Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label abortion. Show all posts

Thursday, March 17, 2022

It probably never occurred to Volodymyr Zelensky that the deaths of 100 Ukrainian children wouldn't mean much to a country which has aborted 63 million of its own babies since 1973

 “Now I’m almost 45 years old. Today, my age stopped when the hearts of more than 100 children stopped beating. I see no sense in life if it cannot stop the deaths.”

Some of us have seen no sense in life, either, for a very long, long time.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Saturday, July 17, 2021

The dumbest political take of the week comes from Stephen L. Miller aka @redsteeze

DeSantis is the only name mentioned as a future replacement for Trump. He tacks close or higher than Trump in casual polling, his name is the first that comes up, even among the Trumpist base, as a preferred candidate. This is a burden no politician should be saddled with. The country and the GOP is one Ron DeSantis scandal away from returning to Trump’s awkward embrace in 2024.







Imagine Ronald Reagan in 1975 reading this about himself as he's coming off the governorship of California and preparing to run for the Republican nomination against sitting President Gerald Ford.

"Oh my God. The burden! And I signed that damn abortion legislation in California and if anyone finds out, I'm toast! What oh what should I do?"

If Ronald Reagan were alive today he would laugh out loud at redsteeze. Like any skeleton lurking in DeSantis' closet could possibly hold a candle to the smoldering wreckage left in the wake of the SS Trumptanic. 

Ron DeSantis should definitely run against Trump, the biggest LOSER and biggest PHONY to ever make the big time.

Just win reelection in 2022 in Florida first, Ron. And then do run run.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Mark Levin is so pathetic: He can characterize what went on in America's streets last year as an insurrection when millions rioted . . .

. . . and yet he still insists on the principle of non-violence from the people to put it down. We should just sit there and take it, watch our cities, businesses and homes burn down while the government does NOTHING.

I don't expect normie conservatism EVER to advocate watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants and their mobs.

This is because normie conservatism is really just Republicanism. Its roots do not go back further than Lincoln and his "project" for racial equality, which was in truth nothing but a demagogue's ploy to keep from losing a war. And because of this it has disarmed itself for every other political conflict except for the cause of racial equality. For THAT they will gladly destroy the country and see it destroyed, but otherwise won't lift a finger when BLM and Antifa come knocking.

This is why Republicanism failed to stop the income tax and women's suffrage, Social Security and the welfare state, abortion and gay marriage, and a whole host of other things large and small they said they were against over the years but on which they eventually caved, and then eventually championed. It's the reason "conservatism" has failed, because Republicans aren't conservatives. They are, according to their own lights, simply better versions of Democrats.

For this reason Republicanism can never be about the American Founding, protest to the contrary as it may, boast otherwise as it may. Lincoln destroyed the Founding and redefined the country, by force of arms!, and Republicans are stuck with it, and we with them, unless someone can recover the original spirit of liberty. And Democrats exist to never let them forget it, to make them live by their new principles which only tie their hands and guarantee their ongoing defeat.

Meanwhile, don't look for the Founding spirit from Noon to 3 let alone from 6 to 9. Instead look for more of the same game played by Rush Limbaugh, the "they're the real racists" game.

Race, race, race. Black unemployment was never lower than under Trump.  Hunter Biden said the n-word and the fag-word and gets away with it. Blah, blah, blah, as your kid can't find a decent job to start his own life.


Friday, March 19, 2021

VAERS update for reactions to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, as reported through March 12, 2021

VAERS update for reactions to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine as reported through March 12, 2021

Blindness/1 of 3 categories only: 24

Blurry vision: 175

Chest pain: 516

Chest discomfort: 627 

Cardiac arrest: 88

Deafness/1 of 5 categories only: 38

Tinnitus/ringing, buzzing in the ear: 142

Diarrhoea: 802

Thrombosis/stroke: 52

Spontaneous abortion: 42

Facial paralysis: 262

Death: 633

Unable to breath enough/dyspnoea: 1395

Muscle pain/myalgia: 1548 

Sense losses: touch/hypoaesthesia (878), smell/anosmia (163), taste/ageusia (174)

Swelling: lymphatic/lymphadenopathy (579), lips (231), throat/pharyngeal (210), face (289), tongue (235), peripheral (322)

