Showing posts with label NYTimes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NYTimes. Show all posts

Friday, June 28, 2024

The New York Times loses its mind, pretends it hasn't been gaslighting the country on Joe Biden's fitness for office as recently as a week ago


Supremes overturn 1984 "Chevron deference" to federal agencies, forcing Congress to either give teeth to regulatory ambiguities and so pay the political consequences they otherwise avoided, or defer to judges deciding for them from now on

 My guess is they'll tend more to let the judges decide, because Congress is, in fact, timid, lazy, phony, tiny, and small.

It's complicated, but it's a good thing because it restores accountability to the political sphere. No one elects the agencies. But that will cut both ways, seeing how politicized the judiciary has become.

It's also a BFD. The New York Times is in a panic over it.

An attorney for the commercial fishermen said Chevron deference "incentivizes a dynamic where Congress does far less than the Framers (of the U.S. Constitution) anticipated, and the executive branch is left to do far more by deciding controversial issues via regulatory fiat."

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The mother of Emily Baden, Barbara Baden, was a long time executive with PBS, thought her daughter's vulgar signs in front of her house were OK

Explains a lot.

Her mother Barbara Baden, a former PBS executive, said her daughter's "Fuck Trump" sign, placed "near where children wait for the school bus", was "made with good intent".

The daughter and her boyfriend stayed in the house with her mother during COVID.

They are proud liberals and BLM-ers and readily admit they called Mrs. Alito a cunt.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

RFK Jr sounds just like Mr. Richard Feder of Fort Lee, New Jersey

RFK Jr has complained of memory loss, severe mental fog, a dark spot on his brain, a brain tumor, a brain-eating worm, atrial fibrillation, a bag of worms in his chest, mercury poisoning, trouble retrieving words, hepatitis C, spasmodic dysphonia, and getting on the ballot in only a handful of states with just six months until the election.

Mr. Richard Feder of Fort Lee, New Jersey, SNL Nov 18, 1978:

Dear Roseanne Roseannadanna,
Last Thursday I quit smoking
Now . . .
I'm depressed
I gained weight
My face broke out
I'm nauseous
I'm constipated 
My feet swelled
My gums are bleeding
My sinuses are clogged
I got heartburn
I'm cranky and I have GAS.


Friday, April 26, 2024

Trump's presidential immunity: Democrats want you to forget, for one, that Obama played the tyrant when he assassinated an American citizen in Yemen in 2011 by drone without due process of law


And it wasn't just Anwar al-Awlaki, born in New Mexico.

Obama assassinated three other American citizens, in the same and two other strikes.

Y'all just let that slide because you liked Obama.


 . . . the Obama administration never charged al-Awlaki with a crime or even presented concrete evidence of his guilt . . . his targeted killing left American citizens with little more than the proposition that we are supposed to simply trust the president and the executive branch when they use secret intelligence to accuse an American citizen of terrorism and then claim the right to kill that individual without judicial scrutiny. 



The New York Times, May 2013, after Obama was safely re-elected:

In his letter to Congressional leaders, Mr. Holder confirmed that the administration had deliberately killed Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical Muslim cleric who died in a drone strike in September 2011 in Yemen. Mr. Holder also wrote that United States forces had killed three other Americans who “were not specifically targeted.” . . . Mr. Holder confirmed the government’s role in the deaths of Samir Khan, who was killed in the same strike, and Mr. Awlaki’s son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, who died in another strike. The letter disclosed the death of a fourth American named Jude Kenan Mohammad but gave no further details.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

California is the poster child of failed democracy

 The primary was yesterday.

The UK, with a population more than twice the size of California, would have had the entire vote for any race counted within hours.

But California has made no progress since this morning.

In the crucial race for US Senate, California has made almost ZERO progress after twelve hours.

This is how you create the conditions to tamper with the vote. You get people accustomed to delays like today time after time so that people tire of raising any objections. And then boom! you steal the election when you need to because it took forever last time, why not THIS time?

