Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Monday, June 13, 2022

LOL, phony green Barack Obama is a prepper, installs 2,500 gallon propane tank for 6,900 square foot Martha's Vineyard estate, five times the typical size

 Martha's Vineyard Times reports here:

The select board approved a request for a 2,500-gallon commercial propane tank for 79 Turkeyland Cove Road in Katama — owned by former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. “We’ve never had a private propane tank come to us,” said select board member Arthur Smadbeck, with select board member Michael Donaroma noting a private-residence propane tank is typically a fraction of the quantity being requested. 
500 gallon tanks "provide adequate fuel needs for whole-home or business heating for structures up to 4,500 square feet."


Sunday, June 5, 2022

Definitional breakdown: It's not just the New England Journal of Medicine, which thinks 18 and 19 year olds are children (for political reasons)

 Now The New York Post thinks 62 year olds are "elderly".

Before it was just Obama and Democrats who infamously and routinely seemed not to know the size, proportion, and meaning of things (when life starts was above his pay grade, 57 states, hundreds of millions getting Obamacare, 200 million dead from COVID-19, et cetera).

Now everyone is getting into the act.

Life expectancy in the US is about 77 years old. You are elderly when you are near that or exceed it.




Federal law prohibits FFLs from engaging in handgun commerce with anyone under 21 and longgun commerce with anyone under 18. Meanwhile 18 year olds can vote, be tried as adults, sign contracts, and get drafted to have their asses shot off in wars, and fry in the electric chair for shooting up schools. Let's have some of that, shall we?

And just in case you were wondering, a woman is still an adult human female, at least until it becomes Wokepedia.


Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Things you do when Democrats get elected president 2.0

 Time to update this.


Things You Do When Democrats Get Elected President
John Kennedy: Build a bomb shelter.
Lyndon Johnson: Keep an eye on your shoes.

Jimmy Carter: Change your religion.

Bill Clinton: Buy a pistol.

Barack Obama: Upgrade to Life Member in the NRA.
Joe Biden: Renovate the bomb shelter.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Median household income now buys about 17% of the median sales price of a house, a new low: Joe Biden is the Barack Obama of unaffordable housing, only worse

 Housing affordability has never been so bad.

The median sales price in 1Q2022 climbed to $428,700.

Median household income in January 2022 is estimated at $74,099, which buys 17.3% of the median house sold in the United States.

Official annual figures through 2020 are indicated in this chart.



Sunday, May 15, 2022

LOL, obsessive truck tire slasher Juliette Kayyem thinks there's a whole CONVOY of colluders behind the Buffalo shooter

 But that lone wolf language fails us in an era when hate and radicalization now serve as a proxy for the collaborative herd, for the co-conspirators and colluders. Gendron wasn’t alone. His mission was effective because he was supported by an apparatus that provided the ideology and means for the hunt. Based on evidence from a manifesto that he reportedly posted Thursday night, Gendron did not perceive himself as being alone: He had his people; they were there for him.


State terror is OK, got it? She's a Harvard man, see, a former Obama official.


Sunday, April 24, 2022

Obama White House visitor logs show congenital liar VP Joe Biden met with son Hunter's business partner Eric Schwerin in Nov 2010, who also met Biden aides 18 other times there from 2009-2015

 All the visits are detailed here:

The logs also reveal that Schwerin met with various close aides of both Joe and Jill Biden at key moments in Hunter’s life when he was striking multi-million dollar deals in foreign countries, including China. Yet President Biden has long insisted he had no involvement in his son’s foreign affairs. “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” he said in 2019.


Saturday, April 9, 2022

Another incompetent FBI sting operation against the vast right wing conspiracy comes a cropper in Michigan

Remember the Hutaree in 2010?

Obama's FBI tried to transform them, a bunch of yahoos living in a trailer park, into some sort of "armed revolt" against the government hot on the heels of protests after passage of Obamacare. 

