Showing posts with label Washington Examiner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Washington Examiner. Show all posts

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Salena Zito is obviously channeling Peggy Noonan: The women recommend just giving up on secure chain of custody voting

The weaker sex recommends you give in. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

That right there is the whole history of conservatism, from the advent of the Progressive Era 130 years ago until now.

Currently, Democrats are miles ahead of Republicans at targeting specific races and voters. Through mail balloting, they put those voters in the bank early. ... Republicans can complain about the current rules all they want, but what they need to do is wake up and start competing with the Democrats where they are. Otherwise, they're just leaving winnable races on the table.

Florida Republicans certainly have figured it out. In 2018 and 2020, the Democrats went into Election Day with more ballots cast than Republicans in early voting. This year, Florida Republicans flipped that on its head. Republicans in other states should take note.

-- Salena Zito, in her conclusion here

It is rude of Arizona and Nevada to keep the country waiting to know the composition of its Senate. Why, days after the election, don’t we know which party controls the House? Why can’t the late-reporting states get their act together on vote counting? It’s the increase in mail-in ballots? So what? You roll with life and adapt. Florida, which spans two time zones, reports its tallies with professionalism and dispatch. 

-- Peggy Noonan, from her lede here


Sunday, September 18, 2022

The OBAMA FBI misled TRUMP DOJ leadership about Danchenko


The FBI also misled DOJ leadership about Danchenko. 

Fixed it for ya, Jerry.


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Nancy Pelosi knows nothing about her husband's purchase of Nvidia on June 17th


Paul Pelosi, an avid stock trader, was shown to have spent between $1 million and $5 million to purchase 20,000 shares of the semiconductor company Nvidia in late June, around the same time when he sold portions of his stocks in Apple and Visa. The disclosure raised questions about whether Paul Pelosi had knowledge of the pending legislation. 

More here and here.

Friday, July 1, 2022

A "political" Supreme Court which is "balanced" is wishy washy precisely because it is a function of an Executive branch hamstrung by the 22nd Amendment

  This never occurs to Hugo for some reason.

A Court system which depends on the transient figure of the president for its existence can hardly be anything but political. That's where the fetish for political balance on the Court comes from. It is simply an extension of the overweening impulse to limit the Executive power. And it's not a coincidence that the loudest voices for it come from the Legislative. It's an expression of their tyranny over everything.

Of course the Supreme Court is a political institution.

It is appointed by an elected president, and confirmed by an elected Senate. But it is the two term limit which sharpens its tip, raising the stakes over every appointment.

The Court has become more political precisely because the political power of the Executive which appoints it has been limited. It's how the wronged Executive manages to live on, long after he has been forced from the scene. He routinely runs for office partly on the promise to partisans that he will make the right appointments to the bench.

If the Framers had intended the Executive to be hamstrung in this way while the other two branches were not, they would have said so. 

The people have the right to elect whomever to the presidency as often as they wish, just as they have the right to return Nancy Pelosi to the US House year after year. They also have the right to get rid of the bum if they don't like his appointments. Anything less gives too much power to the likes of Nancy Pelosi, and to the judges he leaves behind.

The way to improve constancy of meaning on the Court and consistency in the rule of law is to improve both in the Executive.

We aren't going to be saved by a Court which has temporarily recovered its senses. They could just as well lose them again. And they'll also still be there, long after the president who appointed them is gone.

Who checks the Court? 

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Biden administration's Kerry Doyle is unlawfully granting illegal immigration amnesty to tens of thousands of the 2 million backlogged immigration cases by simply dismissing them

The Washington Examiner obtained leaked video recordings of virtual meetings that Kerry Doyle, ICE's principal legal adviser, held with the more than 1,200 ICE prosecutors who bring cases against illegal immigrants nationwide, in which she explained in detail who should not be targeted for deportation. Illegal immigrants identified as national security and public safety threats, or those who had crossed the border illegally after Nov. 1, 2020, would be the only cases ICE would pursue. All others would be dropped. ...

“Congress hasn’t passed it, but [Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro] Mayorkas’s chief lawyer at ICE is telling all prosecutors to dismiss cases. Once it’s dismissed, they’re not required to check in with you anymore," said the ICE federal prosecutor who spoke with the Washington Examiner on the condition of anonymity. ...

The tens of thousands of noncitizens who have been cleared from the immigration court dockets over the past eight weeks may now apply to become permanent legal residents, the prerequisite to becoming a U.S. citizen. An illegal border crosser is barred from applying for legal permanent residency as long as his or her case is pending in court. With no case pending, they may apply. Once approved, they may apply for adjustment of status to citizenship after five years.


