Sunday, August 4, 2024

Trump continuing his vendetta against Kemp in Georgia in public is some of the dumbest politics I've ever seen


As Attorney General, Kamala Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, “Good Morning General”



Four short episodes I would like to share of his month-long internship for Kamala Harris:

Senator Harris vocally throws around “F-bombs” and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others. The staff is in complete fear of her and she uses her profanity throughout the day.

As Attorney General, Senator Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, “Good Morning General.”

Never once during the month-long internship did Harris introduce herself to our son (as he was only in an office with 20 paid employees) and staff was too intimidated by her to introduce him. The only acknowledgment was a form letter of “thanks” signed by Harris given to him on his last day of service.

Gregory was also given instructions to never address Harris nor look her in the eye as that privilege was only allowed to senior staff members.

I don’t know about you but this is not the workplace of someone who respects her staff. For a woman of color to have employees stand when she enters the room smacks of a bygone era that we, as Americans, deplore and find demeaning. Furthermore, that she didn’t show the quality of leadership skills or even being a decent boss — much less the “class” to approach Gregory at least once during the month to say “Hi, I’m Kamala Harris and I want to thank you for volunteering in my office” — is really troubling. Finally, what is up with the “don’t look her in the eye” instruction? I know I wouldn’t want to work in that hostile environment!

This turned out not to be true, so I deleted the original post about it


Friday, August 2, 2024

Joe Biden's job got out-sourced to a worker from India, and like many of you he had to train his replacement in exchange for his severance package


Trump captures 15 Kamala Harris policy whoppers in two tweets which no journalist has asked her about since July 21


The percentage working full time in the US now averages 49.63 for the first seven months of 2024, down from both 2022 and 2023

 The percentage working full time in the US rose to 50.26 in July from 50.03 in June and now averages 49.63 for the first seven months of 2024. That's down from 50.06 in the first seven months of 2022, and down from 50.20 in 2023.

Not a good sign.



Michael Anton lol: Leftists argue that the otherwise implacably racist US statesmen of the 19th century left us one instance of openhearted liberalism in the 14th Amendment called birthright citizenship

 The idea that the framers intended to extend citizenship to anyone whose parents snuck across our border is absurd and betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of the nineteenth century American mind.

I note, however, how convenient it is for leftists who constantly attack all past American statesmen for being implacably “racist” to suddenly discover this one instance of their openhearted liberalism. Really? The same bewhiskered, frockcoated “racists” up to their eyeballs in white supremacy nonetheless decided to open America’s borders to the entire world? It’s an obvious lie of convenience and should be dismissed with contempt.


Kim Strassel: the GOP needs to be engaged in a whole-of-election message reminding Americans of the ugly Biden policies of past and present, and Kamala’s promise to carry them into the future

 The libertarian-inclined in the GOP want the message restricted more or less to the economy, inflation, immigration, and crime.


Strassel points out Biden is continuing or proposing the following to help cement support for Harris on the left:

Student loan giveaways
Nationwide rent controls
A plea deal for the 9/11 terrorists
$2.2 billion for farmers, ranchers, and owners of forest land who experienced discrimination
Million$ in new grants for women's health, state climate programs, tribal fisheries, youth skills programs
Signage everywhere thanking Biden's infrastructure law for road improvements
New rules protecting workers from heat
New prevailing wage rules for clean energy workers
New chemical and air toxin crackdowns
New regulations for wildlife refuges
New regulations on offshore drilling
Higher efficiency standards for commercial equipment and residential boilers
A crackdown on so-called junk fees for extras like family-seating on flights.
Polling has shown inflation and illegal immigration have been the top issues, which of course doesn't mean other things can't be issues.
Strassel doesn't seem to get that the green energy war on fossils fuels is the top problem for the economy, driving up the cost of everything, while the massive illegal immigration feeds competition for the housing no one can afford anyway, not to mention crime up and wages down for the bottom half of the country. 
And of course, the Trump tax reform disappears if Harris is elected, among other horribles. 

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Stephen L. Miller says the world wakes up to men competing against women in sports, Donald Trump promises to end it

Libertarian Justin Amash is hoping the Hamas vote in Michigan will cross over and help him in his quixotic quest to upset Republican favorite Mike Rogers in the Aug 6 open primary

 “In a matchup with Democratic frontrunner and former CIA analyst Elissa Slotkin, I’m uniquely positioned to win votes from liberals, progressives, and independents — and Michigan’s sizable Arab American community — who are repulsed by Slotkin’s commitment to endless wars, unconstitutional spying, and weaponized government.”

Justin Amash, quoted here

Democrat Elissa Slotkin is Jewish.

"many of his key positions align with the left"

Kamala Harris is African American now lol


Next to Whites, employment level increases 2021-2023 have gone mostly to the foreign-born, well ahead of America's Hispanics, Blacks, and Asians

White:                 7.825 million
Foreign born:      5.124 million
Hispanic/Latino: 4.390 million
Black/African American: 2.802 million
Asian:                  1.658 million
All figures are from the not-seasonally-adjusted data sets.
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, July 2, 2024:
The current U.S. immigration surge is unprecedented. ... Recently released 2023 data on immigrant work permits cast doubt on the lower [US Census Bureau and Social Security Administration] immigration estimates in Chart 1 and are broadly supportive of CBO’s higher numbers. ... household survey data from the Current Population Survey (CPS) are consistent with CBO estimates of immigration in 2023.




Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Border Czar Kamala Harris broke the immigration system and let in 8 million illegal aliens


Just like a majority of Americans, Israel doesn't trust the Harris administration either lol


Four things she ran on which Kamala Harris says she no longer supports for some reason: Medicare for All, A Fracking Ban, Border Funding Reductions, Mandatory Firearm Buybacks

What could the reason be lol?



Trump ups the ante with Democrats, proposes eliminating taxes on Social Security benefits paid by senior citizens, which about 40% of them now do, contrary to the original intention of the reforms in 1983


 About 40% of people who get Social Security must pay federal income taxes on their benefits.


As originally intended in the 1983 reforms, taxes were designed to affect just 10% of recipients:

By the time the law was first amended in 1993, about 18% of Social Security beneficiaries had some tax liability (compared to about 10% when the law was originally enacted).

Meanwhile, back in the everyday world of what's for breakfast this summer, let's talk about eggs

 In June 2019 a dozen eggs averaged $1.20 vs. $2.72 now . . . up 127%.

In other words, the price has more than doubled in five years.

Yesterday I paid $3.39 at my local grocery, for one of the last two cartons available. The place was cleaned out!

I save 50 cents on a dozen there, if I remember to download their coupon. But that's still $2.89/dozen, not $2.72.

Sam's Club's equivalent is $2.19/dozen . . . but they're . . . ALL OUT. 

So I pay a fat membership fee at Sam's for the privilege of paying 83% more for eggs than I did in 2019.

But not this week.

This illustrates why half of the country, which makes less than $41,000 per year, is still PISSED.

Biden's radical, Supreme-Court-packing, power-grabbing proposals sound like somebody else entirely wrote them, because he once opposed them all quite publicly and vehemently

Is Biden another "Body Snatchers" president? 


Speaker of the House Johnson says Biden's Supreme Court proposals are DOA in the House, President Biden says the Speaker is DOA

The Party of Violence, ladies and gentlemen.

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump was on July 13th.

If Republicans talked this way about Democrats it would be non-stop news.

"One law for me, another for thee".