Thursday, March 21, 2019

Beto's already spending your gas money contributions on parking tickets and tacos

And John F. Kerry who served in Vietnam never stopped for stop signs when he was behind the wheel.

Stop signs, like No Parking signs, are for little people.

Beto be big people now, especially when he stands on tables.

Just got a Trump robocall inviting me to his 3/28 visit to Michigan, boasting of all (12,000 of) those new manufacturing jobs

Might as well be October 2006, thirteen years ago.

No V-shaped recovery here, or anywhere, just another L-shape.

The first Democrat debate of Election 2020 ends with Kamala Harris skeet-shooting Klobuchar's binder thrown at Beto

"Spread your legs"
"I think ... I'm goin' ... to get me a beer"

h/t @the_bernie_bro
"I have high expectations for this country, loser"

Joe Biden to Heidi Heitkamp at swearing-in in 2013: Drop your hands to your sides? Spread your legs, you're going to be frisked!

Despite all the new-found wealth, Joe really does remain just another vulgar mutt.

Run Joe, run!

Stupid Antifa marchers cheer in Austria when pranked by patriot counter-protesters who don't want to be replaced by Muslims

"Put a stop to the great replacement!"

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Rush Limbaugh doesn't know what he's talking about when he says there are more job openings than workers

A: Unemployment level: 6,235,000

A is the official unemployment level. To be counted in it you have to be counted in the labor force.

B is the number of people in addition to the unemployed who are unemployed but aren't counted as such because they are not in the labor force. These are the people unemployed longer than one year who say they still want a job when they are surveyed.

C is all the people of prime working age who aren't in the labor force and aren't counted as unemployed. Some of B are included in this number. This group averaged 21.3 million in both 2006 and 2007, before the shit hit the fan, and got as high as almost 24 million in 2015. It averaged 22.7 million last year. The data goes back only to 1982 but shows that in the 1980s and some of the 1990s that this group shrank during jobs recoveries just as it is shrinking now. There is lots of potential labor here sitting on the sidelines.

In any event, A + B means at least 11.5 million jobless with 7.6 million openings.

Advantage: employers.

P. S. I have seen the very same jobs with the very same companies advertized for years on end. How do they never get filled, hm?

Meanwhile John Podhoretz says Andrew Yang is anti-Semitic to be against circumcision

Not all Jews are disgusting like John Podhoretz.

My Jewish pediatrician had zero problem with leaving my son unshorn, and we enjoyed a wonderful relationship for many years, getting the best of care from him.

He was a mensch in more ways than this.

Mommas don't let your babies grow up to be John Podhoretz.

Momentous political hubbub of the day: Andrew Yang accused of deleting circumcision tweets under pressure from Jews

Except Yang hasn't deleted them.

They are still there, today.

The anti-circumcision crowd is disappointed that Yang has clarified that he won't advocate outlawing the practice pure and simple, but that is hardly inconsistent with Yang's position that he's against circumcision.

Yang is a Christian of the Reformed tradition, apparently. His Pastor is Mark E. Mast of New Paltz, NY. It is a gay-friendly, environmentalist wacko church with female as well as male leadership, so not your granddad's Calvinism.

Nature rebels against diversity

Andrew Yang steps on American individualism, upsets den of vipers

Australia's Fraser Anning unashamedly stands for preserving the European ethnic composition of the population

Similar to Hungary and Poland and Czech Republic.

Theory of replacement migration is a thing at the UN, but The New York Times calls it racist, sexist and right-wing

Gee, whoever thought getting rid of the UN would become a bipartisan idea?

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

The people don't have a clue

CNN Poll: 7 in 10 say economy in good shape -- and Trump may reap the benefits



Kamala Harris been kinda hard on the hood

Andrew Yang speaks up for the Electoral College

They have to go back: It's not islamophobia, it's islamiloatheya

Richard Spencer associates himself with Catholic anti-Protestantism, so he might as well be Conservatism Inc.

National Popular Vote passes in Colorado: First you drug the people, then they give away their freedom without a care

You lose your country by degrees. Colorado is the 12th to go.

Although Colorado has trended more solidly Democratic in recent elections, the state represents the first traditional swing state to join the effort. Every other state in the compact has voted for the Democratic presidential candidates in every election since at least 1992. ...

The other states that have signed on since 2007 are California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington and the District of Columbia. ...

Among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, only 19 percent supported changing the system, down from 54 percent in 2011.

Democrats were a mirror image, with 81 percent supporting an amendment to switch to a national popular vote, up from 69 percent five years earlier.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Maybe because there's a culture of corruption swirling around Beto

Not only did his campaign misuse funds, he misused them to aid the illegal Honduran immigrant caravan.

"if we got caught . . ."

Hm, now why would Beto lie about the first day's campaign haul?