Wednesday, June 24, 2020

If it isn't obvious by now that you're an idiot, Johnny Reb tried to tell you

The Civil War was obviously a waste of time, blood and property.

For every Confederate statue now coming down at the hands of BLM there will eventually be three of a founder of America, a Yankee, or an abolitionist to match it. Eventually, the symbols of your country will be gone. That you'll just let them go shows the actual country is already gone.

This isn't a war on racism. It's a revolution against America. Racism is simply the pretext for it. It is led by the "worldly" type of communist, the black radical who:

"with the realist political outlook, hopes through its followers to destroy society, either from envy or revenge, because of the low place assigned in it to their personality and talents, or, alternatively, to carry away the masses by some program or other for the satisfaction of his own will-to-power".

Think Shaun King the "Christian", who now explicitly aims to obliterate the white Jesus from every one of America's ~375,000 congregations.

No good deed is going unpunished, but fools like Ann Coulter will still argue that blacks deserve and should be paid reparations: Those who have done no wrong should pay those who have suffered none, we are told.

140,414 dead Yankees are just chopped liver to these ingrates and fools.

Pay all you want, it won't change a thing. Still more will be required of you.

They now think they have the upper hand and are out to replace you. "Diversity is our strength" means "their" strength, not yours. Diversity means your weakness, and the unchecked riots and looting are proof of it.

Christians 244 years ago took up arms against "tyrants" like these and called it "obedience to God".

I can't imagine finding one such person among us today. And you certainly won't find one among the paid mercenaries, the cops. They're just trying to make it to full retirement like everybody else.

Instead, most Christians have become Spengler's "credulous" type of communist, who:

"obsessed by doctrine or feminine sentimentality, remote from and hostile to the world, condemns the wealth of the wicked who prosper and also, at times, the poverty of the good who do not prosper. This lands him either in vague Utopias or throws him back upon asceticism, the monastic life, Bohemia, or vagabondism, which proclaims the futility of all economic effort".

On obsession with doctrine think First Things Magazine, think Sojourners, Christianity Today, and the Patheos crowd for the feminine sentimentalists and wealth condemners, think the Prosperity Gospel movement and the charismatic Dominionists for the critics of the Christianity which is content with little, think Rod Dreher's Benedict Option or the survivalists for the separatists, and also the libertarians who "go Galt", accountable to no one but themselves. Representative all.

Perhaps the only Christians who think in robust opposition to the communists are the followers of Adrian Vermeule who envision a once and future Roman Catholic authoritarianism from North to South America with a heavily Spanish content. In other words, when white supremacy fails, replace it with . . . not black.
"To put through the ideal requires dictatorship, reign of terror, armed force, the inequality of a system of masters and slaves, men in command and men in obedience - in short: Moscow".
The answer to Bolshevism from the foremost grandmothers of Bolshevism is to double down on the Bolshevism. Pre-modern Europe was just a dress rehearsal.
I'm sure Black Lives Matter will be thrilled.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Today the US registered 120,036 deaths from COVID-19 at the Johns Hopkins University dashboard

Here's the progression:

50k 4/24
60k 4/29  5 days
70k 5/5    6 days
80k 5/11  6 days
90k 5/18  7 days
100k 5/27  9 days
110k 6/7    11 days
120k 6/22  15 days.

Stay-at-home orders, growth of clinical expertise, and increased mask-wearing among other things have all made a huge impact on the growth of deaths.

New daily deaths hit 275 on Sunday, which was last lower way back on March 25, with 270.

It looks like it will take something like another 20 days to add another 10k deaths, so 130k by roughly July 15.  On May 18 I projected 155k by then, so obviously there's been a big slow down since late May when the projected 100k deaths projected was met.

That's the good news.

The bad news is case counts nationally are rising again after bottoming on May 11. New daily cases were so high on June 20 that you had to go back to May 1 to find a higher single day. In key states in the South this increase is not attributable to increased testing, especially in Florida where testing has declined and in other states where hospitalization increases are outstripping testing increases. Texas, Arizona, California and the Carolinas are all pointed to as examples.

Expect death counts to pick up again starting roughly July 15 due to the mid-June turn higher in cases. It takes about 28 days from classification as a case to classification as a death, according to the modeling.

Death is a lagging indicator. Low deaths today are the result of good action taken many yesterdays ago.   

