Friday, September 20, 2024

ROFLMAO WaPo's "most rigorous reconstruction of Earth’s past [Phanerozoic] temperatures ever produced" surprises Michael Mann, says human-caused warming will not make the planet uninhabitable

The article has this response from Michael Mann:

 The timeline, published Thursday in the journal Science, is the most rigorous reconstruction of Earth’s past temperatures ever produced, the authors say. ...

Michael Mann, a climate scientist at the University of Pennsylvania who is known for his analyses of past global temperatures, said he was also surprised by the suggestion that the planet got so warm. The finding supports many scientists’ concern that feedback loops in the Earth system could lead to much higher temperatures than most climate models predict, he wrote in an email. But it’s also possible that the data assimilation assumes too much warming and is missing factors that might forestall a runaway greenhouse effect. “While I applaud the authors for this ambitious and thoughtful study, I am skeptical about the specific, quantitative conclusions,” Mann said. ...

Even under the worst-case scenarios, human-caused warming will not push the Earth beyond the bounds of habitability.


The article, which places us today in some of the still coolest climate conditions in 500 million years, never connects the dots.

It maintains that a dramatic warming event 250 million years ago caused the largest mass extinction ever, spewing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere, 25 million years BEFORE the first mammals appeared, who breathe the OXYGEN emitted by carbon dioxide consuming PLANTS, who then in their turn THRIVED for 125 million years under EVEN WARMER conditions than that extinction event produced.

Evolution was evidently turbocharged by this warming and its carbon dioxide, but then suddenly the first humans supposedly started to evolve 6.5 million years ago at the end of 50 million years of cooling conditions, WHEN THE TEMPERATURE WAS 62.6 F*, and continued to evolve into modern humans 300,000 years ago just as temperature KEPT FALLING to the coldest point in the record (51.8 F).

How did that happen?

The study authors are worried about what warmer conditions in the future will mean for humans, but seem oddly uninterested in how humans supposedly evolved in relatively much cooler conditions.

Maybe we don't really understand the evolution of mammals. Maybe humans are much older than the record indicates, and much more resilient.


At its hottest, the study suggests, the Earth’s average temperature reached 96.8 degrees Fahrenheit (36 degrees Celsius) — far higher than the historic 58.96 F (14.98 C) the planet hit last year. ...

At the timeline’s start, some 485 million years ago, Earth was in what is known as a hothouse climate, with no polar ice caps and average temperatures above 86 F (30 C). ...

For most of the Phanerozoic, the research suggests, average temperatures have exceeded 71.6 F (22 C), with little or no ice at the poles. ...

But humans evolved during the coldest epoch of the Phanerozoic, when global average temperatures were as low as 51.8 F (11 C).

Without rapid action to curb greenhouse gas emissions, scientists say, global temperatures could reach nearly 62.6 F (17 C) by the end of the century — a level not seen in the timeline since the * Miocene epoch, more than 5 million years ago.



Gold up 26% . . . in 2024

Gold soared above the $2,600 level on Friday for the first time, extending a rally boosted by bets for further U.S. interest rate cuts, and rising tensions in the Middle East.

Spot gold was up 0.7% at $2,605.50 per ounce, while U.S. gold futures rose 0.6% to $2,630.30. Silver gained 0.5% to $30.93.

Bullion’s latest rally got a fillip after the Federal Reserve initiated an aggressive easing cycle on Wednesday with a half-percentage-point reduction, adding to the appeal for gold, which pays no interest.

Prices of the safe-haven asset have climbed 26% in 2024, its biggest annual rise since 2010 . . .. 

$SPX is up 19.82%.

CNBC fact-checks Joe Biden, now that it doesn't matter

 But the article name-checks Donald Trump five times because he's an opponent of Fed decisions.

There's a whole movement out there that wants to End the Fed, composed of Republicans, Democrats, and libertarians, which CNBC is loathe to mention.

Many of them argue that the US 2-year Treasury Note should be the benchmark for the Federal Funds Effective Rate, not the whim of the Fed Chair and the Federal Open Market Committee, who are un-elected, well-connected, and VERY WELL PAID elites who watch out primarily for the interests of the banksters.

For example, despite the disastrous Zero Interest Rate Policy post-Great Recession, DGS2 resisted it and outran DFF throughout the period under Obama and Trump, and anticipated the recent inflationary outburst by starting to rise in the spring of 2021, a full year before the Fed moved to "combat inflation" by raising the funds rate in the spring of 2022. 

Similarly DGS2 also started to fall in November of 2023 despite no change to Fed policy, anticipating the recent decline of inflation rates by almost a year.

