Showing posts with label Bernie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bernie. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Bernie's not a vanguard communist

He's a bottom up, proletariat uprising communist.

But there aren't enough of them in Trump's America, which is why he'd lose.

Bernie Sanders says military socialism is bad socialism, social socialism is good socialism, doesn't get it that most military spending is on PEOPLE

The Defense Department knows it needs to become more efficient. It now spends a third of its budget on personnel and maintenance. That will rise to 100% by 2024, thanks to retirement and medical costs. 


The nuclear family is communist and the US military is socialist, and yet they call it capitalism.

Communist Bernie Sanders won't stop at seizing the utilities, he'd also seize the banks

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

I'll bet there was beer

Friday, February 7, 2020

Correctomundo, Byron, Bernie clearly won Iowa

The second round of voting in Iowa was undemocratic and corrupt, as this example of vote-padding plainly demonstrates: Just go with the first round totals and be done with it; there's no other way to fix it

You can't keep voting until they say that you got it right and still call it democracy. Bernie won the first round decisively.

Bernie has decided to flipflop on immigration, jettison the proletariat he's got and import a new one

Find 'em, feel 'em, eff 'em, forget 'em, just like Trump.

Bernie was the overwhelming first choice in the Iowa Democrat Caucus, and that's all that matters

In the second round, Biden bled out 2,693 votes, Klobuchar 1,288 votes, Yang a whopping 7,041 votes, and Steyer 2,670 votes. All of that is simply rearranging the deck chairs on their Titanic candidacies.

Bernie picked up just 2,155 of these 13,692 "anybody but Bernie" votes, but still he came out on top.

Case closed.

Bernie was right in 2015 and it's even worse now: Real wages of men are lower than they were 45 years ago, a fiasco

The median earnings of men working full time year-round in 2018 ticked up to $55,291. Adjusted for inflation, this was below the amount they earned in 1973, according to the annual data trove released by the Census Bureau today. In other words, there has been a “real” income decline for men over the past four-plus decades! ... [M]en’s real earnings are a fiasco.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The End Is Near: Noted conservative celebrates the death of neoliberalism at the hands of a communist, a fabulist and a fag

Clintonite populated Shadow Inc in Iowa suspected of anti-Bernie bias

Hillary can't let go of 2016.

It's a veritable cornucopia of 2020 Iowa Caucus debacle headlines this morning