This is The Swamp in action.

Sunday, May 29, 2022

NAACP President: Forgiving $10k in student loan debt ain't good enough, is a slap in the face to the average black who owes $53k

From the story:

Canceling $10,000 per borrower would cost around $321 billion and completely forgive the loans of about one-third of student loan borrowers.

This is all BS, of course. Millions of those borrowers can afford to pay off their loans themselves.

Student loans are another form of welfare for far too many borrowers of color, who dig themselves into a deep hole with government and education establishment encouragement and never get a degree, both of which also profit off the scheme. Meanwhile colleges continue to increase the cost of tuition knowing there is a ready source of government loan funding to pay for it.

Forgiving student loan debt without paying attention to income will inevitably be a handout to millions upon millions of high earners like Representative AOC who drives a Tesla Model 3 while reducing the average black loan balance by less than 20%.

Americans with income over $74,000 hold roughly 60% of the total public student loan debt. ... Black Americans are the only race who have student debt higher than their median annual income.

If you make over $74k you are in the top 20% of all wage earners in the United States in 2020. You can afford to pay your obligations. AOC is in the top 4% of all wage earners.

Handing $10k in loan forgiveness to American elites isn't a vote-buying scheme. It's a Democrat patronage payment.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

As of May 4 Paul Bedard puts Trump at 55-0 for Election 2022, no endorsements lost


According to an early tabulation of his betting on the 2022 primaries, his endorsed candidates have all won or moved into runoffs.


Democrat Manchin-endorsed Republican Rep. McKinley loses to Trump-endorsed Republican Rep. Mooney in West Virginia redistricting shootout

After redistricting, both members chose to compete in the 2nd District. Trump endorsed Mooney in the race, but the consolidated district, spanning the northern half of the state, includes more areas currently represented by McKinley. But Mooney’s Trump endorsement appeared to overcome McKinley's structural advantage in the district. 


Senator Manchin, call your office.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Another incompetent FBI sting operation against the vast right wing conspiracy comes a cropper in Michigan

Remember the Hutaree in 2010?

Obama's FBI tried to transform them, a bunch of yahoos living in a trailer park, into some sort of "armed revolt" against the government hot on the heels of protests after passage of Obamacare. 

"Five days away from fundamentally transforming America", lol, meant sending in paid government operatives to fabricate a dangerous political threat to the nation from the right. 

The m/o hasn't changed.

Now the 2020 Wolverine Watchmen Militia conspiracy to kidnap Governor Hitler has unraveled along similar lines, involving FBI infiltration with multiple actors, orchestration, and entrapment, all of which resulted in a lot of "tough talk" from the so-called conspirators, who were high on drugs and alcohol supplied by the FBI, but no planning of a mission, let alone no possession of an independent capacity to carry one out.

Two Defendants Found Not Guilty in Alleged Plot Against Whitmer

Mistrial Declared for Two Others

Meanwhile in the real world, BLM and Antifa are responsible for $2 billion in riot damage all across the fruited plain in 2020 but the authorities continue to do not one thing about any of them even as BLM leaders have misused funds they raised and lavished it on themselves.
Like many so-called January 6th insurrectionists who have been kept locked up for over a year without trial, the two who were acquitted yesterday had been kept locked up for 18 months even though they were ultimately found not guilty. 

The travesty of justice continues in America, at the hands of those entrusted with it.

Abolish the FBI.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

This disgusting piece of trash wanted to sentence a Jan 6 demonstrator to 5 years in the slammer for a 20-minute stroll in the Capitol

The guy killed himself.

Graves put away Jesse Jackson Jr for 2+ years and his wife for 1 year for crimes he called "staggering".


Thursday, November 11, 2021

The FDA is letting thousands die of C19 as it moves with the speed of a glacier to grant emergency use authorization to new antiviral pills proven to work

 FDA doesn't give a shit about saving lives in an emergency.

So what should we think of the FDA keeping the drug, called Paxlovid, out of the hands of the infected? The FDA’s advisory committee won’t meet to approve the Merck drug until after Thanksgiving, according to the FDA’s website . The meeting is an entirely virtual one, so this isn’t a matter of getting all the advisory committee members into one place. It’s just a matter of scheduling. The earliest we could get Paxlovid into doctors’ offices or pharmacies is mid-December. 



Saturday, August 28, 2021

LOL California's Governor Newsom takes drastic action to make it look like he's not a total raving lunatic as recall vote looms Sep 14


And so temporarily, or so they say, the state has been forced to set up five natural gas power plants in order to avoid rolling blackouts. This move is the result of an emergency order signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom last month. 


