Showing posts with label Hillary 2018. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary 2018. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Gov. Cuomo, NY's version of Hitler, says he got a bomb too when he didn't, hastily deploys 100 National Guardsmen on streets anyway

We have to restrict freedom in order to preserve it!

Reported by NBC here:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo revealed that one of the packages was addressed to him and sent to his office.

"A device has been sent to my office in Manhattan which we were just informed about and that device is being handled," he said.

But shortly afterward, the FBI said that Cuomo's office had not received an explosive device and a Cuomo spokesman said the package contained computer files on the Proud Boys, a far right hate group some of whose members were recently arrested in Manhattan.

Saying he was acting "out of an abundance of caution," Cuomo later dispatched 100 members of the National Guard to beef up the already tight security at key New York City crossings, the airports, and in the subway system.

Whoever sent the pipe bombs to Democrats was just following Hillary's logic

Hillary 10/9/18: "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”

False flag operations: "Potential" bombs sent to Hillary and Obama after one allegedly sent to Soros yesterday

Right wing violence, right on time for the elections after nearly two years of violence from the left!

Anthony Weiner probably sent them from the penitentiary in exchange for early release.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Hillary inner circle member at State Dept. Philippe Reines justifies personal intimidation of Republicans because they're white nationalists

The rhetoric of Democrats and so-called journalists like John Harris is seamlessly spoken.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

US Chamber of Commerce strategist predicts Republicans keep US House 222-213

The current US House is controlled by Republicans 236-193.

To galvanize their voters, Republicans are airing attack ads that argue Democrats would target Trump and Kavanaugh, unleash mob rule and threaten cultural values. "Closing with a little fear," said Scott Reed, senior political strategist at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, describing the GOP approach. Reed predicted that Republicans would keep their losses to 20 House seats, just under the 23 Democrats need to return to power. Republicans are favored to hold their majority in the Senate, which stands at 51-49. 

The WaPo typist of this article for the Democrat Party leads off with some amusing fantasies:

Underscoring the fast-changing political fortunes are the cold calculations by both parties in the final days.
The GOP is redirecting $1 million from a suburban district in Colorado to Florida, bailing on incumbent Rep. Mike Coffman to try to hold an open seat in Miami. Democrat Donna Shalala, a former Health and Human Services secretary in the Clinton administration, is struggling to break away from Maria Elvira Salazar, a Cuban American and former television anchor, in a district Hillary Clinton won by nearly 20 points.

Republicans have also pulled back in a Democratic-held open seat in Nevada that includes some of the suburbs of Las Vegas. Clinton won there, as well.

Democrats, meanwhile, are cutting funds in a GOP-held district in Nebraska and a Democratic-held district in northern Minnesota, two places Trump won. The latter represents one of the GOP's best chances to flip a seat from blue to red.

Start with Coffman's Republican seat in CO-6.

It was slated to go Democrat already over a month ago at Real Clear Politics when I checked on September 17th. And it had been a toss-up on September 10th. Whatever's happening with the money there, CO-6's shift toward the Democrat is not part of "fast-changing political fortunes . . . in the final days". The shift occurred much earlier.

As for Donna Shalala in FL-27 (Clinton retread!), she isn't "struggling to break away from Maria Elvira Salazar". Her support there has been ERODING, from likely Democrat in early September to leans Democrat in mid-September to toss-up in mid-October. The Republican Salazar is actually ahead there in the only poll available. The recent movement is all toward the Republican.

Same thing with the open Democrat seat in NV-3. Whatever the parties are doing with their money, the seat has been in the Democrat column for well over a month, since September 10th. But today it's a toss-up. The movement has been toward the Republican, but you would never know that from this propaganda piece.

And why mention Democrats shifting money out of Nebraska? Oooh Mable, look at that! Nebraska doesn't even have a seat on anybody's radar because there isn't one, but saying so makes it seem like there is, deep in the heart of Republican flyover country. The mission is to demoralize Republicans with this stuff, made up out of whole cloth. The Republican Bacon in NE-2 is ahead by nine points.

MN-8 is also instructive. It's not just that Republicans have there "a chance to flip a seat". The Democrat candidate there was +1 to begin September in the NYTimes poll. By mid-October the same poll has the Republican +15. Again, the direction is (massively in this instance) toward the Republican.

Of ten specific races identified in the story, I put six in the Republican column (NE-2, FL-27, MN-8, MI-6 [the Democrats' own latest poll there has Upton up by three], MN-1 and TX-23), one in the Democrat column (CO-6), and three in the toss-ups (NV-3, KY-6, PA-1).


Looks more like a Republican wave, not an ebbing Democrat wave.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Brilliant point by Rush Limbaugh: Senators Dianne Feinstein and now Elizabeth Warren launched October election surprises

I think including Hillary in this October surprise stuff is stretching it, though. Hillary is a follower, not a leader. She's just chiming in, piling on. And Christine Ford was simply Feinstein's foil, not a separate player.