"Five days away from fundamentally transforming America", lol, meant sending in paid government operatives to fabricate a dangerous political threat to the nation from the right. 

The m/o hasn't changed.

Now the 2020 Wolverine Watchmen Militia conspiracy to kidnap Governor Hitler has unraveled along similar lines, involving FBI infiltration with multiple actors, orchestration, and entrapment, all of which resulted in a lot of "tough talk" from the so-called conspirators, who were high on drugs and alcohol supplied by the FBI, but no planning of a mission, let alone no possession of an independent capacity to carry one out.

Two Defendants Found Not Guilty in Alleged Plot Against Whitmer

Mistrial Declared for Two Others

Meanwhile in the real world, BLM and Antifa are responsible for $2 billion in riot damage all across the fruited plain in 2020 but the authorities continue to do not one thing about any of them even as BLM leaders have misused funds they raised and lavished it on themselves.
Like many so-called January 6th insurrectionists who have been kept locked up for over a year without trial, the two who were acquitted yesterday had been kept locked up for 18 months even though they were ultimately found not guilty. 

The travesty of justice continues in America, at the hands of those entrusted with it.

Abolish the FBI.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Climate change lunatics must be more pissed off today than Hillary was when Obama robbed her of the Democrat nomination in June 2008

CNBC on UN IPCC's third installment "now or never" report of the current sixth assessment cycle today:

It has been feared that Russia’s unprovoked onslaught in Ukraine may eclipse the findings, despite the fact that the report could be the last comprehensive assessment of climate science while there is still time to secure a liveable future.


Drudge right now:



Saturday, February 26, 2022

LOL, Obama had to drop pallets of cash on Iran because of SWIFT: "U.S. and international sanctions isolated Iran from the international finance system"

 Obama 2016 swan song: 

$1.7-billion payment to Iran was all in cash due to effectiveness of sanctions, White House says

Germany will find a way to pay for heat, too. Keep a sharp eye out for flights from Frankfurt to Moscow, loaded with pallets of cash to get around SWIFT.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Flashback: SLATE finally called Obama a climate hypocrite in 2015 because he gave approval to Shell to drill off shore in Alaska, and then had the balls to go visit the Arctic Circle region right after

 The Obamas, you will recall, notoriously spent a lot of time and money jet-setting about the globe, spewing carbon everywhere. The travel was the thing, the issues just the pretext for it.

They are still at it, and Greta is growing increasingly fed up.


Flashback: When climate hypocrite Barack Obama called out for pizza right at the beginning of his presidency in 2009, the guy had to fly it in from St. Louis


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

The Grauniad: Barack Obama, poster boy for climate hypocrisy


The young people who were children when Obama took office did not clear the way for a 750% explosion in crude oil exports, as he did just a few days after the Paris agreement was brokered in 2015. Nor did they boast proudly about it years later, as ever-more research mounted about the dangers of continuing to invest in fossil fuels. Speaking at a Houston, Texas gala in 2018, the former president proudly took credit for booming US fossil fuel production. “Suddenly America is the largest oil producer. That was me people,” he boasted jokingly to an industry-friendly crowd. “Say thank you.”

More, lol.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Also today we learned that your receding shoreline is the canary in the climate coalmine

 The oceans are rising, or something, but not on Martha's Vineyard.

Receding hairlines remain unexplained.

“Now for the bad news: We are nowhere near where we need to be yet…Most countries have failed to meet the action plans that they set 6 years ago".

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Civilian employment under Biden in October 2021 is at about the same level it was four years ago under Trump

How long will it take to recover? Seven years like it did under Obama-Biden?

Let's hope not.

The current trajectory looks like civilian employment will recover round about March 2023, a little more than three years after the Feb 2020 peak. That is slightly longer than the typical 2-3 years during recessions.

Foolish energy and vaccine policies could interfere with that, however.

Sunday, August 8, 2021