At 8:34am, the New York Times reported 48% of the vote counted in the US Senate race:








Tonight, at 8:53pm, they've made it up 1 point to 49% counted:


Friday, November 24, 2023

They've mercilessly persecuted the hell out of this guy and his followers for eight years and then have the temerity to write this crap


Saturday, September 30, 2023

Friday night news dump: IRS contractor Charles Littlejohn, 38, charged with leaking tax records in New York Times and ProPublica incidents in 2018 and 2020

 Littlejohn, 38, provided the public official’s tax documents to an unnamed news organization, and the tax information concerning other wealthy individuals to another unidentified news organization between 2018 and 2020, prosecutors said.

In 2020, The New York Times released a bombshell report saying that it had obtained more than two decades of Trump’s tax information and that he had paid only $750 in federal income taxes in 2016 and 2017.
The story has already been scrubbed from the lineup by the weekend kids crew at CNBC.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The New York Times knows that you are putty

Mr. Archer told lawmakers during the session that Hunter Biden had put his father on speakerphone to talk to his business partners about 20 times over a decade, according to both Republicans and Democrats in the room. ... But Democrats said that Mr. Archer had described the conversations in which the elder Mr. Biden participated as short and casual — about topics like the weather — and his interactions as little more than stopping by a dinner or a hotel for a brief handshake or a few pleasantries over the phone. ... It has long been known that the elder Mr. Biden at times interacted with his son’s business partners.


Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Suddenly in retirement Fauci is just another physician, not the embodiment of Science who presided over the deaths of 1.1 million Americans

Fauci's still in utter denial about the early timeline, and about the relative severity of the pandemic here in the United States vs. elsewhere.
The outcome in the US has been 3.6 times worse than in Norway, 6.02 times worse than in Japan. But Fauci, the former embodiment of The Science ™, has ZERO curiosity about why.
The vaccines were already designed by the end of January 2020 (really? sounds like a PLANDEMIC, uh oh), but Fauci behaved rationally at the time like we weren't going to have a global pandemic which would even require them?
Give me a break. That's astonishing.
The entire interview is full of dodgy shit.
The New York Times, here: 
“I’m a physician,” he told me in response to criticism that he had pushed the country too far. “That’s my identity. I’ve taken care of thousands of patients in one period of my life during the early years of H.I.V. I believe that I have seen as much or more suffering and death as anybody has in most careers. I don’t mean to seem preachy, but I don’t want to see people suffer and I don’t want to see people die."...
"Something clearly went wrong. And I don’t know exactly what it was. But the reason we know it went wrong is that we are the richest country in the world, and on a per-capita basis we’ve done worse than virtually all other countries. And there’s no reason that a rich country like ours has to have 1.1 million deaths. Unacceptable."... 
"When you look around, nobody did great, except maybe one or two countries. Most everybody did poorly."... 
"If it took three years to get a vaccine, we would have had five million deaths here."... 
Wallace-Wells: Let’s talk about the vaccines. It was the fastest rollout in history, a miracle of modern medicine. But we had vaccines designed by the end of January 2020. The Phase II safety trials were completed by early July. Could we have accelerated the rollout from there and blunted that awful first winter surge? Could we do it faster in the future?
Fauci: Yes. The G7 talks about it: the hundred-day mission, to have distribution within a hundred days. Not that everybody gets vaccinated, but that you start doing it. Is that easy? No, it’s going to be really hard. Is it possible? I think so. ...
Wallace-Wells: But if you go back in time, if you put yourself in February 2020, you’re telling Helen Branswell,7 for instance, that this virus was low-risk and that you didn’t want to stake your credibility on what could be a false alarm. Do you wish you had said then more emphatically that this is a real, urgent threat and that we need to stand up our defenses immediately?
Fauci: Yeah, I think, retrospectively, we certainly should have done that. If you look at what we knew at the time, though — we didn’t know that in January. We were not fully appreciative of the fact that we were dealing with a highly, highly transmissible virus that was clearly spread by ways that were unprecedented and unexperienced by us. And so it fooled us in the beginning and confused us about the need for masks and the need for ventilation and the need for inhibition of social interaction.


