Showing posts with label alternative right. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alternative right. Show all posts

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Ben Shapiro's been under attack as alt-right, which is why he's attacking Trump today as soft on Richard Spencer

And Joe Biden's announcement today gave Ben the cover he needed to make it look like a perfectly innocent response to that, instead of to these recent attacks on himself.

A twofer, but he won't get away with it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Clueless Statist Greer fetches conservative Hispanic bone tossed by Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh has done this throughout his career to co-opt the rubes on behalf of the GOPe, this time an alt-righter, probably an Elton John Fan like Rush. Hilarious.

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The alt-right isn't too hot for "victim heirarchy", which is merely the flipside of proportional justice

Without proportional justice, an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, you're back to Draco where every crime is punishable by death because you couldn't think of a more appropriate punishment. Of course, when your entire political party is responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of infants in the womb, the entire party must pay.

Persistent injustice inflames the passions, suspending the thinking function.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Good God the alt-right is dumb: Republicans need your votes but HATE your agenda . . .

They spend their valuable time and political power on their agenda, you fool.

The naiveté is breathtaking sometimes.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Paul Gottfried has read Antifa's wunderkind Mark Bray and finds that there's no there there, just slogans

Proving once again that PhD's aren't what they used to be. Maybe it's time to draft them. 

Despite its obvious incompatibility with the dominant political culture, the alt-right seems to have rallied philosophically deeper thinkers than the slogan-chanting adolescents who swarm around [Mark] Bray. ...

Bray’s Left has nothing in common with the Left that existed in interwar Europe. His field and passion are gender studies and “fighting racism.” These were hardly the major interests of anarchists and Marxists in the 1930s. Back then the Left was serious about a socio-economic revolution and showed no noticeable interest in identity politics or LGBT self-expression. It may even be a bit of a stretch to relate antifa activism to the protests in the 1960s that I personally witnessed. The demonstrators at that time opposed a prolonged war in Vietnam into which they might be personally dragged; others protested segregation, which really existed in some parts of the country. What similarly deep cause is driving Bray and his allies? I can’t seem to find one other than seizing power or simply letting off steam.

Little-reported story about 2016 election survey found 38% of whites expressed strong feelings of white solidarity

The survey included 3,038 non-Hispanic white respondents. Among these respondents, only a minority expressed high values on any of the above questions: about 28% expressed strong feelings of white identity; about 38% expressed strong feelings of white solidarity; and about 27% felt that whites suffer a meaningful amount of discrimination in American life. A much smaller minority, about 6% of respondents, expressed all three opinions. It is worth noting that a 2017Washington Post-ABC News poll estimated that about 10% of respondents supported the Alt-Right.

In other words, the alt-right has a lot of work to do if it's going to convince the other 62% of whites to embrace their white identity.

On the other hand, the civilian non institutional white population in 2016 averaged 198.215 million people, 38% of which is 75.3 million "white aware" Americans.

From the Jews behaving badly file: Donna Zuckerberg recommends red pillers be quarantined online

That's right, put 'em in a ghetto, you know, like in Warsaw.

The sister of Mark Zuckerberg, discussed here, who doesn't "write classics" anymore than any other person does with one academic degree or another involving ancient Greece and Rome:

The classics writer said that while online anonymity allows people to spread hatred without facing repercussions, all online networks can strengthen misogynistic communities, simply by allowing more red pill members to reach each other. She suggested that misogynist groups could be quarantined, as one of Reddit’s red pill groups recently was.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Variety review of Dinesh D'Souza's new movie can't get even recent history right

At one point, amid all the fringe academics he interviews, D’Souza sits down with Richard Spencer, the white supremacist and alt-right crusader who came to mainstream prominence when he led the May 13, 2017, riots in Charlottesville.

There were no riots in May. Those were in August. And about the only thing Spencer led then was the retreat when the local Democrat authorities gave police a stand down order, effectively giving Antifa the green light to attack.

There is no variety at Variety, just the homogeneity of political correctness, aka fake news.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

An alt-right taxonomy one year after Charlottesville, and its prospects for survival

Provided by Paul Gottfried, with useful links, in Paul Gottfried: Charlottesville After A Year—As An Outsider, I Think The Alt-Right Far From Finished, from which this excerpt:

Growing racial tensions, reckless immigration and a further weakening of already-weakened social bonds could all help the Alt-Right expand its following.

Part of the Alt Right’s eventual success may come from its anti-traditionalism. The Alt-Right is mostly (but not entirely) anti-Christian and advances a Nietzschean or neo-pagan perspective. It is thereby in sync with the growing secularism of millennials.  

And the Alt-Right doesn’t wear itself out trying to defend the traditional bourgeois family. It appears to be made up largely of young, unattached bloggers. Most of those Alt-Right publicists I read focus on racial conflict or the struggle between civilizations; and they push these themes far more frankly and with less careerist backtracking than the well-paid propagandists of Conservatism, Inc. They also cite telling statistics about racial and gender differences; and they pride themselves on their openness to science as well as on their sometimes vaguely defined “radical traditionalism.”

The Alt-Right belongs to a post-conservative Right. 

This is another way of saying the future success of the alt-right depends on the continued splintering of the American experience occasioned by its enthusiasm for secular ideologies.

Hence the way to defeat the alt-right, if that is what the left really wants, is to reject multiculturalism and participate in unifying the country instead of working toward its demise. And that implies supporting the radical correction of America's immigration laws symbolized and actualized by Donald Trump's wall.

