Friday, September 22, 2017

Back on the 10th or so we were being told Trump was brillantly clearing the deck for tax reform

Unfortunately the empty deck got filled right back up by DACA blowback and the Graham-Cassidy Senate healthcare reform bill which is now already in trouble.

Raising the debt ceiling and signing a continuing spending resolution were mistakes. You only get just so many opportunities in four years to shape affairs as president.

Trump still doesn't understand how this works.

Come on Germany, do the right thing

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Real earnings of men are still lower than in 1973: Was feminism worth it, darling, seeing that you are up ten grand but spend it on daycare?

The average cost of daycare is $11,666.

Progress: Obama's enthusiasm for community organizing is flagging

And it’s certainly frustrating to have to mobilize every couple months to keep our leaders from inflicting real human suffering on our constituents.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

International Howler of the Day: Britain voted for Brexit yet Theresa May criticizes those who fail to respect international agreements

Having it every which way to Sunday she was.

From the story here:

Leaders who fail to respect international agreements risk jeopardising faith in institutions, she warned. Delivering a thinly-veiled rebuke to the US President, she said climate change “is depleting and degrading the planet we leave to our children”. And the PM hit out at countries which try to stifle global trade, after Mr Trump's “America first” inauguration speech in January. She warned against moves which “undermine support for the forces of liberalism and free trade that have done so much to propel global growth”. ... But Mrs May threatened to split cash from UN programmes that fail to produce results.

Laugh of the Day: Ann Coulter don't need no more stinkin' vowels

Ann Coulter: The GOP's new official motto is "NEXT TIME!"

Since Luther Strange supports DACA, ya'll in Alabama know you need to vote for Judge Moore

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Antifa plans for Nov. 4 will fizzle because the goals are wildly unrealistic

The plan is to demonstrate 24/7 starting on November 4 until Trump is removed from office. No one is able to protest 24/7, and Trump isn't going anywhere.

Remember the 10-day march against white supremacy from Charlottesville to DC? Yeah, me neither.

The march was supposed to go from August 27 to September 5 and cover 118 miles.

Apparently walking the 118 miles was something of an impediment to turnout, as was rain. The march even had a police escort to protect participants from supposed threats of violence. No one has suggested that turnout was so low because the march organizers pointedly eschewed violence.

On Saturday the 2nd there were only 80 people still participating.

A person can only sacrifice so much to prevent something so horrible as white supremacy.

Striking electrical workers suspected in cable vandalism leading to 80,000 New Yorkers losing cable, internet and phone

I felt a great disturbance in The Farce.

From the story here:

Spectrum crews spent the day fixing cables on Henry and Sackett Streets, blaming vandalism and pointing to the rise in outages since its electric workers went on strike. ... Over the summer, charges were dropped against a striking worker blamed in similar sabotage pending further investigation.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Trump's Christian cucks in Arizona still support him

Which explains why they have John McCain and Jeff Flake for senators, both of whom are happy about the developments.

From the story here:

“If you were to deport them, where would they go?” Hagstrom, 60, a car-warranty manager, asked on his way to a Bible-study dinner at an upscale shopping mall. “To send them across the border would be inhumane almost. There’s no life for them there.”

Yeah, and no life for the lawful immigrant waiting patiently in line, either.

Everyone must come to America, you see, because life "across the border would be inhumane almost".

The death of America, right there.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Kim Strassel ably summarizes Hillary's larger role in The Revulsion Election

The parties gave the country a choice between two unpopular people, and the country disliked her more.