Tuesday, January 15, 2019

In 1930 each Congressman decided the fates of 283,000 Americans . . .

. . . and now in 2019 754,000.

Don't talk to me about growing executive power, Justin Amash. If you really cared about the original constitution, you'd give the president more cats to herd.

Says Justin Amash, whose party stopped the growth of Congressional representation in the 1920s, consolidating legislative power in ever fewer hands (his)

The president is term-limited, you are not.

Nicholas Bakalar for The New York Times can't figure out that 69.4 inches is 5' 9.4"

 The Times is also absolutely certain that Steve King is a white supremacist.

You’re Not Getting Much Taller, America. But You Are Getting Bigger.:

Among all men, age-adjusted mean height increased to 69.4 inches (about 5 feet 8 inches) in 2005 from 69.2 inches in 1999, and then decreased to 69.1 inches by 2016.

Glenn Greenwald thinks the FBI is overreaching and abusing its power

If Trump’s foreign policy is misguided or “threatening,” that’s a matter for the Congress and/or the American public, not the FBI. However “threatening” one regards Trump’s foreign policy relating to Russia, the FBI’s abuse of its powers to investigate an elected official due to disagreement with his ideology or foreign policy views is at least as dangerous, it not more so, and the fact that those policy disagreements are characterized as “national security threats” does not make those actions any less threatening or abusive – whether for Trump, Henry Wallace or George McGovern.

It’s certainly possible, as the always-smart Harvard Law Professor and former Bush DOJ official Jack Goldsmith wrote at Lawfare, that the FBI had far more grounds that is currently known for opening this investigation. But based on what we do know, Goldsmith adeptly argues, there is a potentially disturbing incident of serious overreach of the FBI’s role and grave abuse of its vast investigative powers. While Goldsmith is clear that he is not yet adopting this view – in part because some facts are unknown and in part because the Constitutional issues are murky – he lays out what the potential dangers are . . ..

Teen use of marijuana just once or twice interferes with normal sculpting of the brain

But our foolish politics is making marijuana use more likely, not less.

“At the age at which we studied these kids (age 14), cortical regions are going through a process of thinning," he said, suggesting that this is a “sculpting” process that makes the brain and its connections more efficient. "So, one possibility is that the cannabis use has disrupted this pruning process, resulting in larger volumes (i.e., a disruption of typical maturation) in the cannabis users. Another possibility is that the cannabis use has led to a growth in neurons and in the connections between them."

It's not the first research to find that cannabis use may cause changes to the teen brain.

A recent study found that teen brains are more vulnerable to the effects of marijuana than alcohol. And in June, University of Pennsylvania scientists discovered that young people who used marijuana frequently were more likely than nonusers to have slightly lower scores on tests of memory, learning new information, and higher-level problem solving and information processing.

Monday, January 14, 2019

House Oversight Committee Chair Elijah Cummings Plans To Hit The Ground "Flying"

Much smaller than first thought to be, the gig economy lies prostrate before the great wall of state capitalism

Future ICE agent: 11-year old uses Full Metal Jackets on intruder, makes him cry like a little baby

Next time use hollow points, boy.

Flashback Helen Thomas: Jews should get the hell out of Palestine, go back to Poland, Germany, America

Here in 2010.

Helen Thomas lives: Democrat Rashida Tlaib (MI-13) brings the Intifada to the US House, welcomes Abbas Hamideh who wants Israeli Jews to go back to Poland

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Jim Acosta has gone to The Wall, now visits The Aquarium

While the government is shutdown Democrat Senator Bob Menendez is hard at work in Puerto Rico inspecting the local fauna

Walls don't work, except in Israel, the Vatican, at Pelosi's house, Obama's, Paul Ryan's, and . . . prisons

"Russian collusion" has always been about Democrats' attempts to criminalize Trump's politics

If you can't beat 'em at the ballot box, get judges to overturn the will of the voters (the default position of Democrats since FDR). When that's no longer enough to satisfy your lust for power, weaponize government and drum-up law enforcement to investigate your political enemies for "crimes". The better educated public of the past wouldn't have put up with this sorry spectacle.

Screw the shutdown, screw the emergency, just build the wall already

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Friday, January 11, 2019

FL Governor Ron DeSantis signs executive order removing Sheriff Scott Israel

To Donald Trump pussy is free, and so is liberal immigration policy

Trump's imbecilic shutdown over immigration ends paychecks for immigration enforcers

As we said would happen.



The art of the stupid.

Border security workers miss paychecks because of shutdown over border security

Tulsi Gabbard throws her hat in the ring

She would be a great future candidate, but needs to run for governor, win and serve before she runs for president. Not knowing this shows she's not such a great candidate.

Tulsi Gabbard to run for president