But, of course, that would make too much sense, as little sense as reproducing oneself the old-fashioned way, by marrying and having children.

Idealism, of whatever stripe, is poison, but our thirst for it, unfortunately, is the well nigh inescapable bastard patrimony of our Christian past. 

Or that the charm and venom, which they drunk,
Their blood with secret filth infected hath,
Being diffused through the senseless trunk
That, through the great contagion, direful deadly stunk.

-- Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, Canto II, iv.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Babe, 1995's piggy prophet to the alt-right

To your breed,
your fleece,
your clan be true!
Sheep be true!

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Buzzfeed attacks Disqus for its alt-right hangouts

The marginalization war continues, and the herding instincts of the targets makes them easy prey. The irony of their ghettoization is lost on them.

A number of pro-white and alt-right users have created their own bloglike communities inside Disqus’s platform in order to share stories, comment, and coordinate influence trolling campaigns (which the trolls dub “raids”). One channel called Mickey’s Clubhouse — whose popular topics include Jews, Holohoax, Censorship, White Genocide, and Jew World Order — appears to be home to a number of users coordinating the infiltration of comment sections on Breitbart and other conservative publications. The goal, as evidenced by their comments, is to flood conservative-leaning publishers with pro-white and anti-Semitic content in order to win hearts and minds and indoctrinate others to their politics.

Monday, April 9, 2018

So-called Alt-right Takimag commits suicide, drops popular Disqus Comments after three month slide in Alexa traffic rankings

And that's after the big decline from the summer of 2017 after the loss of the popular Gavin McInnes. Replacement with a dark, combative author in his place hasn't helped, either.

The celebrated comments section, a veritable maelstrom of unparalleled wit, wisdom and waywardness, was unceremoniously ended over the Easter weekend, scattering its loyal denizens like ants.

They have been welcomed by Disqus' Jewel Box and Channel Z, but will be m o d e r a t e d.

Rotza ruck.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Alt-right critic Amanda Marcotte says white supremacists are harder to see at the end of 2017

Everyone's harder to see right now. They're all inside because it's like - 11 degrees F outside.

White supremacists may be harder to see at the end of 2017, but the problem they represent is not going away any time soon.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Wow, if this is true USA Today sucks even worse than I thought it did

Reported here:

Consider the experience of writer Ijeoma Oluo, who last week said that USA Today asked her to write a piece arguing a feminist position against due process.

She says an editor there told her, “[...] They want a piece that says that you don’t believe in due process and that if a few innocent men lose their jobs it’s worth it to protect women. Is that something you can do?” 

They were asking her to say feminists are happy to harm individual men for the good of the cause, and not interested in distinguishing innocence from guilt. She refused. That’s not who she is and not who feminists are.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Richard Spencer's alt-right flash mob couldn't take over a decent-sized Walgreens let alone DC

They look more like some young Rotarians preparing to march in a street parade than a good imitation even of Roderick Spodes' blackshorts, except their suits are cheap, the shoes don't match and the white shirts signal nothing so much as surrender.  The commie bullhorn at the speaking event was a nice complement to the fascist haircuts, letting everyone know that the inspiration is an anachronism. Get married and have some kids if you want to keep America white. Bunch of larpers.

Video here, self-important, completely out-of-touch-with-reality and ridiculous story here

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Cuckservative schizophrenia at The Weekly Standard: 27 antifa arrests for anti-police violence in Boston, but Trump still wrong

From the August 20th story here, which also misses the growing polarization between antifa and BLM:

The atmosphere of the counter-protest was not as violent as these sentiments. Nor, with the exception of the small antifa group, was there the whiff of militarism that leaks from the alt-right. So President Trump was wrong to characterize the crowd as “anti-police agitators.” ...

In the park, the counter-protesters divided into two camps. The BLM protesters gathered on one side, the socialist groups on another. Eventually, the antifa and the police got to grips. The Police Department tweeted a request that people stop throwing “urine, bottles, and other harmful projectiles at our officers.” Twenty-seven people were arrested.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Trump gives pugilistic press conference, finally blames alt-left for Charlottesville violence and media for lying about it

"I do think there's blame on both sides," Trump said. "You look at both sides -- I think there's blame on both sides and I have no doubt about it and you don't have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say."

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Alt-right hero Julius Evola was essentially suicidal, at least until 1945

From the translator's introduction by Guido Stucco to Evola's The Yoga of Power here:

The first few years of Evola's life following the end of [WWI] were characterized by spiritual restlessness and by an intense search for an ideological self-identity. Evola began a personal quest for ultimate transcendence, which he believed could be found beyond the ethical and spiritual limitations of bourgeois prejudices. ... At this time his quest led him also to experiment with hallucinogenic drugs. His longing for the Absolute, for radically intense feelings, for what the Germans call mehr als leben, ("more than living") which was frustrated by the contingency of human experience, almost induced him, at the age of twenty-three, to commit suicide. ...

He did not hesitate to espouse an epistemological solipsism (though he rejected the term as "inadequate") whereby the individual stands alone in a world of maya, in which nature, things, and people are nothing but an illusion. ...

In 1945 he was in Vienna when, as a result of a Soviet air raid on the city, he was wounded in the spinal cord by a shell fragment. He later told a friend that instead of taking to an underground refuge, he had been purposefully walking the deserted streets of the Austrian capital. After spending a year and a half in a local hospital, Evola returned to Italy, destined to spend the rest of his life, a long twenty-nine years, in a wheelchair.