Severe itching/pruritus: 1106

Rash: 1099

Hives/urticaria: 774

Tingling sensations/paraesthesia: 1149

Oral tingling/paraesthesia: 520

Joint pain/arthralgia: 1203

Pain in extremities: 1803

Tightness of throat: 387

Anaphylactic reaction: 181

Fever/pyrexia: 3052

Headache: 4467

Friday, March 5, 2021

The list of adverse reactions to Pfizer's COVID vaccine in the US makes for interesting reading

Some reactions to Pfizer's COVID vaccine reported to US VAERS for 14,649 events through 2/26:

Blindness: 20

Blurry vision: 122

Chest pain: 361

Chest discomfort: 485 

Cardiac arrest: 70

Thrombosis/stroke: 30

Spontaneous abortion: 30

Facial paralysis: 199

Death: 475

Sense losses: touch (671), smell (129), taste (134)

Swelling: lymphatic (362), lips (182), throat (160), face (203), tongue (181), peripheral (206)

Severe itching: 787

Rash: 781

Hives/urticaria: 572

Tingling sensations: 873

Oral tingling: 418

Joint pain: 760

Tight throat: 315

Anaphylactic reaction: 143

Fever: 2,018

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Coronavirus data update for Sun Apr 26, 2020

Johns Hopkins reports right now 5,184,635 tests completed in the US with 940,797 confirmed cases of infection.

That's an infection rate of 18.1%, after stay-at-home has been observed more or less nationwide since mid-March. Average flu infection in the US, without stay-at-home, is 8%. So imagine how bad this could have been, and still might be.

Reports of infection rates as high as 31.5% in Chelsea, MA, are problematic. These are antibody tests, and so far have high false positive rates, meaning all the positives could be false, test populations which are much too small, and test populations which are not representative. People on the streets right now and people in grocery stores right now are not representative of the whole population. What's more, the antibodies detected by these tests could well be for non-COVID-19 coronaviruses, which means you've learned nothing about exposure to SARS-CoV-2.

There have been 54,001 deaths according to Johns Hopkins data right now, for a mortality rate of 5.74%.

Flu mortality averages 0.1%.

Therefore we are dealing with something at least 2.3 times more infectious than flu, and 57 times more deadly.

Global data indicates as of 0730 hours a mortality rate of 6.98%. Test data is too uneven globally to draw firm general conclusions. Mortality data from places like Iran at 6.31%, China at 5.53% and Russia at 0.92% just looks like lies in comparison to open, free societies, as follows.

The European big five, Spain, Italy, France, Germany and the UK have an average mortality rate of 11%, 1.9 times worse than for the US. Germany remains a standout with mortality of only 3.75%, however, which is 35% lower than in the US. Belgium has the most liberal counts of deaths, and so a very high mortality rate of 15.38%.

Norway is at 2.68%, Sweden 12.06% (oops, they followed herd immunity, and are now paying the price), Finland 4.15%, and Denmark 4.84%.

Switzerland 5.56% and Austria 3.56% really stand out relative to Hungary at 10.88%.

Canada reports in at 5.6% with Mexico at 9.43%.

Japan and South Korea come in at 2.72% and 2.26% respectively.

It's obvious to me right now that if America wants to return to some sense of normalcy after this debacle has been allowed to reach the stage that it has, the only plausible way forward is to ramp up testing for the disease massively, and provide masks to the general population which protect it while in public. Instead our president and lawmakers have been busy with other things, like bailing out businesses. They are not serious people, anymore than the people they represent, a minority of which is clamoring for herd immunity, and therefore massive casualties.

The pro-life anti-abortion party is infected with a pro-death coronavirus party. The real division in the Republican Party between the actual conservatives and the libertarian ideologues has been laid bare by SARS-CoV-2. The former want to save you, as do many liberals. The latter believe only in survival of the fittest.  

The idea that immunity will be built up for this disease in the US population so that this will be over once and for all strikes me as completely speculative at this point.

America has to prepare to live with this disease indefinitely.  

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Pro-life Democrat Dan Lipinski of Illinois is opposed by both Pocahonky and Bernie in the primary March 17th

The left is trying again to root out every last thing which offends in their party.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Hey Bernie, pay for your own goddamn abortion!

But you must pay for my new Glock.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The average abortion in the United States costs $500

1965: Let's invite the whole world to live in America.

1973: Let's kill our offspring and just enjoy life.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Alt-right kinda slow on the uptake

You are only seven months behind the curve, buddy.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Save yourself, Jesse Kelly, from the libertarians like the Baptist (wuh?) Erick Erickson

Remember, Jesse, lots of Baptists used to be OK with abortion.