A commenter has provided the
website information from the State of Utah where the Informed Electorate PAC discloses its financials:
If you are one of the many contributors to this so-called PAC, your full name, address and contribution level are listed there.
And wow, there's an awful lot of gulls out there in America. It's a goldmine of a mailing list, free for the taking.
You'll also be fascinated to learn that for the "privilege" of paying these grifters to take your opinion, for that is what they are in my opinion, shameless grifters, they netted about $1.91 million in contributions in 2017 alone, of which about $1.79 million was expended.
On what? you ask.
Never heard of 'em, right? Most people haven't, which kind of gives the lie to their objective of informing anyone. I search in vain for itemized expenditures under "public relations". Instead I see lots of consulting fees and W-2 payrolls, evidently going to the principals.
Nearly $336,000 in 2017 went straight into the pockets of the President, Brett Payne, a board member Rob Andra, and someone named Joseph Demma, who appears to be related to Stacy Demma the Vice President (who is also the only other listed board member), and presumably the CFO Kenneth Kohfel and other unnamed employees. The reports show that the consulting fees in 2017 stopped being paid in July, and that the W-2 payroll line items start appearing once a month beginning in June.
A company named Fiercecom gets large sums regularly for data management, telephone services and fulfillment. Other regulars include Airespring, Heartland Payment Solutions and Skymail International.
One wonders if any of this PAC's principals have any personal business interests in any of the businesses which provide services back to the PAC.
Someone really ought to look into it, like 60 Minutes, or maybe the FBI.
I wonder what they'd find?
At any rate, for the umpteenth time, no legitimate polling organization asks YOU to pay to give your opinion.
The wonder of it all is that these snakes have found the ones that will pay, and that Utah has listed them all for the whole world to laugh at.
This is just one month from the disclosures, October 2017 |