Friday, June 19, 2020

Where is ED-209 when we need him? "You're not wearing a mask. You have 20 seconds to comply."

As usual Rush Limbaugh is full of it: He says Lincoln ran an anti-slavery campaign for the presidency

The Republicans of 1860 pledged not to interfere with slavery in the states, but opposed its expansion into the territories. Lincoln's moderation on the issue upset abolitionists.

I check in for 5 minutes just to see what he's on about, and he gets something wrong. Every. Damn. Time.

Update with chapter and verse:

"The Republican Party was actually founded in opposition to slavery, and Abraham Lincoln was the Republican Party’s president. He ran on an anti-slavery agenda, including some other things. The Civil War was waged under his leadership and presidency, and 500,000 Americans lost their lives (mostly white) to end slavery".


Rush also gets the casualties wrong. Admittedly there is variation in estimates, but 500,000 isn't one of them.

"For 110 years, the numbers stood as gospel: 618,222 men died in the Civil War, 360,222 from the North and 258,000 from the South — by far the greatest toll of any war in American history.

But new research shows that the numbers were far too low.

By combing through newly digitized census data from the 19th century, J. David Hacker, a demographic historian from Binghamton University in New York, has recalculated the death toll and increased it by more than 20 percent — to 750,000".


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Cheap widely available steroid confirmed to reduce COVID-19 deaths by 33% among patients on ventilators

"Results of trials announced on Tuesday showed dexamethasone, which is used to reduce inflammation in other diseases, reduced death rates by around a third among the most severely ill Covid-19 patients admitted to hospital".

Friday, June 12, 2020

Redistribution is old, but it's new again

The best thing about this Media Matters attack on Glenn Beck from 2010 is the line it draws from King through Sharpton to BLM

'In fact, Sharpton accurately reflected the sentiments of King, who advocated for the “radical redistribution of economic power.” ...

'[A]uthor Nick Kotz writes that during a 1968 trip to Mississippi, King stated: “It didn't cost the nation one penny to integrate lunch counters” and "[i]t didn't cost the nation one penny to guarantee the right to vote." However, he concluded that “now, we are dealing with issues that cannot be solved without the nation spending billions of dollars -- and undergoing a radical redistribution of economic power.”'

King was a commie from the beginning. Beck just wants to pretend otherwise, like many Republican squishes do. It's whitey pretending things aren't that bad.

Sharpton, like King, is a true believer, if not nearly as intelligent: “the dream was not to put one black family in the White House. The dream was to make everything equal in everybody's house.”

Now the thugs of Black Lives Matter make this the number one demand for economic justice:

"Redistribution of wealth through a 'progressive restructuring of tax codes at the local, state, and federal levels.'"

They are out in your streets trying to make that happen.

What are you going to do about it?

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Conservatism would keep military base names, Senate Republicans cave to Crockagawea by voice vote

Spineless, useless cowards, except for a couple:

"Sen. Josh Hawley, a Missouri Republican, and Cotton didn't support the amendment".

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Buh bye NASCAR

Remember this hysteria about Trump, before there even was anything to be hysterical about?

March 2016, here.

Yet more hysteria brings down Columbus monuments

Counterprotesters lose jobs because they shouted George Floyd should have complied with the police

Re-enacting the knee on the neck didn't help.

#MeToo hysteria has been replaced by #RacismReckoning hysteria.

Story and video here.

Hysterical Americans, hysterical military

THE NAVY ON TUESDAY announced it would prohibit the Confederate battle flag from all its military installations, following the lead of the Marine Corps which last week began implementing a ban on its troops displaying the flag in any form. ...

The top officer for the Marine Corps, which is a part of the Navy Department, issued an order in April to all Marines that would prohibit on its bases any rendering of the Confederate battle flag, including on T-shirts, mugs or bumper stickers.

"Anything that divides us, anything that threatens team cohesion, must be addressed head-on," Berger wrote in a message to all Marines at that time.

In a statement last week detailing that order, now in effect, Berger said, "Current events are a stark reminder that it is not enough for us to remove symbols that cause division – rather, we also must strive to eliminate division itself." ...

The Army on Monday broke from its prior hard line and said it would consider renaming 10 bases currently named for Confederate generals, including Fort Bragg in North Carolina and Fort A.P. Hill in Virginia. ...

Gen. Charles Brown, the incoming Air Force chief of staff, said in an emotional video message earlier this week, "I'm thinking about how full I am with emotion ...