Tuesday, March 12, 2019

So much winning at the border: Please stop, Donald Trump! We're sick of it!

Your next president promises that all his screw ups will be so transparently obvious that no one could possibly miss them

Hm, high profile accused criminal is friends with the Speaker of the House

Watch out! Watch out! Cernovich is starting to think!

Looks like Lisa Page testimony is that Loretta Lynch obstructed FBI investigation of Hillary and Comey rolled over for it

Comey should write a book about that.

Today's deep imponderable: Instead of a hamberders president we could have had a Twinkies president


Like Obama his supporters don't grasp the size of the world or its components, but since transwomen have become a thing "women" may be more than 50.5% of the population now

UK voters approved Brexit 3 years ago, Theresa May Not won't deliver it; US voters approved The Wall 3 years ago, Donald Judas Trump won't deliver it

From the point of view of total hours worked, this is the worst jobs recovery on record

ICE officers diverted from their jobs by DHS, assisting Border Patrol in catch-and-release of illegals, which is now in overdrive under Trump

ICE officers who endorsed President Trump in 2016 now say he has failed to follow through on his get-tough promises, saying catch-and-release of immigrants living illegally in the U.S. is not only still happening, but has gone into “overdrive.”

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for February 2019

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for February 2019

Max Temp 48, Mean Max Temp 50
Min Temp -2, Mean Min Temp -2
Av Temp 25.6, Mean Av Temp 24.5
Precip 3.43, Mean Precip 1.80
Snow 20.4, Mean Snow 13.2
Snow Season To Date 68.5, Snow Mean Season To Date 54.6
Heating Degree Days 1099, Mean Heating Degree Days 1136
HDD Season To Date 4904, Mean HDD Season To Date 4894

Using HDD we are now just 0.2% colder than the mean, season to date.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Trump's lizard brain telegraphed over and over and over again that he would betray his own followers

But instead of saying thanks, that snake gave her a vicious bite
“Take me in, oh tender woman 
Take me in, for heaven's sake
Take me in oh tender woman,” sighed the snake
“I saved you,” cried that woman
“And you've bit me even, why?
You know your bite is poisonous and now I'm going to die”
“Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin 
“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in"

Mad King Ludwig weighs in on a matter of great moment this Monday, proclaims preference for cuckoo time

LOL Larry Kudlow: 22,000 new payrolls in February 2019 "fluky", but 54,000 in May 2011 "meager", economy "sputtering", possibly a sign of recession

In recent weeks, a whole bunch of new economic stats have been pointing to a sputtering economy -- maybe even an inflation-prone, less-than-2-percent-growth recession. Stocks have dropped five straight weeks, as they look toward slower growth, jobs, and profits out to year end. And Friday's jobs report didn't buck these trends.

"Anemic" is the adjective being tossed around the media. According to the Labor Department, nonfarm payrolls increased a meager 54,000 in May, while private payrolls gained only 83,000. A week or two ago, Wall Street expected 200,000-plus new jobs. Didn't happen.

I remember when Trump promised a 10% spending cut in Jan 2017, now Kudlow announces a 5% cut after Republicans spend us blind: 100% politics, 0% serious

Trump to whack DC with 10% cut to discretionary spending, 20% cut to personnel

What a crock that turned out to be.

Federal employment is exactly in Feb 2019 where it was in Nov 2016: 2.799 million. 

And outlays? Look at the outlays!

Outlays in fiscal 2017 were up 3.3% from 2016, up another 4.8% in 2018, and up again in fiscal 2019 a whopping 5.6%.

Overall for fiscal 2019 spending is up 14.4% from 2016.

Just in time for the next election cycle, however, Larry Kudlow is out promising a spending cut of 5%.

Total BS.

Trump tires of attacking his real enemies in the courts, decides to attack Ann Coulter instead

Trump conned his base on immigration