Showing posts with label Wikileaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wikileaks. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Best news so far from CIA Wikileaks: CIA has cracked encryption like Signal used by Deep State

Every cloud has its silver lining.

From The New York Times, here:

Among other disclosures that, if confirmed, would rock the technology world, the WikiLeaks release said that the C.I.A. and allied intelligence services had managed to bypass encryption on popular phone and messaging services such as Signal, WhatsApp and Telegram. According to the statement from WikiLeaks, government hackers can penetrate Android phones and collect “audio and message traffic before encryption is applied.”

Monday, March 6, 2017

The Gateway Pundit has a full list of Obama's proven wiretap victims

Here, with links.

And here at Wikileaks is the NSA subset.

Monday, December 12, 2016

New York Times hires self-described Democrat hack Glenn Thrush to cover White House

Now why would I pay for the New York Times to read Glenn Thrush's work for the Democrat Party when I can get it for free by reading Wikileaks?

Story here.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

And just a reminder: Wikileaks told us "journalist" Jessica Let's Shame 'em Valenti "worked with" the Hillary Clinton campaign against Bernie Sanders, using her Guardian column so there'd be no "fingerprints"

Because Bernie had the temerity to call Planned Parenthood part of the establishment, an offense against the holy sacrament of abortion.

Wikileaks here and here and Valenti here (the column she was "writing . . . as we speak").

Sha sha sha shame, but it is The Grauniad.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

My wife just told me a friend of ours never heard of Wikileaks and voted for Hillary

Well, he does work in Chicago.

I think I'm going to need therapy for many years to cope with this devastating development.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Liberal dipshit at CNBC John Harwood asked Clinton campaign's John Podesta: What should I ask Jeb tomorrow?


Usually the media already know what to ask, but Harwood is too dumb to know.

In my opinion.

Our un-American president Barack Obama comes perilously close to encouraging illegal aliens to vote without fear

He uses the slippery rhetoric, does he have any other kind?, that it is the simple act of voting which makes you a citizen.

Here, in response to a question also composed in slippery fashion to propose the hypothetical case of an "undocumented citizen" voting (an oxymoron), to which the president replies:

"When you vote you are a citizen yourself." 

As John Podesta has reminded us via Wikileaks, it's Bill Clinton's 1993 motor voter law which is the mechanism preferred by the left to get illegals to vote:

On the picture ID, the one thing I have thought of in that space is that if you show up on Election Day with a drivers license with a picture, attest that you are a citizen, you have a right to vote in Federal elections.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

E-mail from Hillary's Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills to John Podesta shows conspiracy to cover up evidence of Obama's knowledge of Hillary's private server

. . . apart from showing that Obama brazenly lied to the public when he said he knew nothing about Hillary's private server arrangement.

Here: "Obama has emails from Hillary which do not say".

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Trump can still win this thing if his supporters don't lose heart and Americans can be convinced not to vote for the criminal alternative, Hillary Clinton

Consider the consensus of polling controlled by the pro-Democrat, liberal media interests as represented by the Real Clear Politics polling average today.

With just over 2 weeks to go until the election, Clinton is ahead 47.7 to Trump's 41.9 with an average margin of error of 3.46 points. Consider that this was almost exactly how things looked on August 17 when Trump handed over his campaign to Kellyanne Conway & Co. (Trump 41.2 v. Clinton 47.2). One can complain that Trump hasn't made any progress since then, but the same thing can be said about Clinton.

In view of what we know from Wikileaks demonstrating how the media aren't telling the truth and are simply part of the Clinton campaign, the truth is closer to the possibility of Clinton actually losing to Trump 45 to 44 in the popular vote despite the onslaught of character assassination going on against him, which is the only thing Democrats have going for them. That and the Republican traitors of #NeverTrump.

And that's what the daily tracking polls have been telling us, too, all along.

Rasmussen has consistently shown this to be a one or two point brawl for many months, often with Trump ahead. Same with IBD since the beginning of September. And the LA Times poll is virtually unchanged also since August 17 with Clinton +1 then and Trump +0.3 this morning.

As some headlines have suggested, Trump could win the popular vote and end up losing the election like Al Gore.

The reason is the toss-up states, but also the "leaners". Keep in mind that nationally the consensus of the liberal polling establishment has Clinton winning this by 6 points when it could actually be Trump by +1. In the states presently leaning Clinton her average lead is +7.35 but in her five toss-ups just +3.22. Trump's average lead in his leaners is +6.04 and in his toss-ups +3.25.

The race is much closer than the media which overwhelmingly support Clinton want you to believe.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

O'Keefe exposes violence at Trump rallies as deep Democrat operation, Real Clear Politics totally ignores the story

O'Keefe here:

Using hidden cameras, undercover journalists reveal key players coordinating clandestine operations in support of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The video, supported by emails recently released by WikiLeaks, shows that the dirty tricks, lines of communications and the money trail lead all the way to the top. The video discloses numerous examples of behind-the-scenes shady practices with consequences most Americans have seen on national television at Donald Trump campaign rallies across the country. What the media hasn’t reported is that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee has been directing these activities . . ..

Politico's Glenn Thrush admits to being a Democrat hack working for Hillary, knows it's wrong for a journalist to do

Wikileaks' "ORCA100" has been trying to wake-up John Podesta and Hillary Clinton to the horrors of Muslim immigration: They won't be able to say they weren't warned

ORCA100 also has some other interesting e-mail contacts in addition to John Podesta's:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,