Sunday, April 16, 2023

Donald Trump betrayed the right on immigration, and tried to on guns, twice

The New York Times, May 27, 2022, here:

Unbeknownst to the public, however, Mr. Trump again pushed inside the White House for significant new gun-control measures more than a year later, after a pair of gruesome shooting sprees that unfolded over 13 hours. Those discussions have not previously been reported. On Aug. 3, 2019, a far-right gunman killed 23 people at a Walmart store in El Paso. Early the next morning, a man shot and killed nine people outside a bar in Dayton, Ohio. Both assailants used semiautomatic rifles. At the White House the next day, Mr. Trump was so shaken by the weekend’s violence that he questioned aides about a specific potential solution and made clear he wanted to take action, according to three people present during the conversation. “What are we going to do about assault rifles?” Mr. Trump asked.

Saturday, December 10, 2022

The 39 House Republicans Who Voted for the Same-Sex Marriage Bill, annotated

 The New York Times :

  • Representative Kelly Armstrong of North Dakota

  • Representative Don Bacon of Nebraska [re-elected 2022 with 51.3% of the vote]

  • Representative Ken Calvert of California [re-elected 2022 with 52.3% of the vote]

  • Representative Kat Cammack of Florida

  • Representative Mike Carey of Ohio

  • Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming [voted to impeach Trump, defeated in 2022 primary]

  • Representative John Curtis of Utah

  • Representative Rodney Davis of Illinois [defeated in 2022 primary by fellow Republican in redistricting-forced battle]

  • Representative Tom Emmer of Minnesota [House GOP Majority Whip]

  • Representative Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania

  • *Representative Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin [flipped from Nay in summer to Yea now]

  • Representative Andrew Garbarino of New York

  • Representative Mike Garcia of California

  • Representative Carlos Gimenez of Florida

  • Representative Tony Gonzalez of Texas

  • Representative Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio [voted to impeach Trump, retiring]

  • *Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington [voted to impeach Trump, defeated in 2022 primary, flipped from Nay in summer to Yea now]

  • Representative Ashley Hinson of Iowa

  • Representative Darrell Issa of California

  • Representative Ch[r]is Jacobs of New York [retiring after flipping position on guns after Buffalo mass shooting and angering supporters]

  • Representative David Joyce of Ohio [leader of House Republican moderate caucus]

  • Representative John Katko of New York [voted to impeach Trump, retiring]

  • Representative Nancy Mace of South Carolina

  • Representative Nicole Malliotakis of New York

  • Representative Peter Meijer of Michigan [voted to impeach Trump, defeated in 2022 primary]

  • Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa

  • Representative Blake Moore of Utah

  • Representative Dan Newhouse of Washington [voted to impeach Trump]

  • Representative Jay Obernolte of California

  • Representative Tom Rice of South Carolina [voted to impeach Trump, defeated in 2022 primary]

  • Representative Mike Simpson of Idaho

  • Representative Elise Stefanik of New York

  • Representative Bryan Steil of Wisconsin

  • Representative Chris Stewart of Utah

  • Representative Mike Turner of Ohio

  • Representative Fred Upton of Michigan [voted to impeach Trump, retiring]

  • Representative David Valadao of California [voted to impeach Trump, re-elected with 51.5% of the vote]

  • Representative Ann Wagner of Missouri [Republican phony of the year LOL: “This district is home to me, and there is no better feeling than representing our conservative, Midwest values in Congress.”]

  • Representative Tim Waltz of Florida [LOL: NYT has Democrat Tim Walz, Minnesota Governor, on the brain; the actual name is Republican US Rep. Michael Waltz, who ran unopposed in FL-6 and was re-elected in 2022; the newspaper of record smdh]