Sunday, July 14, 2019

Axis of Shevil: I think this editor for the Newspaper of Blackface just called Donald Trump a girl

And you thought white men couldn't get along.

LOL: Papist John Zmirak fired by arbitrary power blames anybody but the arbitrary power

American history is complicated, especially for a Canadian

When there are so many Democrat candidates, it's almost impossible to tell who picked whose pocket

And #MeToo is aptly named.

Climbers gonna climb.

So fragile are they, one little word can fell them

Police kill rifle-toting antifa attacking Tacoma, WA, ICE facility, who left behind manifesto, but you wouldn't know it from the headline

Armed man attacking Tacoma’s ICE detention center killed in officer-involved shooting :

Police said Van Spronsen tossed lit objects at vehicles and buildings, causing one car fire, and unsuccessfully tried to ignite a propane tank. ... Deb Bartley, a friend of Van Spronsen’s for about 20 years, described him as an anarchist and anti-fascist, and she believes his attack on the detention center was intended to provoke a fatal conflict. “He was ready to end it,” Bartley said. “I think this was a suicide. But then he was able to kind of do it in a way that spoke to his political beliefs … I know he went down there knowing he was going to die.” She and other friends of Van Spronsen got letters in the mail “just saying goodbye.” He also wrote what she referred to as a manifesto, which she declined to discuss in detail but predicted would be taken by authorities.

The Seattle Times really shtruggled with the headline:

Power outage Manhattan: 42 is the answer to everything

It comes exactly 42 years to the day - and very nearly to the hour - since a famous blackout plunged New York into darkness on July 13, 1977.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

I'm only calling you "they" if you have multiple personality disorder

I mean, it only stands to reason.😏

WOW, good thing the House Democrats preserved this picture of the Capitol before they decided to burn it down last night, shows they really are conservatives at heart

LOL: You are NOT on the team unless you spell "goombah" correctly

LOL: Justice Democrats sniff out injustice wherever it may occur

LOL: AOC achieves immortality, becomes a goomba

LOL: House Democrats tell AOC chief of staff to shut the hell up

Protesters manufacture fake news at Biden event, claim there were deportations during the Obama Era of NO Scandals

The New Republic deletes homophobic satire, breaks the great democratic experiment

One of the rare instances in human experience where the answer to everything isn't 42

Ah yes, the Mazda RX-7, well known preferred vehicle of pharmacists everywhere

Happy Nathan Bedford Forrest Day to our countrymen down in Tennessee

Gomer Pyle, USMC, expert on the Armalite series of rifles

You know Armalite, the famous inventors of the AR-7, the .22 Long Rifle semi-automatic survival weapon designed for downed pilots to fend off invading hordes of squirrels at 50 yards.

Assault that, mutherfuckers.

Mayor of Carbon Hill, AL, has the line of the week