The role of the US Treasury Secretary, AS MUCH A CREATURE of the Executive as the Fed Chair, is also huge for interest rates because the Secretary decides how to divvy up the debt securities for auction by duration.

Biden's Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has been in the news for driving up the issuance in T-bills to 22% when 15% has been customary, which has contributed to longer rates falling and stocks rising, just in time for the election.

But the costs of this have been dramatic, financing deficit spending at the highest rates and driving interest payments on the debt to the third spot in the budget, behind only Social Security and Medicare.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

The value of US Treasury securities held by foreigners made another new record high in July 2024

 $8.3385 trillion, but the lunatics on X are saying "everybody's selling".

Grand total net value was up nearly $128 billion compared to June, and nearly $740 billion year over year.

I'm going to have to get a neck brace to prevent the whiplash: PA shifts back to Dem, Harris winning Electoral College 276-262


Kamala Harris says the young people she once called stupid are brilliant now


Kamala Harris' interview with the National Association of Black Journalists left the moderators with such joy after she boogied-on out of there


Kamala Harris is hiding from the press

 The Harris-Walz media strategy: Hide from the press :

Bottom line: Some of Harris' worst moments as vice president have come during interviews when she made flip or unclear comments about key policies.



Stocks and gold soar, long end UST yields RISE, federal judge orders student loan forgiveness plan to remain blocked, house prices set record in August and sales drop

And . . .

Nancy Pelosi's open primary for Kamala Harris lasted from 1:54pm to 2:13pm on Sunday, July 21, 2024


Nancy Pelosi channels her inner Nick Fuentes


Nick Fuentes: It's a trap!

Room temperature IQ:

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

One foreign country responsible for most of the threats called in to Springfield, OH, says Governor DeWine


Iran tries to help Democrats beat Trump by sending them information hacked from his campaign, says FBI

 Like who believes the FBI anymore?

How do we know it wasn't the FBI hacking the info and sending it to Dems?

The Teamsters Union will endorse no one for president this year because the membership is in revolt and supports Donald J. Trump lol


Hanoi Jane has deployed to Ann Arbor to get out the vote for Comrade Kamala



Gold has other opinions about inflation

 Gold jumps to record high after U.S. Fed delivers 50 bps rate cut

Gold prices rose to an all-time high on Wednesday after the U.S. Federal Reserve cut interest rates by 50 basis points, sending the dollar lower.

Spot gold was up 0.9% at $2,592.39 per ounce. U.S. gold futures settled 0.2% higher at $2,598.60.


Well, that's the end of the inflation "fight"

 Fed slashes interest rates by a half point, an aggressive start to its first easing campaign in four years


World News Tonight With David Muir experiences 12% drop in viewership after failing to fact-check Kamala Harris during debate with Trump September 10th

 Muir and co-moderator Linsey Davis fact-checked former President Donald Trump five times without ever correcting Vice President Kamala Harris.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Israeli ingenuity finds way to make Hezbollah pagers explode simultaneously in south Lebanon and Syria, injuring thousands of terrorist fighters, including the Iranian ambassador lol


 Well, why does the Iranian ambassador to Lebanon have a Hezbollah pager in the first place?

I mean, they aren't working, you know, TOGETHER, are they?

Pagers used by hundreds of members of the militant group Hezbollah exploded near simultaneously in Lebanon and Syria on Tuesday, killing at least nine people – including an 8-year-old girl -- and wounding several thousand, officials said. They blamed Israel in what appeared to be a sophisticated, remote attack.

Among those wounded was Iran’s ambassador to Lebanon. ... The pagers that exploded had been newly acquired by Hezbollah after the group’s leader ordered members to stop using cell phones, warning they could be tracked by Israeli intelligence. A Hezbollah official told The Associated Press the pagers were a new brand the group had not used before.

At about 3:30 p.m. local time on Tuesday, pagers started heating up and then exploding in the pockets and hands of those carrying them -- particularly in a southern Beirut suburb and the Beqaa region of eastern Lebanon where Hezbollah has a strong presence, and in Damascus, where several Hezbollah members were wounded, Lebanese security officials and a Hezbollah official said. The Hezbollah official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the press. ... AP photographers at area hospitals said the emergency rooms were overloaded with patients. Some had missing hands or chunks blown out of their legs near the pocket area.


A fabulous success for Israel.

A bad day for Democrat appeasers of Iran, but I repeat myself.

Lots of dickless, ball-less Hezbollah, too.

Hillary has jumped on the bandwagon of the enemies of free speech, who are mostly much younger, to make herself more relevant and sell her FOURTH memoir lol

She's a total grifter, just like the rest of them.

