Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Wikipedia insists Kamala Harris' father Donald Harris isn't a Marxist, based on a New York Times article which says no such thing

Wikipedia here (at least right now lol):
Harris's economic philosophy was critical of mainstream economics and questioned orthodox assumptions. He was once erroneously described as a "Marxist scholar".[15]
15. [Barry, Ellen (August 21, 2020). "Kamala Harris's father, a footnote in her speeches, is a prominent economist". The New York Times. Retrieved August 24, 2020.
Despite his low profile in the election cycle, Dr. Harris is not an obscure figure. He was the first Black scholar to receive tenure in Stanford’s economics department, and a prominent critic of mainstream economic theory from the left. The Stanford Daily, reporting in 1976, described him as a “Marxist scholar,” and said there was some opposition to granting him tenure because he was “too charismatic, a pied piper leading students astray from neo-Classical economics.”
In the 1970s "Marxians" flew under the banner of "heterodox economics" to avoid opprobrium, and were promoted by entities such as the Union for Radical Political Economics which promoted Harris at Stanford, and, um, Harris' students in 1974 sure thought he was one, lol:


Biden was in his third trimester


DEI-obsessed US Secret Service director resigns after she was "blasted" lol

Trump, who is the Republican nominee for president, narrowly avoided being killed in the shooting by 20-year-old gunman Thomas Crooks. One rally attended died in the shooting, and two men were critically injured.



The chaos and division Joe's bad debate spawned is the real force driving Democrats' headlong rush to settle for Harris and end the bad publicity of the drama



Democrats seem more intent now to cut out the drama before the convention and settle on Biden’s chosen successor, Harris. ... The DNC is still pursuing a virtual nomination of their presidential ticket ahead of the convention that begins in nearly a month, with a presidential candidate to be decided by Aug. 7.


Bloomberg is reporting Kamala Harris has the nomination clinched

 Kamala Harris has more than enough pledged delegates to clinch the Democratic presidential nomination, following an extraordinary two-day blitz that saw the vice president consolidate her party’s backing to challenge Donald Trump in November.

Harris sealed her status as the presumptive nominee Monday night after crossing the magic number of 1,976 pledged delegates, according to an unofficial Associated Press tally. While delegates who indicated their support are not required to back her nomination, the achievement — and lack of credible opposition — underscores the vice president’s hold on the Democratic ticket.


But look at those big stretches of light blue in places like New York, Michigan, and Illinois, among others. The resistance to Kamala Harris is real, even in California.


Democrats were lied to by Biden about the necessity of a virtual roll call of delegates by Aug 7, and now that he's out Democrats are still lying about it

 There is no need for a virtual roll call before the convention, unless you're trying to stop debate.

Ohio moved its deadline to Aug 23, after the Democrat convention.

This happened AT THE END OF MAY already lol.

With the passage of the Biden ballot fix in the state, the DNC plan in not necessary -- however the DNC said it is planning to move forward with its virtual roll call nomination of Biden ahead of Aug. 7, Ohio's original deadline.

Delegates to the Democratic Convention in Chicago can't speak freely in the Democrat Party for fear of being removed by the gang leaders


 The fix was in already on Sunday after Biden withdrew and endorsed Kamala Harris. 

All 50 state chairs of the party quickly asserted their endorsement of Harris, according to Reuters.

But the blessed GRAUNIAD found out the truth: Delegates who aren't down for the Harris Cause fear having their delegate status revoked by those state chairs.

It's a gang, not democracy.

Delegates are, by and large, local volunteers expected to spend thousands of dollars to fly to Chicago and attend the convention. It’s often viewed as a reward for activism and dedication, but it’s typically a far less consequential role than it might be next month.

One delegate who isn’t yet old enough to drink expressed his mounting anxiety about how things are unfolding and how little has been predictable.

“I’m a young, young person,” said the delegate, who requested anonymity because he feared being replaced by his state chair. “This is my first convention … And this is scary. It’s super anxiety-inducing, and crazy, and so much.”


Democracy dies in darkness.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Few people know that Kamala Harris' voting record in the US Senate "out-lefted" even Bernie Sanders

 She's the most extreme left wing you can imagine.

You may rightly call her an extremist.



Did VP Harris develop a long-term strategy to stem the tide of migration?


... Harris is tasked with overseeing diplomatic efforts to deal with issues spurring migration in the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, as well as pressing them to strengthen enforcement on their own borders, administration officials said. She’s also tasked with developing and implementing a long-term strategy that gets at the root causes of migration from those countries. ...

For Harris, the assignment gives her the first big opportunity to step to the front of the stage on a matter of enormous consequence for the administration. As the first Black woman elected vice president, Harris arrived on the job as a trailblazer. It has remained opaque how Biden would utilize her.

Kamala Harris was given the border problem task early on, and now we have a flood of 8 million people here we didn't have before

 Mission accomplished.

An assassination attempt, and then eight days later a coup


Sunday, July 21, 2024

Current Favorable/Unfavorable at Real Clear Politics Trump v. Harris

 Current Favorable/Unfavorable at Real Clear Politics

Trump -10.9

Harris -14.2

No town is Joe town


Jim Clyburn endorses Kamala Harris


Joe Biden endorses Kamala Harris


Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter is what did in Joe Biden, so it's fitting that Joe Biden ended his career on it


Biden drops out


CrowdStrike's George Kurtz has in common the forgotten McAfee glitch which took down computers in 2010, the controversial DNC hack investigation of 2016, and now Friday's global IT glitch

 Other security companies have had similar episodes in the past. McAfee's buggy antivirus update in 2010 stalled hundreds of thousands of computers.

Reported here.

“CrowdStrike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts,” George Kurtz, CEO of CrowdStrike, said in a post on the social platform X. “Mac and Linux hosts are not impacted.”

Quoted here.

April 30, 2016:  CrowdStrike was contacted by the DNC outside counsel to discuss a suspected breach.  This was CrowdStrike’s first involvement in this matter. (p6)



AOC: Democrats who want Joe Biden out are not down for the Kamala cause either

"They are interested in removing the whole ticket."


All it took for Trump to like electric cars was an endorsement from Elon Musk and his pledge of $45 million a month lol

 Trump in Grand Rapids, Michigan, yesterday, here

"I'm totally for them."


 Elon Musk Has Said He Is Committing Around $45 Million a Month to a New Pro-Trump Super PAC