But as for these two Senate Democrat luminaries, both of their efforts indeed have and are blowing up in their faces despite their transparent attempt to sway the 2018 Election.

Hillary, Democrats and Twitter (but I repeat myself) incite terrorism against Senator Susan Collins

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Hillary's not going to let another black person steal the limelight from her like in 2008

Maybe floating a rumor about Maxine's birth certificate would help.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The "Conservatarians" are as condescending toward Trump voters today as Hillary's voters were yesterday

To Hillary, Trump voters were deplorables.

To conservatarians, Trump voters are the WrestleMania vote, the ignorant gulls who fill Trump's rallies around the country to this day.

Jon Gabriel of Ricochet and Stephen L. Miller count themselves conservatarians, here.

Like Frank Meyer's fusionism which tried to combine libertarianism and traditionalism, conservatarianism also conceives of itself as a libertarian mixture, but with social liberalism not traditionalism.

As such, however, this simply represents the failed status quo, which has been only too happy to use the traditional right at election time since Reagan but otherwise has paid but lip service to it once in power. Its main interest on the one side claims to be fiscal probity, but vainly imagines that its reprobate self even wants smaller deficits. Under Bush 43, debt to the penny soared from $5.7 trillion to $10.7 trillion. In truth, conservatarianism only affects conservatism. Its real interest is in Bacchus. 

Does a spring pour forth from the same opening fresh water and brackish? -- James 3:11

Nay, nay.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

FBI lawyer James Baker met with law firm paid by DNC to compile dossier, in 2016 before securing FISA warrant against Trump

It means the FBI had good reason to suspect the dossier was connected to the DNC’s main law firm and was the product of a Democratic opposition-research effort to defeat Trump — yet failed to disclose that information to the FISA court in October 2016, when the bureau applied for a FISA warrant to surveil Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.

“This is a bombshell that unequivocally shows the real collusion was between the FBI and Donald Trump’s opposition — the DNC, Hillary and a Trump-hating British intel officer — to hijack the election, rather than some conspiracy between Putin and Trump,” a knowledgeable source told me.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

If Christine Ford is apolitical, why did she hire such a political lawyer?

It's far more likely that Christine Ford premeditated this entire episode with the help of her attorney for political reasons and that her protestations of wanting to remain anonymous were a cover for the desperation of this Hail Mary attempt at the end of the confirmation process. Knowing the slim margins Republicans enjoy in the Senate for confirmation of Supreme Court nominees, all it would have taken to derail them is sowing just enough doubt in the minds of a few to sway a vote or two at the last second. They almost succeeded in the gamble. Retiring Republican Jeff Flake went on the record right away saying he was no longer comfortable voting Yes on Kavanaugh. It almost worked.

From the story here:

Since 2004, [Debra] Katz has donated at least $26,000 to Democratic politicians including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Kerry. She also donated to groups such as, the DNC Services Corp, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. 

Likewise, in March 2017 Katz declared via Facebook that, "These people are all miscreants. The term ‘basket of deplorables’ is far too generous a description for these people who are now Senior Trump advisors," after a report surfaced that Department of Homeland Security advisor Frank Wuco made anti-Islamic remarks which prompted his resignation. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Send the FBI to Kavanaugh's accuser to take her statement

We'll see if she tells the same story she's peddling in the media.

You can't lie to the FBI and get away with it. (Oops, unless you are Hillary)

Hillary must be laughing to herself that Kavanaugh's accuser touts passing a lie detector test

Clinton is heard laughing as she describes how she succeeded at getting her client a lighter sentence, despite suggesting she knew he was guilty.

"He took a lie-detector test! I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs," Clinton said about her client on the tapes, which were initially recorded, but never used, in the early 1980s.

The rest of the ABC News story from 2014 is here. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

Two months out Real Clear Politics has just nine Republican seats "likely" going Democrat: That's no blue wave

Democrats and liberals, however, want you to think it's already hopeless for Republicans. Like Al Hunt, who thinks Democrats will turn out because Trump is their great motivator to do so. Al, however, thinks the toss ups are already down to 20 to 25 seats. If it's true, as he thinks, that Republicans tend to reduce their polling deficits as the election nears, his already low estimation of the size of the field of prospects suggests this is a lot closer than he's willing to admit. The generic Congressional poll currently favors Democrats by +2 to +4 (Rasmussen). Remember Rasmussen had Hillary at +2. Al thinks the current math means Democrats need 23 seats to take the House. That means almost all of his toss ups have to flip.

Not likely!

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Democrats were always John McCain's kind of people

John McCain’s former chief of staff said Wednesday that he is considering running for the Senate as a Democrat as he grapples with President Trump’s policies and the late Arizona senator’s death.

Grant Woods, who is also a former Arizona attorney general, said in an interview that he has spoken to several Democratic senators about the idea, including Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (N.Y.).

Woods supported Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president and said he has been troubled by Trump in recent years. McCain’s death has led him to consider “whether I need to step up at this point in time,” he said.