Scientific American endorses Kamala Harris, the candidate who started all the resistance to the COVID-19 vaccines, especially among fellow black caucasians


Kamala Harris is going to spread joy and poverty like Barack Obama spread happiness and poverty


Pennsylvania shifts back to GOP, Trump-Vance again winning Electoral College 281-257


Monday, September 16, 2024

Democrat Representative Dan Goldman, NY-10, used eliminationist rhetoric against Trump on MSNBC last November, backlash forced apology the next day

 There's never a backlash against the Democrat women who do this, however.

MSNBC is the preferred launching pad for the Party of Violence.

A feature, not a bug: Note that the shrillist voices in the Democrat Party calling for violence always seem to be the voices of women, because women are Teflon


Absurd Italian immigration lunatics use lawfare against Matteo Salvini for lol kidnapping lol illegal migrants when he wouldn't let them into port in 2019

 Using the courts to defy the will of the people.

Big-spending inflation-stimulating Democrat Senators Warren, Whitehouse, and Hickenlooper interfere with the independence of Fed Chair Powell, pressure him to cut interest rates by 75 basis points

 Their letter is here.


President Joe Biden incited the violence against Trump on June 28th: He should be removed from office by his cabinet

 The assassination attempts on Donald Trump occurred on July 13th and September 15th.

If Trump were president and had tweeted this shit about Joe just imagine the mayhem in this country against Trump, because this country is FULL of ugly liberal people who support violence against Republicans in politics.


The party calling for violence is the Democrat Party and their surrogates in media and entertainment



Nancy Pelosi
Ayanna Pressley
Eric Holder
Joe Biden
Maxine Waters
Kamala Harris
Johnny Depp
Robert De Niro
Kathy Griffin
Don Lemon
Donny Deutsch
Rick Wilson
et alia

Sunday, September 15, 2024

You remember the wonderful Vindmans, right?


NBC's Lester Holt says Trump had it coming for expressing fierce views about Haitians


The suspect had anti-semitic views, allegedly


Missed me again haters


LOL, Tim Walz actually tells supporters to go to Ground Zero for Inflation and campaign for votes for more of it



Minding your business: When Tim Walz has that hard conversation with you in the produce section and asks if you've voted yet

That'll Do It: Walz Says Have That 'Hard Conversation' With a Stranger 'In the Produce Aisle'

Strict culinary policy of Haiti: Whatever there is to eat at the house, you have to eat it

OMG: Haitian chef tells USA Today the strict policy of Haitian cooking is "Whatever there is to eat at the house, you have to eat it"

 Nobody in Haiti today can afford the fancy Haitian dishes this chef describes, so they eat . . . you know.

Don't listen to Trump's lies. Haitian chef explains country's rich culinary tradition.



Something funny going on here: Reuters says 63% of blacks plan to support Harris according to NAACP survey, The Hill says 51% of blacks would vote for her today based on the same survey


Both stories published Friday the 13th.

 One in four US Black men under 50 support Trump for president, NAACP poll finds

Most Black voters, 63%, plan to support Harris, compared with 13% for Trump, according to the new NAACP survey, which interviewed 1,000 registered Black voters across the U.S. from Aug. 6 to Aug. 12. 
Black voters, buoyed by Harris, more excited to vote in 2024 than in 2008: [NAACP] Poll
Fifty-one percent of Black voters said they would cast their ballots for Harris if the election were held today. Only 27 percent said the same of former President Trump. 



Harris has plenty of policies Jonathan, you ridiculous goof, 26 of them, and all to the left of Hillary Clinton

Saturday, September 14, 2024

James would like a word


The song of my people


Orange cat for the win


This is purrfect


Doordash Ohio lol


Diversity tried to eat me


Real return from stocks since the August 2000 top after 24 years now underperforms the pre-2000 eras by ONLY 33.7% per annum, nominal by 21.3%, yippee! What a great country!

Pope Francis meddles in US election, says choose the lesser evil between Trump and Harris but can't say which is which

It's really amusing how the pope says everyone has to think and decide for themselves about such a weighty matter, but when Luther did it he was excommunicated for it.

Between 1972 and 2008, the percentage NOT voting in US elections averaged 47%.


“Not voting is ugly,” the 87-year-old pontiff said. “It is not good. You must vote.”

“You must choose the lesser evil,” he said. “Who is the lesser evil? That lady, or that gentleman? I don’t know. Everyone, in conscience, (has to) think and do this.”

American Catholics, numbering roughly 52 million nationwide, are often seen as crucial swing voters. In some battleground states, including Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, more than 20% of adults are Catholic. ...

“Whether it is the one who is chasing away migrants, or the one who that kills children,” said the pope. “Both are against life.”


The pope made the remarks on a flight returning to the safety of his walled-off city-state, population 764, after a visit to Singapore.