Monday, June 10, 2019
Former House Speaker Paul Ryan's former spokesman calls for increase to Congressional pay
Your man or woman in Congress is already in the top 3% of wage earners in America, but it's not enough, says this guy. Republicans carry the Democrats' water, every damn time.
Brendan Buck, former spokesperson for onetime Speaker Paul D. Ryan, R-Wis., tweeted his support for a pay raise Friday.
“Congressional member and staff pay should be increased. I know that sounds bad, and makes for bad politics, but it’s just true. No, current member pay is by no means paltry, but it is too low, and it’s having a negative effect on Congress,” said Buck.
USA Today op-ed calls Biden "perfect tool of the oligarchy", might as well be referring to Trump
The best among us may get elected to high office in D.C. with high minded ideals and goals but eventually get co-opted by an insidious system, and gradually become an out-of-touch, often-duplicitous, platitude-mouthing D.C. elite.
Trump signed everything a Republican controlled Congress sent him without getting anything on immigration in return, the basis for his candidacy. Now he's running for reelection on immigration again.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice . . ..
The fact is, these two guys could run together on the same ticket.
Meanwhile 744 candidates have filed to run for president as of June 3, 2019, including Communist Michael Tyler Shortshit.
You have choice!
Iraq has handed down at least 3,000 death sentences to ISIS fighters so far
Iraq handing out thousands of death sentences in hasty trials for ISIS fighters:
It remains unclear the window of time between the sentencing and the
execution. Interior Ministry sources say it most often takes years for
the President to sign for the execution – most often by hanging – to be
carried out.
Sunday, June 9, 2019
If the current jobs recovery just equaled the average of previous cycle highs, we'd have 3.1 million more working full time jobs than we do
Six previous full time jobs recoveries since 1968 have meant 51.1% of the population working full time on average at peak, but we appear to have stalled out at around 49.9%.
It looks like a small difference on paper but amounts to almost 3.1 million more working full time today than are.
Population continues to grow, why not full time employment along with it?
This is not a boom.
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Friday, June 7, 2019
Average hourly earnings increases for the bottom 80% of workers not-seasonally-adjusted are averaging 3.08% in April and May vs. 3.42% in 4Q2018 and 1Q2019
These are good numbers compared with the awful Obama era, but still far off the 4+% levels before the last two recessions.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: "Greedy and craven U.S. tech companies have helped China control the internet and police its citizens"
The world must stand up to China’s crimes, repression and chicanery. ... [Tank man's] defiance is a lesson for the rest of the world, which must resolutely stand up to China’s crimes, repression and chicanery and nurture democracy there whenever, however, it can.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Rush Limbaugh tells us western civilization is in jeopardy when one of his advertizers features a woman boasting she dumped her boyfriend because he was a dud in the bedroom
Rush's market is cads and whores.
Western civilization isn't in jeopardy, it's already dead.
Chip Roy calls latest House immigration bill a show, political theatre, which is ignoring the invasion
Everything government does is theatre, usually bad theatre, and when it's occasionally mediocre theatre because it's so rarely even that good the politicians abandon all sense of proportion and fall all over themselves telling us how wonderful what they did was.
Trump won't actually do his job. Congress won't actually do its job.
Sounds like a trend.
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
Climate Update for Grand Rapids, MI, May 2019
Climate Update for Grand Rapids, MI, May 2019
Max Temp 79, Mean Max 86
Min Temp 38, Mean Min 32
Av Temp 57, Mean Av 57.9
Precip 5.96, Mean 3.48 (12th wettest May on record)
Snow 0, Mean 0.2
HDD 248, Mean 252
Season to date HDD 6673, Mean 6654
CDD 6, Mean 39
We've had a very wet spring, and now we're seeing caterpillar activity on some pine and apple trees, in addition to vigorous ant activity in our sandy soils. Song birds have a plentiful supply of bugs to eat and are feeding and nesting robustly.
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