing attributes for migrants looking for a new city to live in was Maricopa County's relatively low cost of living, especially home prices. Out of the top 10 counties for net internal migration, Maricopa had the fourth-lowest average home price.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Los Angeles County saw 381,000 people leave during the same five-year span. Santa Clara County in Northern California was in the top 10 for people leaving as well.

Republicans retained 80% of "pure" House retired seats but this fool believes whatever Rush Limbaugh says

The world upside down: FDA to ban menthol in cigarettes as 10 states legalize recreational marijuana

FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb plans to announce this week that the agency will move forward with a ban on menthol cigarettes in conjunction with a crackdown on e-cigarettes to curb "epidemic" levels of teen use, senior FDA officials told CNBC last week.

Remember how Ann Coulter's tweet about Democrats' voting day being Wednesday got her in trouble?

One false move on the bullet train in China and your credit score goes down

Video here.

Dear passengers,

People who travel without a ticket or behave disorderly, or smoke in public areas will be punished according to regulations and the behavior will be recorded in individual credit information system. To avoid a negative record of personal credit please follow the relevant regulations and help with the orders on the train and at the station.

The only person I've heard honestly assess Election 2018 has been Bill Cunningham

Last night on his 10pm broadcast Bill Cunningham accurately expressed how Republicans ought to feel about Election 2018, but don't: with astonishment that Republicans so severely underperformed in normally deep red places like Texas, Arizona, Georgia and Florida.

Do that again in 2020 and Donald Trump will not win reelection.

Build The Wall, or it's Adios America.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Did any national Republican leader warn their voters Eric Holder was targeting governorships to control redistricting?

Not Trump, not Mitch McConnell, not Paul Ryan. We heard zip, zero, nada.

The stupid party strikes again.

The Detroit News reports here:

Voters Not Politicians, the group that spearheaded the [ballot] proposal in Michigan, may have started out as a grassroots campaign, but millions in outside money poured into the state — much of it coming from far-left advocacy groups and Democratic donors. Between July and October, Voters Not Politicians raised more than $13.8 million.

Eric Holder, former attorney general under President Barack Obama, led a national effort this year in Republican-controlled states to back similar measures that would strip redistricting from lawmakers — or at least ensure Democrats took control of legislatures and governorships ahead of the 2020 census. Michigan was one of 12 target states.

Armistice Day 1918-2018

Πόλεμος πάντων μὲν πατήρ ἐστι πάντων δὲ βασιλεύς

Coattails: In Michigan the ballot proposals in 2018 won by more votes than any statewide Democrat winner

Automatic Voter Registration .... 2.762 million votes
Redistricting By Committee ...... 2.507 million
Marijuana Legalization .............. 2.344 million
Donald Trump President 2016 ... 2.279 million
Hillary Clinton President 2016 .. 2.268 million
Gretchen Whitmer MI Gov. ....... 2.261 million
Debbie Stabenow US Senate ..... 2.200 million
Jocelyn Benson MI Sec. of State 2.199 million
Dana Nessel MI Atty. General ... 2.018 million