Wednesday, June 12, 2019

WaPo/Minneapolis Star Tribune can always be counted on to soft-peddle Democrat crimes, including tax fraud, marriage fraud, immigration fraud and incest by not using those words

The joke state which once gave us Gov. Jesse Ventura follows up with the punchline Rep. Ilhan Omar.

Back when I was in 'Nam (in the movies), I was 61 years old!

Trump avoided military service with bone spurs, Biden with childhood asthma

Joe Biden’s Draft Record Looks a Lot Like Donald Trump’s. Do Democrats Care? :

Just a few months before President Donald Trump received his now-infamous diagnosis of “bone spurs in the heels,” former high school football star Biden got the same 1-Y draft deferment for “asthma as a teenager.” It was one of five deferments Biden received (the same number as notorious GOP “draft dodger” Dick Cheney) and allowed him to avoid being drafted at the height of the war. The year 1968 was one of the bloodiest of the Vietnam conflict with 296,406 Americans drafted into military service — the second-highest during the war.


Trump is a fool to insist his hands are tied by bad immigration laws when the US Code already gives him the power to act

HAMMER: Trump Has The Unilateral Power To Stop This Migrant Influx. He Just Needs To Act:

If properly enforced, 8 U.S.C. § 1182(f) could single-handedly eliminate this Central American-originated, Mexican cartel-orchestrated, harrowingly physically dangerous assault on our nation's collective sovereignty. Here is the relevant statutory text (emphasis added):
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

Libertarian upset with all the stupid opinions spawned by human nature

The libertarian mistake begins with a mistaken view of human nature: You were born a blank slate, and you can erase your slate anytime you choose and start over

Democrat voters born after 1969 prefer Sanders over Biden 1.8:1

Pathetic president Trump tolerates acting DHS secretary's nostalgia for Gang of Eight amnesty

Monday, June 10, 2019

Stock market edfay aydays

The unemployment rate, the metric not for just one imbecile, but for a whole nation of imbeciles

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan's former spokesman calls for increase to Congressional pay

Your man or woman in Congress is already in the top 3% of wage earners in America, but it's not enough, says this guy. Republicans carry the Democrats' water, every damn time.

Brendan Buck, former spokesperson for onetime Speaker Paul D. Ryan, R-Wis., tweeted his support for a pay raise Friday.

“Congressional member and staff pay should be increased. I know that sounds bad, and makes for bad politics, but it’s just true. No, current member pay is by no means paltry, but it is too low, and it’s having a negative effect on Congress,” said Buck.

USA Today op-ed calls Biden "perfect tool of the oligarchy", might as well be referring to Trump

The best among us may get elected to high office in D.C. with high minded ideals and goals but eventually get co-opted by an insidious system, and gradually become an out-of-touch, often-duplicitous, platitude-mouthing D.C. elite. 

Trump signed everything a Republican controlled Congress sent him without getting anything on immigration in return, the basis for his candidacy. Now he's running for reelection on immigration again.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice . . ..

The fact is, these two guys could run together on the same ticket.

Meanwhile 744 candidates have filed to run for president as of June 3, 2019, including Communist Michael Tyler Shortshit.

You have choice!

Iraq has handed down at least 3,000 death sentences to ISIS fighters so far

Iraq handing out thousands of death sentences in hasty trials for ISIS fighters:

It remains unclear the window of time between the sentencing and the execution. Interior Ministry sources say it most often takes years for the President to sign for the execution – most often by hanging – to be carried out.


The recovery of full time jobs under Reagan hit 50.1% of population in three years, we're still not that far after seven

If I'm repeating myself, let me know.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

If the current jobs recovery just equaled the average of previous cycle highs, we'd have 3.1 million more working full time jobs than we do

Six previous full time jobs recoveries since 1968 have meant 51.1% of the population working full time on average at peak, but we appear to have stalled out at around 49.9%.

It looks like a small difference on paper but amounts to almost 3.1 million more working full time today than are.

Population continues to grow, why not full time employment along with it?

This is not a boom.