Friday, July 9, 2021

LOL, it would seem that Mark Levin is now contesting just who it is who is inspired by Rush Limbaugh around here

American Crisis II: Mark Levin issues 1776-style ‘call for action’ :

Limbaugh did signal that Levin’s role was to rally the conservative base, as he does on his shows and through his books. “He signed something for me, which I'm really a little bashful to talk about, I haven’t said it to anybody,” said Levin. “It says, ‘To my dear friend Mark, the spirit of the movement. God bless you, Rush.’”

Friday, May 28, 2021

WAPo calls Chicom propaganda that coronavirus came from Fort Detrick, Maryland, "baseless"

 I don't think so.

This is the same WAPo which highlighted an unexplained outbreak of a respiratory virus in Virginia, just across the border from the Fort Detrick biodefense facility, in June-July 2019, which killed 3 and hospitalized and sickened dozens more. The CDC concluded in late July 2019 that a "common cold" virus was to blame in the outbreak.

Hm, imagine that. But don't think about it too long. The investigative reporting on the right wants us to concentrate on a possible outbreak at the Wuhan lab, which, by the way, wasn't a Wall Street Journal scoop. An Australian journalist had the story already in March.

Meanwhile the CDC temporarily shut down the US Army part of the Fort Detrick operation in August 2019, just a month after the Virginia outbreak, for numerous safety and other violations, not the least of which was an incomplete inventory of agents. The latter problem seems to be chronic at Fort Detrick. The place was similarly cited way back in 2009.

And Congress was deliberately kept out of the loop.

What else is Fort Detrick famous for, besides bioweapons research long ago supposedly abandoned by the US government? 

In 2001 a bunch of people were killed by anthrax mailed in letters shortly after the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. The anthrax was traced to Fort Detrick.

Robert Mueller and James Comey infamously fingered the wrong guy for those anthrax attacks, who was later compensated millions and exonerated. The true culprit was a senior scientist at United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland, Bruce Ivins, who committed suicide in 2008 before our incompetent FBI could arrest him, seven years after the crimes.

What other nutjobs are still working in sensitive positions in our government? 

In light of recent testimony by Anthony Fauci to Congress that he couldn't guarantee that NIH funds awarded to the Wuhan Institute of Virology through a third party were not used for gain of function research to weaponize viruses, you have to open your eyes to the fact of long-standing and intimate cooperation of US researchers with their Chinese counterparts. Chinese "scientists" are all over the place at American universities and research institutions, including at Fort Detrick, where their American counterparts seem all too often unruffled by the security implications. They are all also all dependent on US government, including military, funding for their livelihoods, as well as on funding from what President Eisenhower once warned us about, the military-industrial complex.

I don't believe any of these people as far as I can throw them.

We know the Chicoms were working on coronavirus. But it's not outside the realm of possibility that one of the inventory lacunae at Fort Detrick was the coronavirus, too. Was it just a coincidence that there was an outbreak of coronavirus-like disease in Virginia in the summer of 2019? CDC should be forced to reveal more.

The American elites who work on this stuff have all the same incentives to keep it all secret as the Chinese do. American scientists are thick as thieves with the Chinese. The fact is they are in this together, and we are the helpless bystanders on the outside. My estimation is they have too much to lose to tell the truth to the American people. Money trumps patriotism. 

As U.S. calls for focus on covid origins, China repeats speculation about U.S. military base:

Zhao, one of the country’s most notoriously hawkish diplomats, referenced a U.S. military location that has been baselessly linked to the coronavirus outbreak by Chinese media.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Attorney General Barr appoints John Durham special counsel to continue criminal inquiry into FBI post-Trump

Democrats are already fuming. 

Reported here:

"An order making Durham special counsel, which was revealed on Tuesday, provides the federal prosecutor further protection against the prospect of President-elect Joe Biden trying to shut down the criminal inquiry into the origins and conduct of the FBI's investigation."

Monday, February 17, 2020

Trump's latest immigration joke on America: 375,000 illegals caught and released directly into US in fiscal 2019

The total 375,000 people released into the country are among 3.2 million who have been released by federal immigration authorities and are awaiting court hearings to decide whether they will removed from the country.

"Let them go! Let them go! Let them go!", they shouted at every Trump rally in 2016.

Ask the old blind man, he heard it, too.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Trump 2020 Iowa Republican Caucus beats Obama 2012 Dem Caucus 31,000 to 25,000

Iowa may have fewer commit[t]ed Democrats than it once did.